SEM’ (SBFSEM). Here the tissue is progressively
sliced into thin sections and the face of the remain-
ing block is imaged by means of a Scanning Elec-
tron Microscope (SEM). At the end of the process,
the images that were taken are stacked into a single
volume, hence the 3D reconstruction. The tissue that
was studied here contained different nerve cell lay-
ers. Figure 5 shows a gallery of representative areas
of the different layers, where the segmentation of the
planar structures performed by our algorithm is appar-
ent. For these cases, the scale used in the application
of the algorithm was 0.5.
We have presented a procedure to detect planar struc-
tures in volumes obtained by different bioimaging
techniques. It relies on a simple local model for a
plane and on the local differential structure to deter-
mine points whose neighbourhood resembles plane-
like features. Later stages of the algorithm then intend
to definitely determine which of those points do actu-
ally constitute the planar structures. The performance
of algorithm has been shown on a set of representative
volumes. In general, the algorithm has turned out to
be effective to detect planar structures, often found in
biological datasets. Therefore, it has potential to be a
useful tool for (semi-)automated interpretation of 3D
volumes obtained by different bioimaging technolo-
Work supported by grants MCI-TIN2008-01117 and
JA-P10-TIC6002. A.M.S. is a fellow of the Spanish
FPI programme.
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