Figure 4: Texture mapping and 3D model generation.
mapping is performed using the OpenGL library of
computer graphics.
The results show that the proposed strategy, con-
sisting of incorporating prior knowledge in the dis-
parity estimation process, is robust and accurate. It
improves the result of general correlation based meth-
ods by considering the face shape and its topological
regions, while maintaining its real-time suitability.
This paper presents an original attempt to a practi-
cal face depth estimation in passive stereoscopic sys-
tem. Unlike other general methods used for dispar-
ity calculation for any object, we introduced a spe-
cific method for depth estimation of face that uses the
shape characteristics of the human face, obtained by
adjusting the form of an active model, to improve re-
sult of the correlation-based method. Our method en-
hanced the classical correlation based method for dis-
parity calculation, in terms of depth estimation effi-
ciency, with maintaining its real-time suitability. The
experimental results show that the proposed algorithm
produces a smooth and dense 3D point cloud model of
human face, applicable to a wide range of real-time
3D face reconstruction situations.
Our approach also opens up many perspectives for
improvement and expansion. The estimation of the
sparse disparity can be improved by using other ver-
sions of the Active Shape Model used in our work.
For instance, Active Appearance Models (Cootes
et al., 2001) is likely to give more successful adjust-
ments because they use the texture information or the
3D Active Appearance Models (Xiao et al., 2004)
which is robust to pose variation. The symmetry pro-
priety of the face can also be incorporated in the esti-
mation process to further improve the results. Finally,
it would be interesting to test our method on a stereo
face database with ground truth. However, existing
databases usually contain scenes and objects. For this,
we plan to create a specific database of stereoscopic
faces with a ground truth to evaluate our method in a
complete way.
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications