complies with the constraints of a rotation matrix by
definition. Thus, there is no need for additional en-
tries in the residual vector to be minimized during op-
timization and no singular value decomposition has to
be run afterwards to correct the result.
We also tested the influence of combining both
feature types under our proposed parameters. We
combined a minimal number of six correspondences
of one feature type with several numbers of the other
one and added several levels of noise. A pose esti-
mated by points is improved in rotation and transla-
tion by adding line correspondences independently of
the displacement error in the given point correspon-
dences. The improvement of the estimate converges
when at least six line correspondences are added to
the point correspondences. In the opposing case ad-
ditional point correspondences show a positive im-
pact on the exactness of a pose estimated with lines
only when the underlying line correspondences are
very noisy. This is due to a generally higher stability
of line features concerning displacement error. Point
features will be affected more strongly by growing
correspondence errors than lines. We can state that
a combination of point and line features is useful in
practical application to stabilize the estimated pose,
especially when there is only a minimal set of corre-
spondences available.
The resulting optimal estimator was successfully
run on a real test scene for verification of real-time
capabilities. The estimator pass for combined input
with point and line correspondences took about 1 ms
CPU time. The combination of both feature types did
not reduce computational speed, thus real time appli-
cation is ensured. Further, it could be seen that the
required number of iterations depends to a large de-
gree on the error level of the correspondences, while
it is hardly influenced by the total number of corre-
We analyzed the best parameter choice for a non-
linear pose estimator when using a combined input
of point and line correspondences. Test results show
that the error measurement in pixel coordinates is su-
perior to the error in object space for points as well
as for lines. Further, it is proved that a parametriza-
tion may be chosen which fulfills the constraints of a
rotation matrix without requiring additional computa-
tional load. For points and lines this is the case with
Rodrigues parametrization. An optimal non-linear
estimator can be constructed by these propositions
working on an arbitrary number and choice of feature
type with a minimal set of three correspondences. The
estimator will improve the pose by considering the
configuration of the combined input data and select-
ing those point and line correspondences only, which
are proved to deliver unambiguous results.
This work was supported by grant no. MU 2783/3-1
of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications