Johannes Pfeffer, Markus Graube and Leon Urbas
Institute of Automation, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany
Semantic Web, Linked Data, Mobile Interaction, Mobile Computing, Human-computer Interaction, Human-
computer Interfaces.
Within the manufacturing and process industries pervasive computing is still less prominent than in other areas.
This is mainly due to the lack of mobile solutions that are adapted to the special requirements for industrial
tasks. This paper presents a novel mobile application for navigation in Linked Data. It follows the principle of
limited purpose applications: support a single task and be good at it. First, we introduce a data model for rep-
resenting reversible neighborhood relations in Linked Data. Second, we provide a human computer-interface
for mobile devices that hides the complexity of the Linked Data Cloud. It allows browsing of reversible neigh-
borhood relations such as industrial Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams and can be generalized to support
arbitrary predecessor-successor networks. Third, we discuss our concept in respect to a real life example of a
maintenance task in a large industrial plant.
In recent years, the boundaries between office and
field work have been dissolving and fewer people
spend their whole workday at a single desk. Con-
sequently, mobile devices are becoming increasingly
important and increasingly pervasive (Pousttchi and
Thurnher, 2007). At the same time, another develop-
ment takes place: Innovation cycles are rapidly short-
ening while the pressure to create new products con-
tinues to increase. Enterprises try to face these chal-
lenges by concentrating on their core competencies
and entering short-term cooperations with comple-
menting companies (Schenker, 2010; AT&T Knowl-
edge Ventures, 2008). Through their agility, these vir-
tual companies have substantial competitive advan-
tages over monolithic enterprises (Heck and Vervest,
Within these new organizational entities arises the
need to share business and engineering information.
One solution to this problem of data interoperability
is Linked Data (Graube et al., 2011). Information to
be shared is exported to the Linked Data Cloud and
supplemented by unifying ontologies. In our paper
we focus on mobile interfaces to this new information
space in industrial working environments.
To fully exploit the potential of mobile devices in
business and industrial applications, custom solutions
with a high degree of usability are needed. When
good mobile tools are available, e.g. on-site work-
ing can lead to higher precision and quality of manu-
facturing (Viehland and Yang, 2007). However, engi-
neering processes, shop floor maintenance and other
industrial core tasks have rarely been integrated into
previously suggested approaches to the aforemen-
tioned challenges (Urbas, 2010).
The goal of this paper is to present a mobile ap-
plication that is suitable for engineering & mainte-
nance tasks based on integrating technologies such as
Linked Data, OWL & SPARQL. The Semantic Neigh-
borhood Browser is meant to be part of a larger set
of limited purpose applications supporting engineers
and maintenance personnel (Urbas et al., 2011). It
is optimized for usage in industrial environments that
require adapted input patterns (Krausman and Nuss-
baum, 2007) and can be adapted to make arbitrary re-
versible Linked Data relations accessible to the user.
All used data is available from planning and control
systems and does not need additional manual cura-
The rest of the paper is structured as follows.
First we provide a brief overview of the related work
followed by an example scenario for the Semantic
Neighborhood Browser. Then we describe our tech-
nical and theoretical approach. In the next section we
describe the implementation and elaborate on possi-
Pfeffer J., Graube M. and Urbas L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003823901500155
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2012), pages 150-155
ISBN: 978-989-8565-00-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ble use cases. The paper is completed by a discussion
of features and open issues. Eventually, we give some
concluding remarks and an outlook.
There are several established Linked Data browsers
such as RelFinder (Heim et al., 2010), Disco (Bizer
and Gauß, 2007) or Tabulator (Berners-Lee et al.,
2008), among others (W3C, 2011). They mainly ad-
dress end users who know how to interpret Linked
Data and/or RDF. This knowledge is necessary be-
cause the browsers act directly on the RDF represen-
tation of the data.
Recognizing the general need for presenting RDF
content to non-technical users and wanting to pro-
mote the exchange of presentation knowledge Pietriga
et al., 2006 have designed Fresnel as a browser-
independent vocabulary of core RDF display con-
cepts. Fresnel is the basis for server-side applications
such as Marbles (Bizer, 2009) or browsers such as
LENA (Franz et al., 2010). Fresnel is not yet used in
the proposed application but is a promising technol-
ogy that may be incorporated in a later version.
The mentioned approaches call for large desktop
displays and are designed with the WIMP-Pattern
mind. Thus, these concepts may not be transferred
directly to mobile devices.
DBpedia Mobile (Becker and Bizer, 2008), is a
location-centric DBpedia client application for mo-
bile devices consisting of a map view, the Marbles
Linked Data Browser and a GPS-enabled launcher ap-
plication. Sonntag and Heim, 2007, try to map RDF
graphs directly towards appropriate multimedia visu-
alizations to allow for semantic navigation within the
football domain. An optimal graph layout is com-
puted on the server-side, the mobile device works on
an XML representation. While the implementation is
a promising approach, the authors concentrate on nat-
ural language processing and consumer needs, rather
than on industrial requirements. Further, Ontowiki
Mobile (Ermilov et al., 2011) is a general browser for
hierarchical and faceted browsing with conflict reso-
lution for RDF content. On Android, Sparql Droid
(Read, 2011) can be used for exploring RDF data.
We argue that not another general purpose
browser for semantic data is needed. Instead, we fol-
low the paradigm of single purpose applications and
apply it to Linked Data. By limiting the scope to a sin-
gle purpose, we enable users to leverage the power of
semantic data sources by hiding their complexity. An
Window, Icon, Menu, Pointer.
implementation like ours which is is based on a real
scenario that illustrates the potential of Linked Data in
industrial environments has not been available before.
To illustrate a typical application for the solution pre-
sented in this paper we provide a short scenario in this
section. We introduce a persona called Wolfgang and
follow him throughout an exemplary workday:
Wolfgang is 30 years old and works as a shift su-
pervisor in a chemical plant. He has wide experience
in his field because he has worked at this plant for
more than five years. The plant consists of a multi-
tude of basins, reactors, valves, pipes, etc. Protective
garment such has heavy gloves, helmet and boots are
obligatory in such a hazardous working environment.
Just as every other morning, Wolfgang heads out to
carry out his daily maintenance course through the
facility. He will have to verify the operational reli-
ability of various devices, calibrate equipment, take
samples and complete similar tasks. He leaves the
heavy briefcase containing the P&IDs
in his office.
His maintenance routine is prescribed by the corpo-
rate regulations and helps to prevent failures or devi-
ation of quality, as well as to conform with accepted
When Wolfgang reaches a reactor in which sev-
eral liquids are mixed by a stirrer, he realizes that it
does not have the required fill level. Before filing a re-
port, he decides to check the connected valves which
control the inflow. He takes out his ruggedized An-
droid tablet and scans the RFID tag embedded in the
reactor basin. On the screen he now sees the Seman-
tic Neighborhood Browser centered on the equipment
under observation. In a large plant, devices can be
far away from each other and hard to locate. Without
ever taking off his gloves, Wolfgang navigates to the
connected valves, displays their ID-number, verifies
their location and reviews their specification. Having
this information at hand, it is no problem for him to
locate and check all connected valves for failure.
In our approach, we abstract from the real life chal-
lenge of navigation in a neighborhood environment to
a graph-theoretical problem. The information flow for
our approach can be seen in Figure 1.
The Linked Data principles (Berners-Lee, 2006)
Piping & Instrumentation Diagram.
allow an easy adaption and extension of the data as
well as connections to other Linked Data informa-
tion clouds without much effort. By following these
principles the infrastructure of the Semantic Neigh-
borhood Browser has been kept as generic as possi-
ble: All required data was aggregated as Linked Data
in an external information cloud. There, the informa-
tion was modeled with the help of RDF
as a semantic
network consisting of triples. Each triple connects a
subject node via a predicate arc to an object node.
Most of the data in industrial companies is stored
as structured information in form of SQL databases,
spreadsheets, XML files or proprietary databases.
This data was automatically transformed to RDF us-
ing a converter with domain specific knowledge ex-
pressed by an ontology. The RDF model is stored
in a triple store, an optimized database for seman-
tic triples. The server hosting the data provides a
endpoint. This allows powerful queries on
graph patterns as well as inserting new triples in the
triple store.
Figure 1: Flow of information.
5.1 Hardware Platform
A 7
HTC Flyer tablet with Android 2.3.4 was used
to evaluate our application. The Semantic Neighbor-
hood Browser is adaptive to screen size and is also
well usable on 5.3
or 10
Resource Description Framework:
SPARQL Query Language for RDF: http://www.w3.
5.2 Development Framework
The Semantic Neighborhood Browser was imple-
mented using a combination of the cross-platform de-
velopment framework Qt
and Semantic Web tech-
The mobile application itself was developed using
Qt Quick
, a declarative language for rapid UI devel-
opment. To query the SPARQL endpoint we made
use of QSparql
, a SPARQL library for Qt, that is
currently in development. Since Android is not an
officially supported platform for Qt, we took advan-
tage of the Necessitas project
, which is a community
supported effort to port the Qt framework to Android
and is based on Qt Lighthouse
On the server side, we use an instance of the Vir-
tuoso Linked Data Server
to hold the RDF data, to
provide the SPARQL endpoint and to allow automatic
creation of reverse links.
5.3 Use Case Example: Flow of Matter
5.3.1 Data Model
To illustrate the way the Semantic Neighborhood
Browser works, we will give a short example showing
how to navigate along a product stream in a chemical
plant. In the example given in this paper, the data
comes from a small batch plant used for educational
purposes. The plant consists of some tanks, reactors,
pipes, pumps and valves. These equipments allow to
mix, heat and stir liquids from three reactant tanks in
two reactors. The products can then be used for an-
other reaction in the other tanks or filled into product
The whole plant was engineered in Comos
, a
Computer-Aided-Engineering (CAE) system. It pro-
vides a model of the plant equipment with all at-
tributes and connections. Ab excerpt of the P&ID can
be seen in figure 2. The relevant parts for the given
scenario have been printed in bold. The reactor R001
is located in the center of the figure, it can be filled
Nokia Qt:
Qt UI Creation Kit:
QSparql project:
Necessitas: http://
Qt Lighthouse:
OpenLink Software Virtuoso: http://virtuoso.openlinks
Comos is a plant engineering software by SIEMENS:
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Figure 2: Detail of the piping & instrumentation diagram
used in the example.
from three reactant tanks via the valves V001, V002
and V003. The output of the reactor is connected to
pump P001 which delivers the product to the valves
V006, V007, from where it flows to the product tanks
and to valve V008. Reactor R001 can also be filled
from a purging tank (V005) or another source (V004).
The engineering data is exported from Comos to
an XML format. This data is transformed to RDF us-
ing a Maintenance Structure Ontology (labeled mso)
which describes the structure of the plant regard-
ing the product flow. The namespace sce is used
to describe the instances of the actual devices in
the plant. The concepts for the different types of
equipments are expressed as mso:Valve, mso:Reactor
and mso:Pump which hold common attributes like
mso:rfid and mso:plantID as well as type specific at-
tributes (such as mso:capacity for tanks). The pred-
icate for a directed flow connection from one equip-
ment to another is mso:connectedTo.
The predicate mso:connectedTo is the one that de-
fines neighborhood in our case.
The parts of the RDF model which belong to the
described excerpt of the plant are shown in figure 3
in a serialized Turtle
format. This serialization is
already human-readable, however, a graph visualiza-
tion is provided in figure 4. It allows a better overview
and a direct comparison to the P&ID in figure 2.
5.3.2 Example Navigation
After scanning the RFID tag attached to the device of
interest, the Semantic Neighborhood Browser starts at
Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language:
sce:V001 rdf:type mso:Valve .
sce:V002 rdf:type mso:Valve .
sce:V008 rdf:type mso:Valve .
sce:R001 rdf:type mso:Reactor .
sce:P001 rdf:type mso:Pump .
sce:V001 mso:connectedTo sce:R001 .
sce:V002 mso:connectedTo sce:R001 .
sce:V003 mso:connectedTo sce:R001 .
sce:V004 mso:connectedTo sce:R001 .
sce:V005 mso:connectedTo sce:R001 .
sce:R001 mso:connectedTo sce:P001 .
sce:P001 mso:connectedTo sce:V006 .
sce:P001 mso:connectedTo sce:V007 .
sce:P001 mso:connectedTo sce:V008 .
Figure 3: Excerpt from the RDF representation of the plant
Figure 4: Graph visualization of the RDF model.
the pump R001 in the plant structure. All its relevant
attributes are shown in the center of the UI, as can
be seen in figure 5. They comprise the equipment’s
Name, plant ID, description, RFID tag and others. On
the left side of the screen the list of equipments that
can deliver liquids into the reactor, the valves V001
to V005, can be seen. The right side contains the el-
ements that are located downstream from the reactor.
In this case, it is only the pump P001. Each element
upstream and downstream from the current “center of
the universe” has its title and its description shown to
give the user a brief overview of the connected equip-
Pressing the Make Center button of the pump
P001 brings P001 to the middle of the UI and re-
trieves all of its attributes. There now is only one in-
put item, namely R001. The new output equipments
Figure 5: Screenshot of the Semantic Neighborhood
Browser accessing the flow of matter.
V006, V007 and V008 are listed on the right side.
5.4 Further Applications
The Semantic Neighborhood Browser was primarily
developed to support device diagnosis tasks. How-
ever, it can be easily adapted to other navigation and
information processing tasks with similar informa-
tional needs. It allows browsing of any reversible
Linked Data relation and has therefore a broad range
of possible applications. As a simple example one
could follow physical or logical inputs and outputs
of devices. This tracking covers different types of
flows, for example matter flow, energy flow or in-
formation flow. However, because of its generic ap-
proach, it is suitable for all meshed networks. Also
for non meshed connections the Semantic Neighbor-
hood Browser can help to get a better overview of the
connection structure. It is a good solution for nav-
igating in predecessor and successor connections, in
cause and effects connections or series of implica-
tions. Even the navigation through tree structures can
be achieved.
6.1 Features
The developed Semantic Neighborhood Browser pro-
totype provides the following features:
Generalization. The coupling of the UI to the data
is very loose. The example data set can be eas-
ily replaced by other data accessible through a
SPARQL endpoint.
Displayed Attributes. The item in the middle (“cen-
ter of the universe”) displays the attributes of an
entity depending on the ontology of the displayed
Ontology-based Neighborhood. The predicates us-
ed for the predecessor- and successor-relation are
chosen at runtime depending on the ontology
which is used for modeling the desired data. Thus,
it is possible to switch to other predicates on the
Back/Forward Navigation. Users can navigate by
following the desired path through the reversible
predicates and by using the forward/backward
Filtering. The items in the neighborhood can be fil-
tered according to the displayed attributes with the
power of regular expressions.
Sorting. By default, the predecessors and successors
are sorted by title. But there is also the possibility
to sort by other existing predicates in the ontology
at runtime.
6.2 Challenges
When implementing the Semantic Neighborhood
Browser we faced several issues concerning data in-
tegration, data availability and usability.
One bottleneck for integration of Linked Data is
the transformation from other legacy systems to RDF.
It requires additional effort, but since most data can
be extracted in structured formats such as XML this
conversion is not too difficult.
At the moment, our application needs a permanent
connection to the remote SPARQL endpoint. This
connectivity cannot always be ensured in industrial
environments. A caching mechanism could resolve
this problem in most cases. However, the evolving
expansion of wireless technology (Industrial WLAN,
UMTS) is probably going to mitigate this limitation
in the future.
In this paper we presented a simple app that may be
considered a first building block for an app orchestra-
tion approach on top of Linked Data. This app which
is called Semantic Neighborhood Browser is good at
presenting neighboring abstract or physical things in
a Linked Data Cloud. The only precondition for its
usage is that the objects in the cloud are reliably con-
nected by a predicate that carries the semantics of be-
ing close.
A first expert evaluation of the demonstrator has
revealed that the current implementation still needs
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
some fine tuning to be candidate for a fair usability
study. First the app is missing graphical features like
valve symbols which are essential in the domain of
application, second the filter and sort functions which
are essential in more complex settings have to be re-
fined. These features are currently under develop-
ment. For the next iteration a formal evaluation of
usability and effectiveness is planned and will be con-
ducted with engineering students on the one hand and
engineers from partner companies on the other.
The research leading to these results was par-
tially funded by the European Community’s Seventh
Framework Programme under grant agreement no.
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