Tae- Su Jnag
, Kwan-Woong Kim
and Yong K. Kim
School of Electrical Information Communication Engineering, WonKwang University, 570-749, Iksan, Korea
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, 305-353, Deajeon, Korea
Keywords: Optical Fibre Sensor, Neural Network, Controlling Chaos, Instability, Optical Processing.
Abstract: In this paper the neuron operation based on neural network in optical fibre system has described. The
inherent feedback wave in optical fibre leads to instabilities in the form of optical chaos. Below threshold
value temporal evolution has periodic and can become chaotic condition. Controlling of chaotic induced
transient instability in Brillouin fibre sensor has been implemented with Kerr nonlinearity with 13GHz
backward shift, IR detector with 20ps impulse response, and ~10ns round trip time in optical network. The
detected sensor has up-shifted in frequency by about ~20MHz from sensing target. The Controlling chaotic
instabilities can lead to stable and periodical states; create optical logic data streams. It can lead to large
optical memory capacity in neural networks.
It is well known that optical fibers have potential
usage in applied engineering technology other than
optical communications, such as expanding research
in versatile fiber optic sensors and networks (Cotter,
1983). Our research has also focused on integrating
fiber optic sensors with neural networks to create a
system that is capable of sensing, and controlling
shape or orientation of the medium with respect to
its environment, as a first step in creating a smart
sensor structure (Yong, 2003). Specifically, we have
focused on configuring and developing a fiber
sensing system that behaves as a neural network,
capable of learning by network experience,
predicting future reactions to environmental
changes, and executions as prescribed.
Such a smart sensor system based neural
networks can potentially implement a massively
parallel computational architecture with its attendant
reduction in processing time while managing the
complexity of the system, i.e. the sensing grid
(Lyons and Lewis, 2000). Our fiber sensor network
would learn the correct algorithms by example
during training and have the ability to generalize to
untrained inputs after training is completed under
sensor networks (King and Lyons, 2003).
In general, an artificial neuron in neural networks
can be thought of as a device with multiple inputs
and a single or multiple outputs (Tariq, 1998).
Actually, in equivalent networks, the inputs to a
neuron are weighted signals in neural systems. The
neuron adds the weighted signals, compares the
result with a preset value, and activates if the sum
exceeds threshold. The networks can be explained as
a sensor inputs weighted signals. In the nonlinear
optical phenomenon of stokes wave the system
combined weighted signals produces an output if the
weighted sum is greater than the threshold (Kovalev
and Harrison, 2006).
Optical turbulence in the system and instability
and periodic oscillation are easily seen with hybrid
optically bistable device, which indicated fiber
network configuration, with a delay in the feedback
(Wang et al., 2008). The stability analysis of steady
states is different from the usual criteria applied to
differential equations (Agrawal, 2001). The
instabilities to arise in steady state has implemented
with time dynamics as chaotic (Kuo et al., 2010). A
practical implementation for theoretical scheme has
discussed for neural networks.
In this paper, the implementation for controlling
Chaotic Instabilities in optical fiber has been studied
with neuron operation based on neural network.
Jnag T., Kim K. and K. Kim Y..
DOI: 10.5220/0003833001770180
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS-2012), pages 177-180
ISBN: 978-989-8565-01-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Nonlinear effects in optical fiber has emerged as a
versatile tool for the design of active optical devices
for all-optic in-line switching, channel selection,
amplification and oscillation, as well as in optical
sensing, optical communications, optical logic
elements in optical computation and sensing, and a
host of other applications (Lyons and Lewis, 2000).
The paper attempts to present a survey and some of
our own research findings on the nature of optical
fiber scattering in single mode optical fibres and its
device applications (Kuo and More, 2010). In
theory, the backscattering nature of the phenomenon
enables its application as channel selectors and
switches and filters in optical transmission and
communications (Agrawal, 2001). We have been
engaged in the design and implementation of fiber
configurations, such as rings and loop mirrors, with
the purpose of lowering the threshold. We report on
experimental schemes involving fiber ring with
amplifier. These successful devices are being studied
for application as optical logic and neuron elements
for optical switching, and highly versatile sensors
(King and Lyons, 2003).
The backscattering nature of nonlinear process in
optical fiber sensor network and the existence of a
threshold provide potential optical device functions,
such as optical switching, arithmetic, and neural net
functions in neural networks (Traq and Habib, 1998).
The inputs to the network are the fibre optic sensor
signal outputs, and the network outputs are the
control signals for actuation controls. The true
advantage of this system for application to sensor
structures lays both in its capability to analyze
complex sensor signal patterns. The experimental
feature based on neural networks in hardware
implementation is shown in real time in Figure1.
Figure 1: Optical fibre generates multiple Stokes waves
for optical logic networks.
An artificial neuron can be thought of as a device
with multiple inputs and single or multiple outputs.
The neuron adds the weighted signals, compares the
result with a preset value, and activates if the sum
exceeds threshold values (W.B. Lyons and Lewis,
2000). In the nonlinear optical phenomenon, the
combined weighted signals also produce an output if
the weighted sum is greater than the threshold. Our
research has also focused on a simplified multi-
layered ward neural network; the processing node
between interconnects in sensor networks, where
weighted sums are fed to a threshold decision
processing elements. The implemented frequencies
scale have v
> v
> v
Conversion of optical fibre chaos induced instability
to periodic effect is inspired by theory in nonlinear
dynamics. The basic idea lies in the stabilization of
unstable periodic orbits embedded within an
optically chaotic attractor (Kovalev and Harrison,
The bit stream orbits are very dense; a successful
control may therefore serve as a generator of rich
forms of periodic waves, thus turning the presence
of chaos to advantage (Wang et al., 2008). The
experimental setup for controlling chaotic instability
based on optical fibre network has shown in Figure
Figure 2: Schematic diagram for controlling chaos induced
There are two fiber ring operations, one passive
and one backwards active. In the passive ring, the
laser beam circulates the ring, with the output
characteristics governed by the finesse of the ring.
The neuron active ring is governed by the finesse
and the nonlinear scattering phenomenon in the
fiber. Through acousto-optic coupling, a laser pump
induces an acoustic wave in the fiber, which scatters
part of the laser beam backwards as a Stokes wave.
As configured, this Stokes wave is circulated in the
ring, and continues to be amplified by the laser
SENSORNETS 2012 - International Conference on Sensor Networks
(pump). The ring is a network resonator or oscillator
and amplifier. The enhanced sensor has clearly
demonstrated in Fig.1 in the form of line narrowing.
The sensor signal will act as a stokes wave for the v
and as a pump wave for the v
when v
- v
and v
- v
. It is to be noted, since neuron is a
backscattering process, threshold g = g
L/A = 21
for a straight fiber, has lowered in a fiber ring to
approximately 0.1. On increasing the pump strength
in the vicinity of the threshold g 4, a stoke signal
emerges from stochastic high-frequency noise to
exhibit randomly amplitude-modulated periodic
oscillations at the fundamental periods 2T
Figure 3: Optical pulse induced instabilities in function of
time (μsec/div) at threshold (a), high above threshold (b).
A stabilized proves laser has yielding ~12.1GHz
backward scattering shift, 25GHz IR Photo-detector
(20ps impulse response) connected to a optical
analyzer. The temporal repetition rate of which
corresponds to a pulse round-trip time in the fibre-
ring taken to be less than ~10nsec. The R is the
mirror reflectivity and B is beam splitter. The narrow
gain spectrum and relatively small frequency shift of
the sensor process will allow the use of the same
oscillator format for signals under identical fibres.
The sensor signal is up-shifted in frequency by about
10MHz from the sensing signal in an amplifier
format. It’s has been implemented based on neural
network to sensed it. The optical sensor pulse train
amplitudes remain unstable, particularly just below
pump threshold. When the observation is made
using a long time scale (~100usec/div), the target
pulse output exhibits randomly distributed trains of
periodic pulses. Partial stabilization of amplitude
fluctuations has achieved as laser pump power
approaches maximum value with ~nm source pump.
These experimental features are shown in real time
in Figure 3 (a) and (b). It’s shown that the optical
pulse induced on instabilities as function of time. In
the immediately above threshold, chaotic
instabilities have occurred towards turbulence. In
high above threshold, chaotic instability has
periodically turbulence. The discrete lines have
widths of less than 1MHz, with a resolution of 90/58
= 1.55MHz. We propose to employ continuous
optical feedback for control in which coherent
interference of the chaotic optical signal itself in
achieve signal differences.
Figure 4: Transiently controlled instabilities at threshold
(a) and high above threshold (b). The examples of
sequence of suppression are assigned by ‘1’.
If suppressing by attractor proves to control
chaos then, suppressing under natural chaos can be
exploited as a means of sensing structural chaos in
systems. The examples of sequence of suppression
are assigned by ‘low level’ and ‘high level’ states
since previous results. These states has implemented
with TDM phase analysis and modulation. multi-
stable periodic states, as shown in Figure 4 (a) and
(b), can lead to logic ‘low level’ or ‘high level’ and
can in principle create large memory capacity as
input data bit streams in digital network systems. Its
implementation also still requires much engineering
improvements, such as arriving target at a spatial
resolution speckle, and suppression of its tendency
to chaos. We will focus on a more realistic case of N
weighted pumps, i.e., one v
, one v
and v
, v
. The optical sensor based neural networks is
typically configured into an array for the sensor
networks in optical fiber. This sensor concept can be
used to form either adaptive sensor arrays which are
similar to our researched neural network system, or
used simply as an embedded sensor inside structures
or materials.
Controlling of chaotic instabilities in optical fiber
sensor networks has been implemented under chaos-
induced transient instability in optical systems.
Controlling also leads to the possible logic theory
with ‘low level’ or ‘high level’, as logic ‘0’ and ‘1’
with stable and periodic states. It’s used for neural
networks as a neural net. It is theoretically possible
to apply the multi-stability data regimes as an optical
large memory device for multi encoding-decoding
messages. It can be also applied for complex data
transmission in TDM networks and other optical
communications. It can be possible to create large
optical memory capacity.
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SENSORNETS 2012 - International Conference on Sensor Networks