reference system are computed by simply multiplying
by clockwise pan rotation matrix.
Lens distortion can be compensated by removing
its effect by means of specific functions provided by
the OpenCV library. It is then enough to remove dis-
tortion before projecting an image point to the world
ground plane to get an accurate result. On the way
back, the mapping from world to image coordinates
is followed by a transformation that actually distorts
points: this function, however, is unfortunately not
available in the OpenCV library and it has been im-
plemented from scratch.
3.3 Calibration Data Interpolation
The complete pinhole camera model includes the fo-
cal lengths f
and f
, and therefore depends on the
zoom level; the same dependency involves also dis-
tortion coefficients, since distortion is strongly influ-
enced by the focal length and by the lens used. This
means that in theory a calibration process should be
carried out at each zoom level at which the camera
will acquire images. This is very difficult to achieve
in practice, unless the system is restricted to operate at
very few zoom levels, which would represent a very
strong limitation.
To overcome these issues, a set of calibration
points, at several zoom levels, is collected. An in-
terpolation method is then employed to recover the
parameter values at any desired focal length. Such
method is a linear interpolation: given an arbitrary
focal length, parameters are evaluated with a linear
combination of the nearest upper and lower values.
While this can be reasonable for some parameters,
like f
and f
, a linearization represents a strong as-
sumption for distortion parameters, that can hardly
adhere to the actual variation laws. On the other
hand, more realistic models would require a very deep
knowledge of the lens, that is difficult to obtain from
the manufacturer.
In order to make the linear model precise, an ad-
equate sampling rate of zoom levels at which calibra-
tion is performed off-line has been chosen. In par-
ticular, distortion coefficients are highly non-linear at
wide angles, but become much easier to predict at
higher zoom levels.
System performance has been verified by measuring
reprojection errors for a set of points taken as ground
truth. Errors are measured with and without the ef-
fects of distortion removal and rectangular pixel as-
pect ratio, and at several zoom levels. This way it
is possible to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed
model, and to understand which is the distortion level
of the system.
To assess the calibration parameters interpolation
accuracy, the test described above has been performed
at several zoom levels, going from 1x to 2x, that is the
range in which distortion effects are higher. However,
calibration parameters has not been evaluated for all
zoom levels, but only at 1x, 1.5x and 2x: the case of
1.25x and 1.75x rely on interpolated data. Results are
summarized in table 1.
Regarding calibration parameter interpolation, it
has been observed that by sampling data every 0.5x,
reprojection errors for interpolated zoom levels are
similar to those obtained at zoom level for which the
calibration procedure had been performed. This holds
in the range between 1x and 2x, that is, the region
where lens distortion is stronger. For higher zoom
levels experiments have not been performed, but it is
possible to argue that less sampling points will be re-
quired, thanks to the reduced distortion at such zoom
Table 1: Mean reprojection errors at several zoom levels,
with and without distortion removal. Calibration data be-
tween 1x and 2x (excluded) are interpolated. Values are in
Zoom level Distorted Undistorted
1x 6.65573 3.67862
1.25x 6.13914 3.49851
1.5x 5.08299 4.48573
1.75x 4.20172 3.57173
2x 3.38452 2
In figure 1 an example of point reprojection is
shown: when lens distortion is not compensated and
square pixel aspect ratio assumption holds, the pa-
trolling path moves on the world reference when the
camera is moved, as it can be seen comparing (a)
and (c). The problem is solved by our model: com-
paring (b) and (d), the red line is at the bottom of the
wardrobe in both images, even if it appears close to
the image border (b) and towards the image center (d).
The same precision is obtained also when changing
the camera pan angle, because the model takes into
account the non-square pixel aspect ratio.
In this paper, an accurate model for active cameras
has been described, taking into account the complex