This article presents a hardware accelerated LIC flow
visualization in WebGL. The procedure is suitable to
be performed on multi-platform and in low-capacity
devices such as smart phones and tablet computers
since no other API or plug-in is required to perform
the procedure, and the number of iterations that is
usually required is reduced. The procedure is not
only suitable for WebGL implementation but for any
render-to-texture capable parallel graphics implemen-
It is proposed the development of a human user in-
teraction application for the visualization of oceanic
currents as a subsequent activity to this work. Apart
from this, other topics might be suitable as future
work such as the implementation of this methodology
to visualize 3D vector fields and to other integration-
based visual applications.
This work was partially supported by the Basque
Government’s ETORTEK Project (ITSASEUSII) re-
search program and CAD/CAM/CAE Laboratory at
EAFIT University and the Colombian Council for
Science and Technology COLCIENCIAS. GODAS
data (ocean velocity information) was provided by the
NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado, USA,
from their Web site at http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/,
and ohter information such as earth’s bathymet-
ric, topologic and satellite images, was provided by
the NASA’s Earth Observatory from their web site
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