game first. In this case, the global score for the game
depended on the experienced fun and if participants
liked to see the virtual object on the marker.
During the test, we found some curious behavior
of the participants when playing with the 3D
version. Some of them tried to touch the 3D object
extending their hand or moving it over the marker,
others walked around trying to watch the scene from
different perspectives.
We have combined AR and autostereoscopic
visualization, with the integration of osgART with
the Mirage SDK. We have also presented a study for
comparing different aspects using an
autostereoscopic display and a common display.
Forty-four children participated in this study. Our
initial goal was to develop the software for
developing an AR application with an
autostereoscopic display and to test it to evaluate if
this technology improved the AR experience. From
the results, we concluded that the participants
preferred the autostereoscopic view to a typical 2D
display view. The objective of our AR application
was to get a good integration between the real world
and the virtual objects. The autostereoscopic display
contributed to this integration. The user manipulated
the real objects touching them, and, although she
could not touch the virtual object, the 3D view
increased the realism and gave the user a perception
of being able to touch it. Several correlations were
found when children used the autostereoscopic
display. For the autostereoscopic visualization, the
sense of presence was closely related with the depth
perception. The overall score was also closely
related with the depth perception and the sense of
However, future studies should test if with
another type of AR applications the use of AR with
autostereoscopic displays still improves the AR
experience. A possible improvement could be to
display also the video in 3D using several cameras.
Some of the problems found by the participants
on the study were about the quality of the image on
the autostereoscopic display. Improvements on the
quality of autostereoscopic displays would
contribute to improve the AR experience.
Considering the good acceptance of the system
and all the possibilities, we believe that it could be a
good tool for different fields.
This work was funded by the Spanish APRENDRA
project (TIN2009-14319-C02).
For their contributions, we would like to thank
the following:
• The ALF3D project (TIN2009-14103-03) for
the autostereoscopic display.
• Rafa Gaitán, Severino González, M. José
Vicent, Juan Cano, Javier Irimia, Tamara
Aguilar, Noemí Rando, Juan Fernando Martín
for their help.
• The Summer School of the UPV.
• The children who participated in this study.
• The ETSInf for letting us use its facilities during
the testing phase.
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GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications