photos needed. The desired scene should be visible
in the majority of the images. If many persons are
located on the same location in most of the photos, the
required scene is not visible, and the method won’t be
able to generate a plausible result.
As shown in Figure 2, moving backgrounds (like
clouds and trees) won’t necessarily result in bad im-
ages. The result is not the same as in any image, but
still plausible and pleasant looking. This is also valid
for changes in lighting, as can be clearly seen in Fig-
ure 3.
The method works best when the distance to the
desired scene is large and the movement of the cam-
era is limited. This will reduce the effects of par-
allax caused by movements of the camera. Because
the registration uses only linear transformations from
one image to another, no parallax effects can be incor-
porated. If the parallax is large, the registration will
be inaccurate, resulting in a blurred image. Incorpo-
rating parallax remains an open problem until today
(Szeliski, 2006).
We compared our method with other methods. As
can be seen in Figure 6, our method generates more
plausible results compared with the tourist remover
application of Snapmania (Snapmania, 2011). Their
method cannot handle relighting very well.
The group shot application of Agarwala et al.
(Agarwala et al., 2004) provides good results com-
pared with our method, but requires a lot of user input,
which makes it more difficult to use. However, their
method works better when using only 2 or 3 images.
We presented an automatic method to remove tourists,
cars and other moving objects from a set of pho-
tos, while keeping the static scene. Typically, 5 to
10 photos are needed, with a few seconds between
each photo. Alternatively, a video sequence can also
be used. The algorithm uses features to calculate a
transformation between the different images, so that
no tripods or other advanced stabilization devices are
needed during the acquisition of the photos. As can be
seen from the results, the final result is plausible and
pleasant looking. However, the image is not neces-
sarily correct when there are specific background ele-
ments, like clouds or other slow moving objects. This
is not a problem, because the focus of the application
is on the static scene and the generated clouds and
trees are still plausible. The method outperforms ex-
isting techniques when using sufficient input images,
considering the quality of the result and the manual
input required.
Patrik Goorts would like to thank the IWT for its PhD
specialization bursary.
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications