and transposed versions, but could also be rotated. An
advantage of the radial version, however, could be that
the direction of the edges is better expressed through
the growing size of the annuli—incoming edges can
only hardly be mistaken for outgoing edges.
Reordering the vertices may change the look of
the visual patterns significantly, both in the radial as
well as in the Cartesian visualization. When, how-
ever, only shifting a set of vertices, the radial visual-
ization guarantees stable patterns among the shifted
vertices. In contrast, those patterns are obscured in
the Cartesian visualization when moving the set of
vertices across the upper or lower border of the di-
agram. The advantage of the radial diagram is that
those borders do not exist as each strip forms a ring
(Section 3.5).
We have introduced and discussed a novel radial vi-
sualization technique for displaying dynamic directed
and weighted graphs in a static diagram. The visual-
ization is a radial version of the parallel edge splatting
approach (Burch et al., 2011b). It employs a 1D map-
ping of the graph vertices to circle circumferences.
The resulting annuli are used to draw the graph edges
from the inside to the outside in a curved style. To
support a viewer with the difficult task of tracing links
in large and dense graph structures, the visualization
is based on the concept of edge splatting, which color
codes the edge density. We illustrate the usefulness of
the technique by applying it to a dataset of evolving
call graphs extracted from an open source software
By using a radial representation, we achieve
shorter links than in the Cartesian counterpart; in ad-
dition, the visualization is invariant under shifting the
positions of all vertices, which is not the case in the
Cartesian counterpart. Furthermore, we put emphasis
on newer graphs in the evolution that are mapped to
the outer annuli covering more screen space. A major
drawback of the radial technique could be the curved
links that seem to be harder to follow.
Whether the advantages outweigh the drawbacks
of choosing a radial layout is not clear, but it proba-
bly depends on the particular application. Perform-
ing a thorough empirical study with different tasks
and datasets to evaluate this is part of possible fu-
ture work. Another unanswered question and a quite
challenging task is to generate an optimal vertex or-
dering with the goal to further reduce link crossings.
Since this belongs to the class of NP-hard problems
and is related to the optimal linear arrangement prob-
lem (Garey and Johnson, 1979), we would have to ap-
ply some heuristic approach to find a good solution.
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