weighting scheme has been introduced to let the
curve stick better to the image data. Our framework
allows user driven designation of objects in videos.
Our contributions consist in the formulation of
scribbles propagation as an active curve model and
the definition of the different related energies
functional combined with dynamic weights
management in order to obtain a more accurate
video tracking. Our algorithm can be further
improved by adding features such as texture or by
using a more recent and accurate optical flow
estimator. We are currently focusing on this
improvement and studying the potential of our
approach in two fields: video matting and human
actions classification.
Table 1: The number of frames in which the initial
selected object is still designated.
(30 frames)
Adam Lib
(29 frames)
Walking man
(30 frames)
11 26 5
our method
without dynamic
24 29 14
our method
30 29 25
Figure 8: (a) The user adds a new scribble to point out a
new region which was not visible in the beginning of the
“Adam lib” sequence. (b) The propagation continue on
based these two scribbles as shown in frame 29 (b).
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