Table 2: Second Experiment. Statistics on the inaccuracy of
the motion fields estimated by PM and IM at index 0.
|θ − θ
| kw − w
Method mean st. dev. mean st. dev.
PM 24.16 30.34 0.32 0.44
IM 5.98 11.40 0.11 016
Figure 6: Third Experiment. Observations Images.
trieved by PM and IM are qualitatively similar to the
ground truth. Table 3 gives statistics on the difference
between the results and the ground truth. It shows
that both methods estimate correctly the velocity with
a slight advantage to IM.
Table 3: Third Experiment. Statistics on the inaccuracy of
the motion fields estimated by PM and IM at index 0.
|θ − θ
| kw − w
Method mean st. dev. mean st. dev.
PM 6.91 10.14 0.13 0.57
IM 5.34 8.09 0.10 0.48
This paper discusses a data assimilation method that
simultaneously estimates motion from image data
and the inaccuracy in the evolution equation used to
model the dynamics of that motion field. For that pur-
pose, an error term is added to the evolution equation,
which is part of the data assimilation system, and con-
trolled by the optimization method. As a result, the
method provides the motion field and the error value
on the dynamics at each time step of the assimilation
The method, named IM as Imperfect Model, has
been quantified on twin experiments and compared
with a Perfect Model, named PM, that does not in-
volve the error term. All experiments showed that IM
better estimates motion if the dynamics is not accu-
rately described by the evolution equation: an error
term has been added during the synthesis of image
observations. The improvement obtained with IM is
clearly visible in the second experiment that presents
a large deviation of the real dynamics to the evolution
equation. In that case, the perfect model PM com-
pletely fails to retrieve the motion field. This is clearly
visible when motion results are displayed. In all other
experiments, a quantitative improvement is obtained
with the Imperfect Model, if the simulation creating
the image observations included some error.
An important perspective of that research work
would be, for instance, the detection of changes of
dynamics over long temporal sequences.
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications