for density variation and nematic cohesive force is
responsible for complex pattern. However, yet, we
have not been able to include wave flow in flock of
birds. We are working on this.
Figure 6: A snapshot of flock of birds in our simulation.
Number of individuals is 4096. Initially we distributed the
individual randomly in a box of length 7 and initial
directions were randomly taken. Individuals were updated
according to equation (6) and equation (2). Time step was
1500. Other parameters are:
= 0.5, = 0.001, =
0.94 ,
= 0.05,∆ = 1.0 , and collision prevention
distance = 0.25.
Though interactions among birds in a flock depend
on topological range and birds interact only local
perception of the world, previous models for bird
flock lacks these properties of birds’ behaviour. We
presented a model of bird flocks from topological
perspective. We took two important behaviours of
self-propelled particles to model the bird flock:
alignment and cohesion with neighbours. The
simulation result presents two important properties
of bird flocks: complexity in shapes and density
variations through flocks. We were also able test the
density independence characteristics of flock of
birds and bird’s preferential behaviour that might be
true. Still we need to check flocks’ internal structure
of flocks to compare simulated flocks with real
flocks. Again, we are unable to create wave passing
through flock. We are working on this topic.
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