stable periodic states, as shown in Figure 4 (a) and
(b), can lead to logic ‘low level’ or ‘high level’ and
can in principle create large memory capacity as
input data bit streams in digital network systems. Its
implementation also still requires much engineering
improvements, such as arriving target at a spatial
resolution speckle, and suppression of its tendency
to chaos. We will focus on a more realistic case of N
weighted pumps, i.e., one v
, one v
and v
, v
. The optical sensor based neural networks is
typically configured into an array for the sensor
networks in optical fiber. This sensor concept can be
used to form either adaptive sensor arrays which are
similar to our researched neural network system, or
used simply as an embedded sensor inside structures
or materials.
Controlling of chaotic instabilities in optical fiber
sensor networks has been implemented under chaos-
induced transient instability in optical systems.
Controlling also leads to the possible logic theory
with ‘low level’ or ‘high level’, as logic ‘0’ and ‘1’
with stable and periodic states. It’s used for neural
networks as a neural net. It is theoretically possible
to apply the multi-stability data regimes as an optical
large memory device for multi encoding-decoding
messages. It can be also applied for complex data
transmission in TDM networks and other optical
communications. It can be possible to create large
optical memory capacity.
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SENSORNETS 2012 - International Conference on Sensor Networks