Alberto Peinado and Jorge Munilla
ETSI Telecomunicación, University of Málaga, Málaga, Spain
Keywords: Lightweight Authentication, Cryptanalysis, RFID Authentication, LPN, Rotations.
Abstract: Many lightweight authentication protocols based on the LPN (Learning Parity with Noise) problem have
been proposed, the first of which is the HB protocol. In 2007, the HB-MP protocol was presented to
overcome the vulnerabilities by means of internal rotations. Since then, new protocols have been presented
to improve the HB-MP. In this paper, we present a general analysis of the HB-MP related protocols,
including the cryptanalysis of HB-MP++, define design guidelines and propose a new protocol following
the model.
Learning Parity in the presence of Noise (LPN)
problem (Fossorier, 2006) constitutes one of the
foundations for the development of many
lightweight authentication protocols specially
designed to be implemented in devices with
computational constraints, such as RFID systems.
In 2001, Hopper and Blum (Hopper, 2001)
propose the first RFID authentication protocol based
on the LPN problem, known as HB protocol. Later,
Juels and Weis (Juels, 2005) modify the HB protocol
to be secure against active attacks. This
modification, known as HB+ protocol, introduces an
additional k-bit secret key shared by the tag and the
reader, and establishes that the protocol is initiated
by the tag instead of by the reader.
Gilbert, Robshaw and Seurin show in 2005
(Gilbert, 2005) that HB+ protocol is vulnerable to
active attacks where the adversary, apart from
eavesdropping on the communication between the
parties, is able to modify the challenges going from
the reader to the tag, and check whether this
manipulation results (or not) in a successful
authentication. In the HB framework, this kind of
Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) adversary is accounted
by the GRS security model.
Bringer, Chabanne and Dottax propose the
HB++ protocol (Bringer, 2006), defined to be secure
against the GRS attack at the price of making rather
more computations. The main idea behind HB++
protocol is to generate a second noisy parity bit, by
running the protocol twice under independent secrets
but with correlated challenges. However, Gilbert et
al. describe an attack in (Gilbert, 2008).
Later, many others protocols were proposed with
different objectives such as to improve the
efficiency; reduce the operation complexity; reduce
the number of messages, but all of them trying to
overcome known attacks.
HB++ is the first protocol, belonging to the HB
family that uses rotations to improve the security.
The next proposal including rotations is the HB-MP
protocol (Munilla, 2007) that tries to improve the
security maintaining the simplicity of the original
HB protocol. A flaw, reported in (Gilbert, 2008),
was detected in its design. As a consequence several
improvements has been presented, such as HB-MP+
(Leng, 2008), HB-MP++ (Yoon, 2009) and CL-HB
(Ya-Fen, 2009). However, all of them make use of
others operations decreasing the level of simplicity
stated in the original HB protocol, and allowing to
break the system, as it is the case of HB-MP++.
The objective of this paper is to complete the
analysis of the authentication protocols based on
LPN problem and rotations, presenting the
cryptanalysis of the HB-MP++, and to provide a
general model to design this kind of protocols,
giving an example, named as HB-ROT1.
Next section describes the LPN problem and the
original HB protocol. Section III describes in detail
the HB-MP related protocols. Section IV deals with
the cryptanalysis of HB-MP++. In Section V,
several design guidelines are stated to develop
Peinado A. and Munilla J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003827901270134
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS-2012), pages 127-134
ISBN: 978-989-8565-01-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
authentication protocols using rotations in the
context of HB protocols.
LPN problem can be defined as follows. Let k be a
security parameter, let x and a
, ..., a
be binary
vectors of length k, and let z
= a
·x denote the dot
product of a
and x (modulo 2). If the values a
, z
, z
;...; a
, z
are given for randomly-chosen {a
}, it
is possible to find x efficiently by using standard
linear-algebraic techniques. Note that it can be
expressed in matrix notation as Z = A·x, where Z is a
column vector containing the dot products z
, and A
is a matrix whose rows correspond to vectors a
However, solving for x in the presence of noise
where each z
is flipped randomly (and
independently) with probability η, becomes much
more difficult; i.e. z
= a
·x v
, where v
follows a
Bernoulli distribution of parameter η, with η
1/2). So, let |H| denote the Hamming weight of the
binary string H, the LPN problem involves finding a
k-bit vector x' that is functionally close to x such that
|(A·x') Z| rη. Formally, it is as follows:
Definition 1 (LPN problem) The LPN problem
with security parameters r, k
and η, with η (0,
1/2), is defined as follows: let A be a random r×k
binary matrix, let x be a random k-bit vector, and let
V be a random r-bit vector with noise parameter η
such that |V | ηr. Given A, η, and the product
Z = A·x V , find a k-bit vector x' such that
|A·x' Z| ηr
We introduce the notation which will be used
throughout the rest of the paper –which is directly
connected with the notation previously used to
describe the LPN problem:
x, y random secret keys shared by the parties.
k length of the secret key x.
t number of wrong responses tolerated.
a, b random k-bit vectors.
A,B n×k binary matrices (of the vectors
a, b).
L|w| length of the binary vector w.
w[i] denote the ith bit of the binary vector w.
η noise parameter with η (0, 1/2).
v noise bit; v = 1 with probability η.
denotes XOR operation.
w p denotes the scalar/dot product of the
vectors w and p.
rot(w, p) the bitwise left rotate operator. The
operand w is rotated p positions.
the p less significant bits of the vector w.
trun(w, p) truncate operator. The operand w is
truncated p-LSB.
Pr[W] denotes the probability of an event W.
2.1 HB Protocol
Hoper and Blum’s LPN-based authentication
protocol (Hopper, 2001) consists of r rounds, where
r is a security parameter, which can be described as
follows in the RFID setting (see Fig.1):
Step 1. The reader generates a bitstring a
(challenge), and sends it to the tag.
Step 2. The tag generates a noise bit v, and
computes z = a·x v, by computing the parity bit
and adding the bit noise v to the result. The tag sends
z (response) to the reader.
Step 3. The reader checks the parity bit z = a·x
When the r rounds finish, the reader will accept
the tag as valid if less than (a threshold) t = rη
rounds are incorrect. Otherwise, the tag is rejected.
Only AND and XOR operations have to be
implemented to perform the protocol, and the inner
product a·x can be computed on the fly as each bit of
a is received; i.e. there is no need for the tag to store
the entire vector a. Besides the number of rounds r
and the length of the keys k, which can be easily
observed, the noise parameter η is also assumed to
be public.
Figure 1: A single round of the HB protocol.
In this section, the most relevant protocols belonging
to the HB-MP family are described, in order to
design the cryptanalysis of the HB-MP++ and
establish the guidance to overcome the
vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
3.1 HB-MP Protocol
In order to overcome the active attacks reported on
the HB protocol, but maintaining the original
SENSORNETS 2012 - International Conference on Sensor Networks
simplicity, the HB-MP protocol (Munilla, 2007)
incorporates and additional secret key y, as others
HB related protocols.
The secret key x will change each round by
rotating it one bit (y
= 1), or not (y
= 0), according
to the value of the ith bit of the secret key y. The
initial value of x will be restored at the beginning of
each authentication session since it is stored in non-
volatile memory. The answer z is computed by using
only the first m bits (x
) of the rotated x. The
protocol consists of r rounds, which can be
described as follows (see Fig. 2).
Figure 2: A single round of the HB-MP protocol.
Step 1. The reader chooses at random an m-bit
vector a, and sends it to the tag.
Step 2. Reader and tag compute x = rot(x, y
) .
Step 3. The tag generates a noise bit v, computes
z = a· x
v, and chooses an m-bit vector b such
that b · x
= z. The tag sends the response b to the
Step 4. If a = b, the answer is considered wrong.
Else, the reader checks if a · x
= b · x
When the r rounds finish, the reader will accept
the tag as valid if the number of failures is lower
than t. Otherwise, the tag is rejected.
To pick the vector b, the authors suggest an easy
algorithm for η = 1/4, which does not resort to any
noise generator –in contrast to ordinary based-HB
The initial values of x and y are always the same
at the beginning of every authentication. This avoids
synchronization problems, which are difficult to deal
with when complexity of the tags is very low, but
represents, as pointed out in (Leng, 2008), the main
weakness of HB-MP. This weakness stems from the
fact that the rotations of x are identical for all the
authentication sessions.
3.2 HB-MP+ Protocol
Leng, Mayes and Markantonakis (Leng, 2008) state
that the “weak” rotations of HB-MP also may
compromise the security of the protocol against
Man-In-The-Middle attacks (GRS), and propose an
improved HM-MP protocol: HB-MP+.
This improved version incorporates a one-way
function f(˙), and an intermediate value u = f(a, y), so
that the bits of x used in each round are
unpredictable (see Fig. 3):
Figure 3: A single round of the HB-MP+ protocol.
Step 1. The reader picks at random an m-bit
vector a, and sends it to the tag.
Step 2. Reader and tag compute u = f(a, y) and x
= rot(x, u).
Step 3. The tag generates a noise bit v, computes
z = a · x
v, and chooses an m-bit vector b such
that b · x
= z. The tag sends b to the reader.
Step 4. The reader checks if a · x
= b · x
When the r rounds finish, the reader will accept
the tag as valid if the number of failures is lower
than t. Otherwise, the tag is rejected.
This protocol thwarts the passive attack of
Gilbert (Gilbert, 2008) because x
used in the
authentication 1 change for the authentication 2.
The authors extend the idea of using a different
random key in each round (round key), and so, they
describe an abstract form of the HB-MP+ protocol
where the rotation operator is substituted for a one-
way function, so that the round key xr
is computed
as follows: xr
= f(a, x). As x is not changed, there
are not synchronization problems between the reader
and the tag, and the shared secret y is not required
Unfortunately, these one-way functions are not
concreted by the authors, and no information about
the cost of implementation is provided.
3.3 HB-MP++ Protocol
HB-MP++ (Yoon, 2009) goes further than HB+, and
proposes the use of a k-stage Linear Feedback
Shifter Register (LFSR). This LFSR is used to
generate pseudo-random noise sequences
PNsequence, and the randomness is extracted by
counting “runs” of these sequences.
A “run” is defined as a sequence of a single type
of binary digits; e.g. for the 16-bit PNsequence =
0001001101011110, the following “run lengths” are
= 3, run
= 1, run
= 2, run
= 2, run
= 1,
= 1, run
= 1, run
= 4, run
= 1, corresponding
000 1 00 11 0 1 0 1111 0.
This protocol consists of r rounds and the parties
only need to share one k-bit secret key x. The round
ith of the protocol is illustrated in Fig. 4, and
described as follows:
Figure 4: A single round of the HB-MP++ protocol.
Step 1. The reader chooses a random k-bit vector
a, and sends it to the tag.
Step 2. The parties compute a' = a x, and
generate a pseudo-random sequence from the LFSR
by using a' as the initial value; i.e. PNsequence =
Then, the parties calculate the lengths of the
“runs” of the PNsequence, and use run
to compute
the round key: x
= trun(x', run
) where x' = rot(x,
). The length of the round key is krun
therefore the run
LSB of the challenge must also be
truncated a
= trun(a', run
Step 3. The tag computes z = a
· x
v, and
picks a random (k run
)-bit vector b such that
z = b·x
(the original paper says that “the tag looks
for a random-bit (< k) binary vector”, but the dot
product requires that the two operators have the
same length, and thus L|b| = L|x
| = krun
). The tag
sends z to the reader.
Step 4. The reader checks if as · x
= b · x
When the r rounds finish, the reader will accept
the tag as valid if the number of failures is lower
than t. Otherwise, the tag is rejected.
The length (krun
) of the response vector b
changes in each round s, which –according to the
authors– increases the resistance against traceability.
However, this could represent a weakness and
questions the utility of the PNsequence, since the
adversary can know how many positions the key x
(always the same) was rotated.
The utilisation of a LFSR, and more precisely,
the way in which the PNsequence is generated and
applied to the HB-MP++ protocol allows an attacker
to recover easily the secret key x of the tag, thus
breaking completely the security of the system.
The recovery process is described in section IV.
3.4 CL-HB Protocol
The essential idea of CL-HB (Ya-Fen, 2009) is to
provide mutual authentication by repeating the HB-
MP protocol in both ways. Thus, this protocol is
subject to the same passive attack as the original
The original description of the protocol HB-MP++
presented in (Yoon, 2009) does not provide enough
details on the operations, data formats and functions.
This facts makes the cryptanalysis more complex
because some assumptions must be made. However,
we have considered all possibilities when
incomplete description affects to the analysis. In this
way, we consider the following cases classified
following two main criteria: the way in which the
runs are applied, and the convention employed to
represent data (keys, challenges and responses).
C1: We consider that run
at i-th round always
corresponds to n-th run of the PN sequence
generated from the seed a', where n is a security
parameter of the protocol. Note that run
different values at each round because the PN
sequence depends on the challenge a', which is
different at each round.
C2: We consider that run
at i-th round
corresponds to i-th run of the PN sequence generated
from the seed a'. In this way, the first round employs
the value run
(length of fisrt run in the PN
sequence); the second round employs run
(length of
second run in the PN sequence); and so on.
C3. We consider that the least significant bit
(LSB) corresponds to the rightmost bit of every data
(keys, challenges, responses...). Since rot() operation
is defined as "left rotation" in (Yoon, 2009), the bits
will be shifted to the most significant locations.
Although this is not the usual meaning of "left
rotation", the description in (Yoon, 2009) points out
to this possibility.
C4. We consider that the least significant bit
(LSB) corresponds to the leftmost bit of every data
(keys, challenges, responses,...). In this case, the
rot() operation works in the usual way shifting the
bits to the least significant locations (left rotations).
SENSORNETS 2012 - International Conference on Sensor Networks
4.1 Cryptanalysis of case C1-C3
We consider simultaneously the assumptions C1 and
C3. As one can observe in Fig. 5, the round key x
depends only on the value of run
(named u for
simplicity), in such a way that x
= trun(x,u), where
corresponds to the u least significant bits of x.
This fact implies that x
= x
[0]; x
= x
[1],...; that
is, the bits location of the secret key x is known.
Since the challenge a determines the PN
sequence, and hence the runs, it is not convenient to
applied the GRS attack on a. Instead, we apply a
man in the middle attack, based on the GRS model
(Gilbert, 2005), to the response b. It is as follows
(see Fig. 6).
Figure 5: Round key x
generation when LSB corresponds
to the rightmost bit of every data in the HB-MP++
Figure 6: Man in the middle attack applied to the case
C1-C3 of the HB-MP++ protocol.
Step 1. The attacker retransmits the challenge a
without modification.
Step 2. The attacker receives the response b and
sends to the reader the modified response b' = b δ,
where δ takes the constant value δ = 000···01.
When all rounds finish, if the tag has been
successfully authenticated, the attacker concludes
that δ·x
= 0, and thus x
= 0. If the tag is rejected,
the attacker concludes δ·x
= 1, determining that
= 1.
If the attacker repeats the scheme using different
values for δ (000···010, 00··0100, ...) he can recover
other bits of the secret key x.
The attack is possible because the bits of secret
key x appear always in the same location.
4.2 Cryptanalysis of case C1-C4
We consider simultaneously the assumptions C1 and
C4. As one can observe in Fig. 7, the round key x
depends only on the value of run
(named u for
simplicity), in such a way that the bits of secret key
x always appears in x
following a known pattern.
More precisely, x
(the LSB of x) corresponds to
(k-u) location in round key x
; x
corresponds to (k-
u-1) location in x
; etc. Since the value u can be
obtained from the difference between challenge and
response lengths, all locations are known.
Figure 7: Round key x
generation when LSB corresponds
to the rightmost bit of every data in the HB-MP++
In this case, the attack follows the same model as
previous case, with the difference that the attacker
needs to compute the value u for each response in
order to generate the parameter δ in such a way that
the "1" is in the location that corresponds to the
secret key bit to be recovered. Hence, δ will take
different values at each round. The attack is as
Step 1. The attacker retransmits the challenge a
without modification.
Step 2. When the attacker receives the response
b, he computes u = L|a| - L|b| = k - run
Step 3. The attacker generates the vector δ with a
"1" in (k-u) location (the rest components are all
zeros) if the bit to be discovered is x
. Then, the
attacker sends b' = b δ to the reader.
When all rounds finish, if the tag has been
successfully authenticated, the attacker concludes
that δ·x
= 0, and thus x
= 0. If the tag is rejected,
the attacker concludes δ·x
= 1, determining that
= 1.
The attacker can repeat the scheme to discover
other bits of the key using different values of δ.
4.3 Cryptanalysis of case C2
We consider the assumption C2. In this case, the
previous attacks can also be applied when C3 and
C4 are considered. However, a different attack is
now possible, independently of C3/C4 assumption,
if we focus on the information leaked by the length
of the responses.
The attacker impersonates the server sending
always the same challenge to the tag. In this way,
the tag generates always the same PN sequences and
will employ the run
of the same PN sequence at the
round i of the protocol.
Hence, if the attacker obtains the successive runs
of a sequence, he can reconstruct the sequence itself.
The process is as follows.
Step 1. The forge server sends the challenge a
(always the same challenge at each round) to the tag.
Step 2. The tag computes run
and sends the
response b of length (k-run
Step 3. The forge server compute run
= L|a| -
When all rounds finish, the attacker reconstructs
the PN sequence as follows. Since the attacker only
knows the run lengths, he has to consider two
possibilities on the first run: it is composed by zeros
or by ones.
An example: Suppose that the successive run
lengths are run
= 3, run
= 1, run
= 2, run
= 2, ...
Hence, the PN sequence is one of these two
000-1-00-11-... or 111-0-11-00-...
Once the sequence is reconstructed, it is possible
to recover the initial state because the PN sequence
is generated by a LFSR (in the original paper (Yoon,
2009) the authors does not provide much
information about this step).
The initial state is a' = a x. Hence, if the
attacker reconstructs a', the secret key x can be
obtained because a is known.
Some consideration must be taken into account.
If we consider that the LFSR feedback
polynomial is not known, the attacker needs to
reconstruct at least 2k bits of the sequence to obtain
the polynomial (k being the bit length of a and x). To
do this are not necessary 2k rounds. Instead, k
rounds may be sufficient because each round
produce more than one bit on average.
If the LFSR feedback polynomial is known, as it
occurs in most LFSR applications, then only k bits
must be reconstructed.
As one can observe in the previous sections, the
main idea behind the HB-MP protocol resides on the
increasing of robustness by means of rotations, but
maintaining the advantages and simplicity of the
original HB protocol. Despite of the flaw in its
design, the simplicity of HB-MP has originated
several improvements which include others
operations that move away from the initial target. As
a consequence, the global complexity increases.
The analysis of the HB-MP protocol and its
derivatives (HB-MP+, HB-MP++ and CL-HB)
allows to establish clear design objectives to assure a
reasonable level of security and simplicity.
The identifying features of the HB-MP protocol
a) Utilization of rotations to derive round keys
from a master secret key x.
b) Utilization of the LPN problem as the main
foundation to assure a good security level,
as the rest of HB-familiy members.
c) Utilization of only two messages between the
The improvements of HB protocol do not overcome
the limitations and weaknesses. The limitation of the
HB-MP+ protocol resides on the hash function. In
(Munilla and Peinado, 2007), the authors do not
provide enough details to analyze a real
implementation. The HB-MP++ has been designed
to avoid traceability, as it is claimed by the authors
in (Yoon, 2009). However, the modifications applied
allows an attacker to recover the key x.
As a consequence, we establish the following
guidelines to design new lightweight authentication
protocols combining rotations and LPN problem.
a) The number of messages interchanged
between the parties must be minimum. It is
recommended not greater than two,
following the model of HB and HB-MP
b) Rotations must be the main operation to
derive all round keys from a master secret
key x.
c) The keys (the round keys) must be different
at each authentication session.
d) The round keys must be different. Each round
will use a different round key.
e) The round key generation algorithm must
allow the synchronization between reader
SENSORNETS 2012 - International Conference on Sensor Networks
and tag.
f) The key generation algorithm will depend on
the challenge sent by the reader, but not in a
direct nor exclusive way.
g) No fixed pattern must exist between round
and master key bits location.
h) The challenge must not be directly used in
the scalar product; that is, z must not
depend directly on challenge.
i) Checking equation at reader must avoid
passive attacks.
5.1 HB-ROT1: A Proposal
As an example, we present in this subsection a
protocol that follows the design guidelines of
previous section. We call it HB-Rot1.
In this protocol, reader and tag share two secret
keys, x with length k and y with length m < k. This
protocol consists of r rounds. The round i-th of the
protocol is illustrated in Fig. 8, and described as
Step 1. The reader chooses a random m-bit
vector a, and sends it to the tag.
Step 2. The parties compute the key x
using x
and y as follows:
= rot(x
, y[i]+1) where x
= x (2)
This algorithm produces the key for round i, by
rotation of the key employed in previous round i-1.
The rotation is controlled by the i-th bit of the secret
key y, in such a way that if y[i] = 0 the key is rotated
one position, and if y[i] = 1 the key is rotated two
positions. This algorithm warrants that the keys are
different at each round.
Step 3. The parties compute a modified
challenge as follows
a' = rot(a y, trun(x
, p))
where p is a system parameter. This value will be a
small integer in order to bound the number of
rotations to be applied.
Step 4. The parties compute the key x'
= rot(x
, a'
Step 5. The parties compute the round key x
= x'
Step 6. The tag computes z = a'·x
v, and picks
a random m-bit vector b such that z = b· x
Step 7. The reader checks if a'· x
= b· x
When the r rounds finish, the reader will accept
the tag as valid if the number of failures is lower
than t. Otherwise, the tag is rejected.
This protocol avoids the GRS attack applied to
HB-MP++, because there is no fixed pattern
between the master key and the round key bits
locations. Furthermore, these locations are
determined by the challenge a', and hence they
cannot be computed previously.
The key generation algorithm allows the
synchronization between the parties. This fact,
however, does not imply the re-utilization of keys at
each authentication session, because the rounds keys
also depend on the challenge and the secondary
master key y.
Figure 8: A single round of the HB-Rot1 protocol.
In this paper we have revised the security
weaknesses of the HB-MP related protocols, that is,
the HB-MP itself, the HB-MP+, the HB-MP++ and
the CL-HB, providing a complete cryptanalysis of
the HB-MP++, proving that it is not secure.
This cryptanalysis, although no much
information is provided in the original proposal of
HB-MP++, shows different ways to recover the
master secret key x of the tag.
Furthermore, the results of this work allow the
establishment of a set of design guidelines oriented
to the generation of new authentication protocols
based on rotations and the LPN problem that
overcome the limitations and weaknesses reported.
We also propose the protocol HB-Rot1, as a sample
of lightweight authentication protocol based on
rotations and LPN problem.
This work has been partly supported by the Spanish
Ministry of Science and Innovation and the
European FEDER funds under project TIN 2008-
02236/TSI and TIN2011-25452.
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SENSORNETS 2012 - International Conference on Sensor Networks