tion, innovation, comfort and social interaction. The
overall score is shown in figure 6. Users found the
overall concept apart from the knowledge transfer
good (average: 1.99, sd: 0.088). The knowledge
transfer was rated average (average: 2.68, sd: 0.82).
The innovation of telARscope was considered good
too (average: 1.63, sd: 0.21). The overall concept
of telARscope worked. The system was fun, interest-
ing and innovative. If such a system should provide
knowledge transfer, there should be an explicit con-
cept for it.
Figure 6: The overall score of the evaluation with standard
Most people didn’t understand the interaction con-
cept in every detail (average: 3.11, sd: 0.52). Due to
the heterogeneous user groups, the standard deviation
is high. The average time of use (33.8 seconds) is too
short to explore the interaction concept completely. If
users don’t explore the interaction concept in every
detail, telARscope still works as if there was static
augmented reality content. The interaction concept
works with every type of usage, it allows tourists to
explore everything interactively in detail or merely to
explore the stations in a short time.
The comfort of telARscope was rated good (aver-
age: 2.38, sd: 0.91). There is no optimal height for
a telescope. A block of wood has been installed in
front of telARscope so that children could step on it.
Because of this, children moved telARscope even less
because they had to move the wooden block too. It is
very hard to use telARscope’s lense because one has
to look straight through it to see the installed monitor.
The social aspects of telARscope have been rated
good (average: 2.29, sd of 0.64). People interacted
socially by speaking about it with their companions
and discussed about it. This adds value to the touris-
tical experience too.
The idea and concept were very much appreciated by
the users. We are going to advance our gamebased
interaction and exploration system by tuning our pa-
rameters and by designing, implementing and reeval-
uating new interaction concepts. In the develeopment
process, we developed an SDK. We are going to ad-
vance it with authoring opportunities. New concepts
could be implemented more easily and less time con-
suming. We are going to be able to test more interac-
tion and exploration concepts to find out which game-
based concepts work best. We are going to design and
implement approaches to enable gamebased knowl-
edge transfer on telARscope.
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GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications