T. D’Orazio
and C. Guaragnella
ISSIA CNR, via Amnedola 122/D-I 70126 Bari, Italy
DEE Politecnico di Bari, Via Orabona 70126 Bari, Italy
Multi-view Video Analysis, People Re-identification, Color Features, Graph-based Signature.
In this paper we investigate the problem of people re-identification in case of non overlapping and non cal-
ibrated cameras. We propose a novel method for signature generation that considers both color and spatial
features along a video sequence and a distance measure to estimate the similarity between silhouettes. A
graph based representation has been introduced to model different people, in which uniform regions repre-
sent nodes and contiguities among regions represent edges. Comparisons with a standard approach based on
histogram similarity have been provided to evaluate the proposed methodology.
In this paper, the problem of people tracking in the
context of a non overlapping views of a multiple cam-
era video surveillance system, commonly referred to
as the people re-identification problem, is addressed.
In recent literature, different re-identification
methods have been developed, some on them focus-
ing on the trajectories matching of people moving in
the scene, others focusing solely on the appearance of
the body. The latter are referred to as appearance-
based methods, and can be grouped in two sets. The
first group is composed by the single-shot methods
(Chai et al., 2010; Alahi et al., 2010; de Oliveira and
de Souza Pio, 2009; Gheissari et al., 2006; Mazzeo
et al., 2009; D’Orazio et al., 2009), that model a per-
son analyzing a single image and are applied when
tracking information is absent. The second group
of algorithms encloses the multiple-shot approaches;
they employ multiple images of a person (usually ob-
tained via tracking) to build a signature ((Bazzani
et al., 2010; Cong et al., 2010; Hamdoun et al.,
2008)). Some approaches try to learn the camera net-
work topology in order to simplify the people associ-
ation problem by predicting the relationship between
events like a person exiting the camera view in a given
location and the time lag between its reappearance in
another view of a camera placed in another location.
Alternative approaches to people tracking across mul-
tiple un-calibrated cameras use gait analysis as a new
biometrics technique.
In this paper we investigate the problem of peo-
ple re-identification and in particular we consider the
more general case of non overlapping and non cali-
brated cameras. Neither constraints on the knowledge
of camera view topologies, nor possible predictions
of the expected time/location of people appearance
among neighbor cameras are imposed. We propose a
novel method for signature generation that considers
both color features and spatial distribution of uniform
regions along a video sequence and a distance mea-
sure to estimate the similarity of different sequences.
Comparisons with other methodologies on a standard
data sets have been provided to evaluate the proposed
In order to generate a robust signature characterizing
people moving in a camera field of view, it is neces-
sary to extract moving people and track them along
the video sequence. In this paper a background sub-
traction algorithm is proposed, resulting as an evolu-
tion of the works proposed in (Spagnolo et al., 2005).
At the end of this step, people silhouettes have been
extracted in each frame of the sequence; assume also
that the image resolution is enough to appreciate col-
ors and textures of clothes. The proposed method
D’Orazio T. and Guaragnella C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003842104140417
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2012), pages 414-417
ISBN: 978-989-8565-03-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
is based on the evaluation of color similarity among
uniform regions and the extraction of robust relative
geometric information that are persistent also when
people move in the scene. The signature can be esti-
mated along a number of frames, and a distance mea-
sure is introduced to compare signatures extracted by
different video sequences. The method consists of the
following steps: 1) first of all for each frame a seg-
mentation of uniform regions is carried out; 2) for
each region some color and area information are eval-
uated; 3) the extracted data are evaluated on a number
of consecutive frames; 4) a connected graph is gen-
erated (nodes contain the information of uniform re-
gions such as color histograms and area occupancy,
while connections among nodes contain information
on the contiguity of regions); 5) a similarity measure
is introduced to compare graphs generated by differ-
ent video sequences that considers some relaxation
rules to handle the different appearances of the same
person when observed by different point of views.
In the remaining part of this section we describe
the methodologies for the region information extrac-
tion, the edge information extraction, the graph gener-
ation, and the similarity measure to compare graphs.
Moving Region Segmentation. The detection of
moving objects in a complex background scene is an
important initial step for any computer vision applica-
tion. In this paper we propose a modification of a sta-
tistical background subtraction algorithm (Chiu et al.,
2010) producing good performance in the context of
people detection both in indoor and outdoor contexts.
In order to construct a reference background model,
a video sequence during which moving objects can
pass through the scene is observed. For each pixel the
values of the three RGB components are recorded and
the clusters of the most probable are maintained. The
background values are those belonging to the most
probable clusters if the corresponding probability is
over a dynamic threshold. The background extrac-
tion phase continues until all the pixels have been ex-
tracted. Then moving objects in the foreground can
be segmented by comparing each pixel of the cur-
rent frame with the corresponding one in the back-
ground model. At this point, the result of this segmen-
tation step is highly dependent on the lighting vari-
ations, the presence of multiple shadows (especially
in indoor contexts) and the similarity between fore-
ground and background values (camouflage effects).
For this reason we have introduced new procedures
for background model updating and shadow removal
both based on a cross correlation approach.
Extraction of Uniform Region. After the extrac-
tion of moving blobs by the background subtraction
and shadow removing algorithms, the resulting seg-
mented areas are analyzed for the evaluation of color
and shape information. A color-based segmentation
has been applied to detect, inside each blob, uniform
connected regions. The segmentation algorithm pro-
posed in (Nock and Nielsen, 2004) has been used. In
order to control the coarseness of the segmentation,
the method uses a parameter Q: the smaller it is, the
less numerous are the region in the final segmenta-
tion. The resulting segmentation is processed to ex-
tract inter-region and intra-region information. For
each region a feature vector is considered contain-
ing different information such as: the color histogram,
the mean color, the center of mass of the region, the
area, the perimeter, the region position with respect
to the whole body figure (head, central and lower).
The body silhouette has been divided in three areas
of different dimensions: the head part corresponds to
1/6 of upper region, the central part falls between
1/6 and 1/3 of the silhouette, while the lower part
corresponds to the remaining inferior area. All the
other features have been normalized with respect to
the ratio between the area dimension and the total
body area. The relations between each couple of re-
gions are examined and an adjacency matrix is gen-
erated. This step has been repeated for all the images
of the same person of the sequence. Corresponding
regions in the sequence have been extracted and the
feature vectors have been updated to weight the mea-
sure coming from different frames.
Connected Graph Signature. The proposed people
signature uses a relational graph. Such a graph con-
sists of a finite numbers of nodes and a finite number
of edges. Each node has a number of associated at-
tributes that correspond to the elements of the feature
vector described above. In this way, detecting the sim-
ilarity among people turns into determining the sim-
ilarity among graphs, which is also referred as graph
matching. In this section we describe the process-
ing steps to extract the information for graph gener-
ation, while in the following section we will describe
the proposed graph matching procedure. First of all,
in order to reduce the number of considered regions
when people wear dresses with varying texture, small
regions that fall inside larger regions are joined with
the external ones and the corresponding feature vec-
tors are updated. Small regions that are adjacent other
larger ones are neglected (for example those corre-
sponding to hands, shoes, hairor small shadow areas).
In figure 1 an example of the region extraction process
is reported. The considered regions are representative
of the nodes of the graph, while the edges will rep-
resent the adjacency relations among the nodes. For
example in figure 1 the central node corresponding to
Figure 1: On the left the considered person, on the right the
resulting regions after the segmentation and the combina-
tion of internal regions.
the shirt is connected to all the other nodes since this
region is adjacent to all the other regions (head, arms,
and trousers).
Similarity Measure Among Graphs. Connected
graphs have been largely used for object recognition:
given a database of known objects and a query, the
task is to retrieve one objects from the database that
is similar to the query. However, in the context of
people re-identification, the same person observed by
different points of view produces different signatures
both in terms of resulting nodes in the graph, both
in terms of attributes for each node. Therefore it is
necessary to consider some degree of error tolerance
in the graph matching process, considering both sub-
graph matching and not precise matches between cor-
responding node attributes. Since we observed that
the central nodes are those that contain the most use-
ful data for an initial people discrimination we started
the graph matching procedure from these nodes. In
particular among all the nodes that belong to the cen-
tal area, we selected the one corresponding to the
torso as the node whose center of mass is the closest
to center of mass of the whole silhouette and whose
area is larger than a percentage of the total area. Then,
for each couple of graphs, starting from these cen-
tral torso nodes the connected nodes belonging to the
upper and the lower regions have been considered to
evaluate geometric relationships based on distances
and color/texture characteristics. The total similarity
is carried out summing up the weighted differences
among all the couples of nodes as follows:
(n,m) = w
· D(n
) + w
· D(n
) +
· D(n
) + w
· D(n
where n, m are the two considered graphs, n
torso nodes, n
are central nodes, n
upper nodes, n
are lower nodes, while D() is
the measure of similarity evaluated on the distance
between the nodes’ attributes. In particular we de-
cided to weight in a different way the differences
between central, upper, and lower nodes. The cen-
tral nodes corresponding to the torso are considered
the most significant for the re-identification problem,
then the weight w
has been fixed to 0.4. The re-
maining weights have been set to a fixed values of
0.2. If the two considered graphs are not isomorph
(for example they have a different number of central,
lower, and upper nodes) comparisons are carried out
considering all the other possible combinations. The
match providing the lowest distance among the differ-
ent possible matches is considered as the correct one.
Tests have been carried out on a real data set acquired
by two different cameras placed in two different cor-
ridors of an office. People observed in one camera
have to be recognized when they pass in the second
camera field of view. In this paper results are pre-
sented referred to 35 target persons compared against
47 persons observed in the second camera. In order to
evaluate the performances of the proposed method we
have compared the results with a color position his-
togram approach extracted by the work presented in
(Cong et al., 2010). The silhouette signature is gener-
ated dividing the silhouette in n equal parts and char-
acterizing each part with a color histogram. Prelimi-
nary tests have been carried out to decide the number
of regions that provide the best performances.
On the same test sets, the results obtained with the
color position histogram signature and the proposed
graph-based signature have been compared. For each
view a set of key frames in which people are en-
tirely visible has been considered in order to charac-
terize the signature with the two methods. The re-
identification has been assigned to the couple of im-
ages that obtains the minimum value of the similar-
ity distance. The considered metric is the standard
histogram distance both for the color position his-
togram signature, and the proposed graph based ap-
proach. Several experiments were carried out in order
to detect the best color space and the best quantization
values that guarantee the invariance to lighting varia-
tions. In table 1 the best results are reported, obtained
in the HSI space and with a color map with 1050 col-
Table 1: The results obtained with the color position his-
togram signature and the proposed graph based signature.
True Positive False Negative
Col. Pos. Hist Sig. 82% 18%
Graph based Sig. 88% 12%
The proposed approach improves the detection
performances because the evaluation of similarity be-
VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: In the first line the result of the color position
histogram signature, while in the second line the result of
the proposed graph based signature. The first one on the left
is the target object and the remaining ones are the objects
identified with a growing similarity distance.
tween uniform regions instead of body part regions
with fixed dimensions allows a more precise charac-
terization of the color differences. Color histograms,
even if applied in different stripes of the body, lose
the spatial information about the color distribution.
Instead the initial selection of uniform regions, that
characterize the nodes of the graph and the compar-
isons between couple of uniform regions maintain the
spatial information about colors.
In the first line of figure 2 one case of wrong detec-
tion of the color position histogram signature method
is reported, while in the second line the corresponding
result obtained with the proposed method is shown.
The evaluation of histograms in constant stripes of the
body silhouette makes similar two different persons
whose color components are the same but their spatial
distribution is different. This is particular evident in
the two considered cases, in which people wear simi-
lar dresses unless for an inscription on the chest.
The proposed graph based signatures, anyway,
suffers in few cases of people re-identification. In
particular when people wear similar dresses with the
same colors, but they differ only for small details,
such as the shoes color, the hair color, and so on, the
method is not able to disambiguate since the simplifi-
cation of small internal region inclusion or small ex-
treme region elimination causes the lost of precious
information for the discrimination ability. These are,
of course, extreme situations in which many feature
based signature approaches fail. Future work will be
addressed to the solution of this problem, introduc-
ing an adaptive similarity measures that will consider
all the possible uniform regions in the graph match-
ing procedure only when the similarity among main
regions does not allow the disambiguation.
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