Figure 7: Table of utilisation compared to the booking.
White areas are not booked, red areas are booked but never
used, orange areas are booked and used by two or less per-
sons in average, green areas are booked and used by more
than two persons in average and blue areas are used by more
than two persons, but not booked.
depending on the policy for the administration of the
This work presented an approach for automatic de-
tection of persons using thermal cameras. For the in-
tended application in sports arenas the privacy issue
is important, therefore a thermal camera is chosen.
The system shows very satisfactory results, with
only a short initialisation it works independently of
the changing conditions in different arenas. The sys-
tem can easily distinguish between an empty arena,
few or many people. The work will continue with
further tests of the system and work on improving the
segmentation of people. This could be by including
temporal information or by using a more detailed hu-
man template for comparison with the found regions.
For future work there are a lot of possibilities for de-
veloping new features, including analysis of the activ-
ity level, activity type and user type.
We would like to thank Aalborg municipality for sup-
port and for providing access to the sports arenas.
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