Enabling Remote Monitoring and Service Composition through Social Media
Yohanes Baptista Dafferianto Trinugroho, Frank Reichert and Rune Fensli
ICT Department, Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway
Keywords: eHealth, Social media, Remote home monitoring, Interoperability, Service platform, SOA.
Abstract: Demographic changes with the growth of elderly populations implies a need of developing efficient
technology tools in order for the patients to stay in their own home for as long time as possible feeling safe
and secured, and where the medical follow up can be achieved by remote home monitoring equipment. The
lack of actual international standards has the consequence of proprietary solutions being used by vendors,
making interoperability difficult. On the other hand, social media has become an integral part of modern
society and has changed the way people interact with one another. It can potentially be extended to support
well-being at home as well. In this paper we argue that social media have the potential to play an important
role in remote home monitoring and remote service composition for provisioning health-care-related
services in the future. An overview of a proposed platform based on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
paradigm for interoperability between different devices is also presented.
Demographic changes in population with increased
number of elderly people is a huge challenge for
future health care services. The new generation
elderly people are supposed to give new
requirements to those services compared to the
elderly generation today. In Norway, a public report
used Mick Jagger as an icon representing the new
generation elderly (Teknologirådet, 2009). This
generation is supposed to bring new challenging
requirements to the future health care services
mainly because they opposed the existing authorities
in their younger days and are still a generation with
an active lifestyle.
In order for this new generation elderly to be
able to continue an independent living with high
degree of self-care and self-management, new
technology developments will compensate for their
needs in daily living activities. This generation is
known as the digital immigrants, compared to
younger generations as digital natives, described by
Prensky (2001). However, during their active
working life, they have been trained and got used to
new information and communications technology
(ICT) solutions such as the Internet, email,
Facebook, and smartphones. In their elderly days, it
is reasonable to expect them to require updated
technology solutions both for ambient assisted living
purposes and for their electronic collaboration with
healthcare service providers.
Their needs of new technologies for an active
and independent lifestyle will give a future private
market for technology solutions. However, in many
countries the social welfare services will support the
elderly person with actual need of assistive
technologies. This paradox will have tremendous
consequences to interoperable solutions for future
eHealth solutions, in order for the elderly to have
home-care installations being able to communicate
with public healthcare services.
Today, there is a lack of common standards for
Tele-home-care technology; those challenges are
focused in the European project HITCH (2011), still
having a long way ahead trying to have acceptance
for the use of international standards. Alternatively,
the use of open standards and open source solutions
can contribute to rapid development of inter-
operability in the home healthcare solutions. In this
paper, we will highlight how open standards can be
developed as a fundamental platform for future
development. With the rapid growth of social media
users around the globe (Backstrom et al., 2006),
Baptista Dafferianto Trinugroho Y., Reichert F. and Fensli R..
EHEALTH SMART HOME ENVIRONMENT SERVICE PLATFORM - Enabling Remote Monitoring and Service Composition through Social Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0003847304340438
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 434-438
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
social media becomes a promising tool to be
integrated into Tele-home-care services.
eHealth is defined as the use of ICT to access health
and lifestyle information, to give support and
improved health care services (European-
Commission, 2011). Tele-home-care is a specific
instance of telehealth that focuses on providing
remote healthcare services to patients in their homes.
Healthcare personnel can use remote communication
mechanisms either in consulting and cooperating
with their colleagues or in advising and guiding their
patients at home. Patients at home may need to
interact with measurement devices which in turn will
generate clinical information that can be analysed by
healthcare personnel remotely. Several examples of
measurements that can be acquired include heart
rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and weight.
In addition, monitoring of activities of daily living
(ADL) can be provided as well by making use of
various different devices installed within the home
environment (Le et al., 2008). These devices
combined by the computer system being deployed
transform the home environment to smart home.
Besides the elderly population growth and the
decreasing number of healthcare workers, other
important driving force for adopting Tele-home-care
is cost (Menkens and Kurschl, 2010). Tele-home-
care services are expected to reduce the cost of
healthcare services in general, enabling a
personalised treatment based on long-term personal
records with final goal of improving quality of
medical treatments. By employing Tele-home-care
solutions, patients can reduce hospitalisation
periods, reduce energy and carbon emissions
generated by transportation means, as well as
decrease the number of necessary hospital facilities.
However, new devices are needed to be installed
within the home environment to support the
provisioning of Tele-home-care services. In
addition, Internet connectivity and other backup
communications channels (e.g. telephone network)
are needed to be provisioned as well. These
additional requirements may need a huge amount of
initial set-up cost if everything is owned and
managed by the inhabitants at home. To tackle this
issue, different business models can be used by
healthcare service providers, such as bundling the
devices and services in a monthly subscription
manner, so that the patients at home do not need to
buy the devices. From this standpoint, different
healthcare service providers can provide different
types of healthcare services to the patients at home.
Various different devices available in a home
environment, including medical devices, may not be
utilised to their full potential without combining
their capabilities with one another. For example, a
smart carpet detects a falling patient. After five
minutes if no movement is detected by motion
sensors in that particular room, then the patient's
private doctor, nurses, and relatives should be
informed by means of text messaging and email. In
addition, the main door of the house will be
unlocked to enable first aid personnel to come in. To
deploy this scenario, capabilities from several
different devices should be combined (i.e. smart
carpet for fall detection, motion sensors for
movement detection, clock for timing, mobile phone
for sending text messages, personal computer for
sending emails, door actuator for locking and
unlocking a door). In order to achieve this,
capabilities from different devices should be
exposed by means of standardised application
programming interfaces (APIs) which form basic
services in a home environment. These services will
then act as building blocks for composite services
(Trinugroho et al., 2011b).
Social interactions in Tele-home-care should not
be limited to interactions between healthcare service
providers and patients. Involvement of relatives and
colleagues is crucial as well for encouragement of
better lifestyle at home (Abdullah and Zakaria,
2010). However, direct physical interactions may
not always be possible due to location and timing
constraints. Collaboration tools are needed to fulfil
this requirement, and as the Internet plays a crucial
role as a communications backbone in a smart home
environment, social media is expected to contribute
as a collaboration platform for virtual meetings
(Thygesen et al., 2011). Figure 1 shows an overview
of social media’s role in Tele-home-care.
Figure 1: Social Media and Tele-home-care.
Composition through Social Media
Social media services can play different roles in
Tele-home-care scenarios. Table 1 shows a
classification of possible Internet-based social media
services for home health care.
Table 1: Classification of Internet-based social media
services for home health care (Dale et al., 2010).
social media
support systems
Memo planner system
Remote control systems
Home healthcare
information exchange
Family and friends
social care and
information exchange
Virtual meeting places
for social activities
Voluntary social
Internet communities
Internet information
Music & films/videos
News and channels
Table 1 classifies Internet-based social media
services into three main categories: cognitive
support systems, secured communities, and web-
based services. All these three categories can be
used in Tele-home-care systems, although the
secured communities category may be used more
often than the others. What may be missing in this
classification is the usage of social media services to
remotely compose services in the smart home
environment. Taking the previous example of patient
fall detection service that involves capabilities from
different devices, what if the waiting period is to be
changed from five minutes to ten minutes? Or what
if the personnel being alarmed should be changed?
What if a new device should be involved in the
sequence such as turn on every single light in the
house when the accident happened at night?
A home automation system should provide the
possibility to be remotely administered. This can be
accomplished by making use of the Internet, by
providing a web-based home management system to
remotely compose services from available devices
installed in the corresponding home. This web-based
tool can then also be used to remotely monitor the
patient’s conditions. This will enable healthcare
personnel (e.g. a doctor) to remotely monitor patient
as well as compose services from existing devices at
home to fit best with the patient’s situation and
condition. However, this tool should be accessible
not only by healthcare workers, but also relatives
and colleagues of the patient. This will turn the web-
based tool to a social media, where different users
can monitor the patient’s condition, communicate
with one another, as well as review any change in
deployed services at home. A web-based role-based
access control (RBAC) is needed to be implemented
in the system (Chungen et al., 2001) so that not
everyone can alter services being provisioned at
However, if the deployed web-based remote
home monitoring and management system is a
standalone dedicated application, colleagues and
relatives of the patient may not access it frequently.
In this case, it is beneficial if the web-based tool is
integrated with available social media services such
as Facebook. Instead of deploying the tool as a
standalone system, a dedicated Facebook application
can be developed for this purpose. When integrating
the use of unsecured social media in remote home
care services, this implies security and juridical
issues not clearly defined (Williams and Weber-
Jahnke, 2010).
In order to incorporate the remote access, a
service platform for integrating capabilities of
various devices at home is needed to be deployed in
the smart home environment. In the next section we
will discuss about such platform.
Healthcare service providers can collocate different
devices in a smart home environment to provide
specific health-related services. These devices’
capabilities, combined with one another, can provide
various composite services, which can lead to better
personalised services to the patient at home.
However, different vendors being chosen for these
devices may raise incompatibility issues between
them. To avoid building services from scratch each
time a new service is needed, service-oriented
architecture (SOA) paradigm is promising to be
adopted for a home eHealth service platform, as it
promotes interoperability, modularity, and
reusability of service components.
To further reduce the involvement of the patient
in accomplishing a service’s aim, a context-aware
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
home automation system is also needed. A context-
aware home automation system should be able to
gather the patient’s information and the surrounding
environment, then adjust the environment setting to
suit the patient’s needs and preferences. Such
context-aware home integration platform was
proposed in authors’ previous work (Trinugroho et
al., 2011a), shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Home eHealth Service Platform.
The proposed platform exposes each device’s
capabilities as reusable services, termed as service
enablers, that can be used to compose more complex
In order for a home automation system to be able
to adapt the surrounding environment, a knowledge
base should exist within the home environment,
storing knowledge about different entities’ situation,
including the patient’s. Reasoning can then take
place on top of the knowledge base. Pure automated
reasoning may not be desirable for Tele-home-care
services as the system may infer false condition of
the patient. On the other hand, healthcare specialist
may know better what is best for the patient. Thus, a
static rule-based reasoning mechanism may fit well,
where the rules can be updated remotely by qualified
The proposed platform in Figure 2 is quite
generic in the sense that it may accommodate
different technologies. Since the application for
remote home monitoring and management system is
web-based, standardised Web Services technology
will suit best for implementation purpose. This
means that the capabilities of each device are
exposed as Web Services end-points. Then web-
based client application (e.g. dedicated Facebook
application) can be developed for remote monitoring
and management. Figure 3 shows the high-level
overview of the proposed system.
Figure 3: Remote home monitoring and management
through social media applications.
By deploying this idea, social media applications
can act as a web-based remote home monitoring and
management tool, with three main functions:
1. Remote monitoring of patient’s condition as well
as the surrounding environment.
2. Remote service composition for new services to
meet patient’s needs. This action should be
conducted by healthcare specialists.
3. Remote rule creation for automated reasoning on
the knowledge base. This action should also be
conducted by healthcare personnel.
Authentication, authorisation, and accounting
(AAA) agent is required to be present in the smart
home environment especially for security measure.
Only authorised external applications (e.g. Facebook
application) and authorised users may access the
service creation environment within the smart home
environment. And since all data are transmitted
through the Internet, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Secure (HTTPS) protocol is suggested to be used for
secure transmission.
A crucial issue needed to be taken into account
during the development of the web-based social
media application is the user-friendliness of the
graphical user interface (GUI). Icons or puzzles
being used to represent the capabilities of devices
should be clear enough for regular users. Message
flow of a service should also be easily visible, and
should be easily modified.
Composition through Social Media
Social media’s user base growth is intriguing, as a
direct consequence of fast penetration of Internet
usage in modern society. This trend can be seen as a
positive reality as it enables remote collaboration
between individuals, breaking time and space
barriers. In this paper we argue that social media
applications can be further pushed to provide remote
home monitoring and management services,
including remote service composition, for patients
living at home. Security measure is suggested to
include current best-practice approaches using AAA
agent at home and HTTPS transmission protocol.
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HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics