This result shows the degree in which the sparse LRR
method has a better performance than the full LRR
Two main lines of future work can be directly in-
ferred from this paper: to further improve the effi-
ciency of the proposed method, and to develop new
ways to build U
factorizations. Regarding the
first line of work, the speed of the radiosity calcula-
tion shall be reduced when using a hybrid strategy of
simultaneous computation in CPU and GPU, taking
advantage of the fast computation of the product V
in CPU. Respecting the second line of work, further
research must be performed to know the relation be-
tween low-rank approximations of (RF) and the rel-
ative error of
B. Preliminary results have shown that
in many situations, SVD it is not the optimal factori-
zation for the radiosity problem, because other factor-
izations (such as those presented in this paper) gene-
rate radiosity results with lower relative error.
Finally, another area of future work consists into
face the problem of processing scenes with dynamic
geometry in order to extend the applicability of this
new technique.
This work was partially funded by Programa de De-
sarrollo de las Ciencias B´asicas, Uruguay, and by the
TIN2010-20590-C02-02 project from Ministerio de
Educaci´on y Ciencia, Spain.
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