A Requirements Analysis
Sviatlana Danilava
, Stephan Busemann
and Christoph Schommer
Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication, University of Luxembourg
6 Rue Coudenhove-Kalergi, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Deutsches Forschungszentrum f¨ur K¨unstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, Saarbr¨ucken, Germany
Artificial companions, Conversational agents, Human-machine relationship, Long-term interaction.
This work is based on several attempts to provide a definition and a design approach of Artificial Companions
that can be found in the referenced literature. We focus on computer agents that simulate human language
behaviour and are aimed to serve, to assist and to accompany their owner over a long period of time, that
we call Artificial Conversational Companions. Although accepted by the research community, the visions
set very high expectations of such agents, but they do not address the technical feasibility and the system
limitations. This is the rst approach to define a set of features that allow an artificial agent to be regarded
as an Artificial Conversational Companion. We describe relationships between the components and identify
systematic shortcomings of the current systems. We propose a scalable method for implementing the desired
capabilities of an Artificial Conversational Companion in a generic framework with reusable, customizable
and interdependent components.
The term Artificial Companion (AC) has been intro-
duced in (Wilks, 2006) as “... an intelligent and help-
ful cognitive agent which appears to know its owner
and their habits, chats to them and diverts them, as-
sists them with simple tasks... . The most important
characteristics of an AC are the absence of a central
task, a sustained discourse over a long time period,
a capability to serve interests of the user, and a lot
of personal knowledge about the main user (Wilks,
(Adam et al., 2010) define companions as “...
agents that are intelligent, and built to interact nat-
urally [...] with their user over a prolonged period
of time, personalising the interaction to them and de-
veloping a relationship with them. In (St˚ahl et al.,
2009) an AC is “a computational agent that acts as a
conversational partner to its user, builds a long-term
relationship to the user, and learns about the user’s
needs and preferences. (Webb et al., 2010) empha-
sise that “Companions are targeted as persistent, col-
laborative, conversational partners [which] can have
a range of tasks.. (Pulman et al., 2010) see a con-
versation with an AC as not necessarily connected
to any immediate task. (Benyon and Mival, 2008)
describe an AC as a “... personalised conversational,
multimodal interface, one that knows its owner.They
see a companionship as “ accessible, pleasing re-
lationship with an interactive source in which there
has been placed a social and emotional investment
(Benyon and Mival, 2010).
Summarised, an AC is a personalised, multi-
modal, helpful, collaborative, conversational, lear-
ning, social, emotional, cognitive and persistent com-
puter agent that knows its owner, interacts with the
user over a long period of time and builds a relation-
ship to the user.
These visions of an AC raise the level of expec-
tations of such an agent quite high, but they do not
address the technical feasibility and the system limi-
tations. Requirements like “to know its owner”, be
helpful” or “long-term relationship” are vague. These
requirements and their impacts must be clearly de-
fined in order to implement an AC.
1.1 Previous Work on Companions
(Benyon and Mival, 2010) give an overview on pet
and anthropomorphic computer agents. All of them,
from Tamagochi to artificial woman, are referred to
as “companions”. The form of an AC influences all
the issues of interaction and possibilities for compan-
ionship (a cat needs only to be a cat, see also (Benyon
Danilava S., Busemann S. and Schommer C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003834702820289
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 282-289
ISBN: 978-989-8425-96-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and Mival, 2010)). In this paper, we use the term Arti-
ficial Conversational Companion (ACC) for compan-
ions that are aimed to simulate human language be-
haviour, in order to distinguish them from those, that
are not (e.g. artificial pet companions).
Recent contributionsin the domain of ACC are the
EU-funded Companions project
with the “How Was
Your Day Companion (HWYD-Companion) (Pul-
man et al., 2010) talking about job-related topics,
the Senior Companion (SC) reminiscing about im-
ages (Wilks et al., 2011), and the Health and Fitness
Companion (HFC) planning daily exercises and di-
ets (Turunen et al., 2011). A pre-companion work
on Relational Agents (Bickmore, 2003) focuses on
social-emotional relationships between humans and
computer agents. The ALIZ-E project
on robot companions for children in a hospital envi-
ronment (Baxter et al., 2011), and the Child Compan-
ion (Adam et al., 2010) is designed to engage a child
user with games and stories.
A large amount of research has been done up to
now on various questions related to ACCs. However,
the implementation of the distinguishing features that
are part of the above descriptions of an ACC (per-
sonalisation, sustained discourse, required knowledge
about the user and the learning mechanism), have not
been deeply analysed.
The research results available from the different
areas do not yet suffice to fully support an ACC. We
will argue that not only domain-specificity but also
limited cognitive, social, and emotional competencies
will, in spite of the visions put forward, be a factor to
be dealt with in the foreseeable future.
1.2 Research Questions
(Benyon and Mival, 2008) introduce a general model
for designing technologies for relationships. The
model is based on five concepts: utility, form, emo-
tions, companion’s personality and trust as well as its
social attitudes. According to this model, long-term,
persistent interactions are part of the companion’s
personality and trust axis. However, modelling of
what the authors call “companion’s personality” can-
not be done independently from modelling its social
or emotional attitudes. The sets of the companion’s
capabilities shaped alongside these axes will overlap.
It will make the model more complex and lead to re-
Moreover, the model does not clearly define what
is meant by a “companion’s personality” and how it
should be modelled. The authors mention assertive-
ness and submissiveness as properties of a person-
ality. However, we cannot observe the properties
attributed to a person, but only how the person or
agent interacts with another person or agent. This,
in turn, depends on how all the participants influence
the interaction. As will be discussed below, a per-
son interacts differently with different partners – even
within the same role distribution like, for instance, in
a teacher-student interaction. During long-term inter-
action, participants tend to adapt their behaviour to
the situation and the relationship expectations as well
as to the behaviour of the other participants. The use-
fulness of a notion of an ACC’s personality seems, in
our view, dubious.
This paper is the first attempt to define a set of re-
quirements for an ACC that supports the practical im-
plementation. In this paper, we address the following
1. What is the set of mandatory requirements that
a computer agent must satisfy in order to be re-
garded as an ACC?
2. What is, in addition, required for a long-term
human-companion interaction?
3. Where are important technical limitations?
We take the view that
mutual dependencies among the components
rather than a system of independent modules will
provide the desired functionality;
the utility and the adaptivity of the system build a
basis for a long-term interaction;
the design of an ACC should accommodate cer-
tain future research progress and support different
application cases.
We see a possibility to implement such an ACC in
a generic system of interdependent components that
can be accustomed.
The remainder of this paper is organised as fol-
lows: in Section 2 we analyse the requirements and
their implementation in the current companion pro-
totypes. We also point out shortcomings and re-
search gaps that may currently make the requirements
unattainable. In Section 3 we propose design princi-
ples for an ACC framework that takes research gaps
and technical limitations into consideration. This is
followed by conclusions in Section 4.
Which interactional resources are involvedin the con-
versation depends on the modalities involved. For an
ACC interacting via instant messages, it will be only
text, possibly extended by emoticons etc. For a talk-
ing head avatar it will be speech, prosody, eye gaze,
facial expressions and head movements. For an em-
bodied agent, the body languageand body movements
must be added.
The entire interactional phenomena of a talk and
the connections among them related to each single
participant of an interaction are referred to as interac-
tional profile (Spranz-Fogasy, 2002). The content, the
actions, the flow of emotions and the relationships are
determined and co-constructed by all the participants
in each interaction and especially in each conversa-
tion. We discuss these aspects of the implementation
of a companion’s interactional profiles below.
2.1 Conversational abilities
Conversation is interactive, spontaneous, exchange of
ideas between two or more agents that follow rules
of etiquette and politeness, according to social dis-
tance and cultural norms. Thus, the conversational
part of an ACC is responsible for the understanding
and production of spontaneous utterances during the
interaction with the user and following rules of social
interaction using the available modalities.
Companions are also aimed at maintaining a sus-
tained discourse over a long period of time. This re-
quires an analysis of the conversational history and
different cognitive functions to work on it (e.g., asso-
ciative memory, learning or reasoning). The interac-
tion with an ACC cannot be modelled as just a simple
stimulus-response based exchange of utterances.
2.1.1 Language Understanding and Generation
In Natural Language Understanding (NLU), we have
the tradeoff between deep language understanding
reaching at very elaborate interpretations of utter-
ances at the cost of covering only a restricted do-
main and shallow language understanding that is un-
restricted with respect to the domain but inherently
limited in its understanding capabilities – very simple
techniques as keyword spotting or pattern matching
systematically ignores information available in the
text. Work on combining both has been carried out:
deep linguistic analysis can be enriched with shallow
techniques such as named entity recognition (NER)
(Sch¨afer, 2008). Current ACC prototypes use differ-
ent shallow techniques for NLU, depending on the
system application case. Each of them acts in a single
topic domain.
The main objective of the HWYD-Companion
was producing longer utterances that are still appro-
priate in terms of content and emotions. The HWYD-
Companion performs template-based information ex-
traction – it uses shallow syntactic and semantic pro-
cessing to find instantiations of event templates.
The dialogue manager questions the user until enough
slots are filled. Then a longer empathic response is
The HFC uses semantic interpretation for speech
recognition and domain specific grammars. The
Cognitive Manager models the domain [...]. In con-
trast, the Dialogue Manager focuses on interaction
level phenomena, such as confirmations, turn taking,
and initiative management. (Turunen et al., 2011)
Conversational key features of the SC are read-
ing news from a few categories, telling jokes taken
from the Internet, and voice-based picture tagging.
The NLU module of the SC is based on GATE (Cun-
ningham et al., 1996). The components have been
improved for the SC system by gazetteers containing
locations and family relationships. The NER mod-
ule builds the key part, which is required for this ap-
plication scenario. The information obtained is then
passed to the Dialogue Manager and stored in the
knowledge base for later reference.
Understanding the goals underlying the user’s ut-
terances enables a system to decide when to produce
the next utterance (turn-taking), what content to con-
vey next, and how to express that content. Complex
interactions between dialogue manager, planner and
action selection are needed to meet interaction goals
like fulfilling some task or just “killing time”.
In classical dialogue applications, templates with
a fixed number of slots define howthe dialogue should
be maintained. Dialogue managers for a free, inter-
active conversation are mostly improved by enlarg-
ing the state space, which leads to combinatorial ex-
plosions in planning tasks, as the dialogue develops.
This complexity can be managed to a certain extent
by policy activation (Kruijff and Lison, 2010). But
eventually, all these techniques have the disadvantage
that developers need to specify in advance the condi-
tions under which the system produces a certain de-
cision. Similarly, the subsequent system utterance is
selected from a set of all probably appropriate utter-
ances. This leads to a perceived repetitiveness of the
system, as it has been demonstrated in the evaluation
of Laura (Bickmore et al., 2005). Most of the par-
ticipants found the conversations repetitive at some
point. Annoyance and negative feelings reduced the
motivation of several participants.
All these systems act in a restricted domain in or-
der to make the NLU task manageable. However,
there is no guarantee for the system to always remain
within its domain. For instance, in a human-to-human
conversation about images, comments like “You look
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
so beautiful in this picture!” or “Good shot! This
dress suits you very well!” are also probable. More-
over, domains are usually not well-defined. For in-
stance, “job-related topics” may include topics on any
job, including taxi driver, teacher, programmer, and
not only manager.
For an ACC, techniques are required that
smoothly open emergency exit doors whenever the
system’s coverage is left. Better ways than the in-
famous Tell me more about your family! of the
ELIZA system are easily available, but depend on
available cognitive abilities and social relationships.
The straightforward solution – if appropriate – would
be to let the user know what the system did not under-
2.1.2 Cognitive Abilities
With the vision of an ACC described in Section 1, an
ACC needs cognitive functions that allow it to have
personal knowledge about its main user, to learn new
facts about the user and users world, his needs and
preferences, and to use this knowledge in the interac-
tion as well. However, cognitive abilities of an ACC
do not necessarily have to coverall the cognitivefunc-
tions of humans. It is a subject for the future research
to identify the functions required for a personalised
long-term interaction, based on the particular appli-
cation case and desired functionality.
For example, the SC introduced in Section 1.1 per-
forms a real-time information search about places to
show that it has some knowledge of what is being
talked about while talking about images, in contrast
to HWYD-Companion and HFC, that do not have and
probably do not need a real time access to additional
knowledge and are well served with the facts they
have been initialised with.
SC asks the user about the names and the age of
the persons on images, and about the places where
the pictures were taken. The gathered information is
used to maintain the dialogue which is still focused
on image tagging. Simple inferences about family re-
lationships it already knows makes the dialogue more
The HWYD-Companion needs for each subtopic
a particular amount of information that is extracted
from user utterances. Then a longer response of the
system is generated.
Two sample interactions show how knowledge
about the user in combination with simple inferences
improves the quality of the conversation. The first one
is by SC: SC: Where was this photo taken?
U: This photo was taken in Tanzania.
SC: Have you ever been to Zanzibar?
U: Yes, I have.
SC: Great place, I hope you saw the beaches. ...
Then the system goes to the next picture.
These simple inferences (Tanzania, Zanzibar,
beaches) make the dialogue more fluent and natural.
In the HWYD-Companion’s video demonstration,
the conversation starts usually with Hello John. How
did your work day go today?, and the user tells the
ACC, how it was.
In the demonstration, the user says that he arrived
late because of the traffic. The ACC replies:“You have
my sympathy. What happened next? A more appro-
priate reaction would be to ask the user whether he
managed it to be on time in the meeting, produced by
the inference from the knowledge about the user (the
plan to have a meeting) and the context (user arrived
late because of the traffic). The given system reac-
tion is emotionally adapted to the context (sympathy)
and can be applied in each situation where sympathy
would be appropriate reaction.
The existing systems have a predefined informa-
tion need and just need to get those data from the
user that are declared as information need by the pro-
grammer. Systems cannot decide, whether or not they
need more information as long as there is no delib-
erate planning associated with the knowledge items
mandatory to carry out the plan.
While convincing examples are demonstrated in
today’s ACCs, it is completely unclear how the cogni-
tive abilities can be extended to keep the conversation
interesting for the user in many-facetted long-term in-
teraction. This requires an amount of inferencing and
learning that is not required for the usual task-oriented
dialogue systems.
2.1.3 Emotional Competence
The ability to address the emotional side of compan-
ionship may play a key part in their acceptance by the
users (Cowie, 2010).
A big progress in affective computing was
achieved by the HUMAINE network
. Two general
types of emotions are studied: pervasive (general per-
sonal attitude colouring long time periods) vs. emer-
gent (short, intensive affectivestates) emotions. In the
follow-up project SEMAINE
the focus was on non-
verbal emotional behaviour and different agent char-
acters (happy, angry or despondent) (Schr¨oder et al.,
Most of this work is not directly applicable to
ACCs. Insights on emotion recognition are manda-
tory but must be complemented by appropriate reac-
tions. Insights on signalling emotions are important,
but need in an ACC trigger methods requiring inter-
nal stimuli. Studies of emotional effects in human-
computer dialogue are, to our knowledge, not avail-
able yet.
Emotion handling in the HWYD-Companion is
implemented in form of two feedback loops. The
“short loop” provides an immediate backchannel that
aligns the companion’s response to the user’s attitude
showing, e.g. empathy. The “major loop” is responsi-
ble for emphatic utterance generation, typically ad-
vice or warning expressed in both verbal and non-
verbal behaviour, based on the gathered information.
The SC’s emotional behaviour is based on speech
recognition. Recognised emotions were mapped onto
a two-dimensional space. SC should be able to recog-
nise user’s emotion placed in this space, formulate a
belief about user’s emotional state and move itself in
this space for an appropriate response.
Both systems focus only on short and intensive af-
fective states. The recognition of emotions is mainly
based on the speech prosody, which is not available in
a text based chat. Pervasive emotions need also to be
taken into account when designing tools for long-term
Issues similar to the gathering knowledge about
user raise also in emotion handling: the systems can
only recognise predefined emotions in particular pre-
defined states, and produce an emotional response in
a predefined way. The complexity of emotion han-
dling increases, if issues like “different perception of
the same event being in different moods” are consid-
2.1.4 Socio-cultural Competence
We communicate as social and cultural entities. There
are different sets of rules for successful conversation
within different groups of people as this was notices
many decades ago (Knigge, 1805).
The existence of such rules is usually not observ-
able until two legal but contradictory rules are applied
by participants of an interaction and lead to a con-
flict situation and misunderstanding, see for example
(Young, 2011; Tannen, 2001).
Currently neither socio-linguistic nor computa-
tional models of such interactional rule systems are
available, but there are research efforts on socio-
linguistic phenomena in discourse (Strzalkowski
et al., 2010; Agar, 1996; Scollon and Scollon, 2000).
Using small-talk as a form of social dialogue in con-
versational agents helps to establish a bond between
the user and the system (Bickmore et al., 2005). Fur-
ther research investigations in socio-linguistic phe-
nomena and social signal processing will allow to im-
prove the conversation with an ACC.
The selection and the use of the interactional re-
sources is subject of research in second language ac-
quisition domain. Recent work shows that there is -
besides the four common competences: reading, lis-
tening, speaking and writing comprehensions - a fifth
competence, the interactional competence, also re-
ferred to as intercultural or transversal (Cook, 1992;
Hall et al., 2006). Interactional competence is not
fixed, it can be developed in the process of the in-
teraction (Young, 2011).
Each communication has a content part and a re-
lationship part, in which the latter determines the for-
mer (Watzlawick et al., 2000). Social and cultural
norms and rules are expressed in socio-linguistic phe-
nomena during a conversation. Given this fact, we can
eliminate neither the relationship part nor the socio-
cultural part from our communication.
Particular implementations of interpersonal rela-
tionships between people are in each case unique, but
they are categorised in large classes like “friends” or
“colleagues”. The relationship between an ACC and
its main user will be also belong to one of the large
classes that will probably differ from all interpersonal
human relationship classes.
Prior to modelling relationship-related speech
acts, we need to decide what kind of relationship
we want to establish between the user and the ACC.
A teacher-learner relationship will necessarily differ
from e.g. a personal assistant-boss relationship. The
general requirement that an ACC must produce a re-
lational response in its user is vague.
2.2 Adaptivity
(Reeves and Nass, 1996) report that users prefer com-
puters that become more like them over time over
those which maintain a consistent level of similar-
ity, and that users prefer computers that are similar to
them. This property is already used in ALIZ-E, where
the robot adapts its behaviour to the user’s behaviour
(Baxter et al., 2011).
Several research results show that people adapt
their language by selecting the same words and gram-
mar constructions while interacting with other peo-
ple, but also while interacting with machines, see e.g.
(Dobroth et al., 1990). This process is also referred
to as convergence and denotes negotiation on vocabu-
lary and communication style among all conversation
participants. In this way, artificial agents should be
able to adapt their language behaviour to that of their
users, who in turn might be influenced by the linguis-
tic behaviour of the ACC.
Since the interaction is co-constructed, interac-
tional profiles (introduced at the beginning of this
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
section) need to be modelled as a cooperation of the
ACC and the user according to a stereotype based user
model in the initial implementation. A large amount
of personal knowledge is necessary to create a highly
adaptive user model of one particular user. The adap-
tivity mechanism will allow to use the information
from the conversations with the user and to adjust the
user model.
Besides language behaviour, also cognitive, emo-
tional, and social behaviour is subject to adaptation.
While systems that can both interpret and generate
such behaviour should in principle be able to adapt
themselves to their interlocutor, this requires a way
of analysing the (non-)linguistic behaviour and learn-
ing why it occurred. A simple mimicking strategy
such as using a certain word as frequently as the di-
alogue partner is bound to fail. We are not aware
of relevant studies of credible adaptivity in long-term
human-machine interaction, but from ALIZ-E, such
results may be expected.
2.3 Utility
Tools should be useful. Conversations with an AC re-
quire time investment at the expense of time the user
could have spent with her family or friends. The ser-
vices of an ACC compete against services of other
machines. There must be a reason why a user decides
to use an ACC for searching Internet for news instead
of a web browser.
The utility of a companion’s services can be taken
as a measure of relative satisfaction, which is in this
case the frequency of consumed companions services
or the cumulative length of the conversations. Exper-
iments with elderly people described in (Benyon and
Mival, 2010) show that the kind of services an ACC
can perform for its user is considered very important.
Desired tasks for a robot companion range from mak-
ing the tea to doing the ironing.
In contrast to the vision of Wilks, most current AC
prototypes have a central task. Bickmore’s Laura was
aimed to be a fitness coach, the HWYD-Companion
is created to talk about job-related topics, and the SC
is designed for reminiscing about images. Not all
the user interfaces to computer programs can be re-
placed by an ACC or a voice control. Correspond-
ing tests have been made with speech-to-text (STT)
technology and people who were willing to buy an
STT computer, as described in (Savoia, 2011). After
a few hours of tests participants changed their mind
to the worse. People’s throat would get sore, it cre-
ated a noisy work environment, and it was not suitable
for confidential material. However, in scenarios like
reading or writing messages, or changing navigation
options while driving a car, voice control may well be
The utility of the system provides a basis for a
long-term interaction. Application scenarios need to
be elaborated, where an ACC may successfully com-
pete against other devices and conventional computer
programs. An ACC could be helpful in applications
where the user benefits directly from the conversation,
such as conversation training in a foreign language, or
where a kind of long-term goal exists as in coaching,
teaching, or psychotherapy, when a task-oriented dia-
logue system will not perform well.
2.4 Long-term Interaction
Long-term interaction is characterised by the user’s
continuous motivation to interact with the ACC. Such
interaction is influenced by emotions, trust, sympa-
thy, positive emotional bond and/or utility. To keep
the user motivated, the interaction must be interest-
ing and stimulating, which can be supported by oc-
casional unexpected utterances or non-linguistic be-
haviour. Another, more technical requirement is the
ACC’s need to ensure the consistency and the persis-
tence of the mass data acquired over time in the inter-
actions, and its appropriate usage in, e.g., determining
what has been communicated before.
Long-term interactions cannot be enforced. It is
based on a continuous interest of the user to commu-
nicate. Consider an interaction on a ticket counter,
which involves a simple work flow and few dialogue
steps to achieve the goal. Taking a few minutes of in-
teraction at most, this is clearly not a suitable ACC ap-
plication. The requirements differ widely with a per-
son who wants to learn a foreign language and inter-
acts with a teacher in a class at a language school. The
teacher needs to keep the person engaged, to respond
to personal needs of the learner, and to establish a pos-
itive emotional relationship with the learner in order
to keep the learner motivated. The teacher needs to
acquire much personal knowledge about each learner.
While phone ticket selling has been fielded using
state-of-the-art dialogue systems, more complex ca-
pabilities as described above are necessary for the
teaching scenario.
The duration of long-term interaction has always
been left open. Certainly it is multi-session interac-
tion, and it extends over several days up to weeks,
months, or years. In practice, real-time behaviour of
the system will become an issue as mass data accu-
mulate over time, which need to be accessed and in-
terpreted by the ACC. As experiments over extended
periods of time have to our knowledge never taken
place so far, it is unclear whether a notion of forget-
ting and shaded accessibility of information is manda-
tory in order to efficiently deal with the data. Results
on the functioning of the human brain from further
research areas – psycho-linguistics and cognitive sci-
ence – may be of help here.
A huge amount of research effort has been invested in
different disciplines that are relevant for developing
an ACC. Existing ACC systems are not easily com-
parable due to different design approaches, system
architectures and components used. As proposing a
full-fledged new ACC architecture would go beyond
the scope of this position paper, our notion of “com-
ponent” is quite vague. Components may correspond
to key functionality required for each of the subsec-
tions of Section 2. Each subsection may represent
multiple components.
Designing an ACC based on the requirements
identified above should take the limitations of cur-
rent systems and the research gaps sketched in the
previous sections into consideration. With the cur-
rent knowledge future changes of ACC system de-
signs and architectures are more than likely. To min-
imise the frequency with which ACCs must be (re-)-
built from scratch, we propose a highly modular and
customisable approach that will allow components to
be defined and reused. Basically this design involves
a highly declarative approach to knowledge represen-
tation, and as a consequence the separation be-
tween interpreter componentsand the knowledge they
interpret. This has become a standard approach in
NLU, where grammars are kept separate from parsers
or generators interpreting them. This way, the knowl-
edge and the interpreters can be modified indepen-
dently of each other, allowing e.g. to use the same
parser for a different language.
The same approach can be applied to modelling
mutual dependencies of component behaviour, which
as argued in Section 2.1 are an integral part of
an ACC. First attempts to implement mutual depen-
dencies among the components of an ACC include
the NLU and the Cognitive Module in HFC, emotions
and language generation in HWYD-Companion, and
past history, simple inferences and dialogue manage-
ment in SC. These systems can already partially in-
tegrate the learned information about the user, emo-
tional analysis output, or simple cognitive functions
into the conversation.
We propose to generalise on this by virtue of
a framework embedding components, component
knowledge, and knowledge about interdependency,
through which all interdependent behaviour is mod-
elled in a declarative way. In such a framework, the
developercan determine most easily the impact of any
change of one element onto any others.
As the conversational competence of ACCs will
in the foreseeable future be limited to a certain
domain and task at a time, particular components
will have different complexity for different applica-
tion cases. For example, the capabilities necessary
for a pleasant conversation will be accustomed for a
particular service domain. Customisation strongly de-
pends on the modalities of interaction available. For
instance, if emotions must be expressed through text,
the NLU components must be able to convey appro-
priate signs. The components will be customised in
such a way that they cover the domain and task in
hand. We expect that the general architecture by and
large remains untouched by customisation, but the
knowledge required will very much differ across ap-
plication cases.
Building various ACCs within this same design
paradigm will allow us to compare the particular com-
ponents of the ACCs and the resulting systems in a
unified way.
In this paper for the first time a set of features and re-
quirements was proposed that allow an artificial agent
to be regarded as an Artificial Conversational Com-
panion. We argue that a multitude of different fea-
tures must be considered that taken together allow for
a useful long-term interaction between an ACC and
its user. Since research gaps and technical limitations
will prevent the realisation of Wilks’ visionary ideas
in the near future, we proposed design principles for
the implementation of an ACC framework that is par-
ticularly well-suited to extensions in view of scien-
tific and technical progress. Moreover these princi-
ples support the customization of the components to
dedicated tasks and domains. Mutual dependencies
among the components will be explicitly modeled to
provide the desired functionality.
We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Gudrun Ziegler
(University of Luxembourg) for valuable discussions
and constructive criticism of an earlier version of this
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