trajectories in the Fig. 1. It can be seen that the UIF
and SRUIF have equal accuracy for nonlinear estima-
tion and sensor fusion, but the SRUIF is slightly faster
than the UIF. Van der Merwe (Van der Merwe and
Wan, 2001) shown that the square-root UKF can be
20% faster than the UKF, but in our case the SRUIF
only achieves 3% faster than the UIF.
Table 1: Means (E) and standard deviations (STD) of
RMSE values of the position and average run time (T) in
100 Monte Carlo runs of the bearing-only tracking. UIFa
and SRUIFa use one sensor, whereas UIFb and SRUIFb use
two sensors.
Method E STD T (s)
UIFa 0.6794 0.1725 0.5102
SRUIFa 0.6794 0.1725 0.4944
UIFb 0.1145 0.0283 0.8154
SRUIFb 0.1145 0.0283 0.7763
In this paper, we present the square-root UIF for non-
linear estimation and sensor fusion. It has the same
computational complexity as the original UIF, i.e.,
). However, the SRUIF has better numerical
properties, such as the improved numerical accuracy,
double order precision and preservation of symme-
try. In addition since the square-root of the covari-
ance matrix is directly available, the SRUIF can save
computational costs in the step of sigma-points calcu-
lation. The experimental results show that the SRUIF
runs slightly faster than the original UIF. In the future,
we plan to investigate their performances with differ-
ent sensor network architectures (Lee, 2008), and fur-
ther improve the estimation accuracies, e.g., by com-
bining the proposed filters with the adaptive consen-
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