The simulation and rendering procedure was
implemented using C++ and DirectX API. The
application delivers full structure in real-time. The
overall performance is very fast and some of the
operations may be performed at the GPU. The scene
was composed of 256 geometric objects, which
contained 10,752 vertices and 20,480 faces all
together. Average efficiency was about 165 FPS.
Without rendering it was about 780 FPS. The
prototype application was running on AMD Athlon
64 3000+ (1.8GHz) with ATI Radeon X700Pro
graphics card. Fig. 2. presents sample screens from
the simulation.
The developments described in the paper broaden
the application area of fractal modeling in three
dimensional vector graphics with the idea of
physical behavior of fractals. It opens up even more
possibilities to create artificial objects. When
simulated or interactively manipulated, physics-
based IFS attractors acts ‘naturally’ showing their
mass (inertia) or elasticity (they behave like jelly,
strings, plants or fur). The model presented in the
paper is relatively simple and provides real-time
interaction. It changes appearance of fractals from
complex static images to dynamically changing
structures. It is possible to describe IFS physics in
more advanced way, including collision detection.
Transformations might influence each other with
gravity or electromagnetic field instead of springs.
That would simulate objects like galaxies or atoms.
Considering plants, the hierarchical structure might
be used.
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GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications