Armando de la Re
, Eduardo Martorell
, Gustavo Rovelo
, Emilio Camahort
and Francisco Abad
Departamento de Sistemas Inform
aticos y Computaci
on, Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
Camino de Vera S/N, 46022 Valencia, Spain
Instituto Universitario de Autom
atica e Inform
atica Industrial, Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
Camino de Vera S/N, 46022 Valencia, Spain
3D, Stereo, Dual View, Head Tracking, Interactive Workbench.
Dual view displays allow two users to collaborate on the same task. Specialized computer systems have been
designed to provide each user with a private view of the scene. This paper presents two hardware config-
urations that support independent stereo viewing for two users sharing a common display. Both prototypes
are built using off-the-shelf parts: a 120Hz computer monitor and a 120Hz projector. The result is a func-
tional, responsive and inexpensive dual-view 3D stereo display system where both viewers see stereo on the
same display. We demonstrate our systems’ features with three demos: a competitive game, where each user
has a private stereoscopic view of the game table; a two-user multimedia player, where each user can watch
and hear a different stereoscopic video on the same display and a head-tracked dual stereo 3D model viewer
that provides each user with a correct perspective of the model. The latter demostrator also provides basic
gesture-based interaction.
The popularization of 3D in movies and videogames
has driven down the cost of the devices used to im-
plement stereo applications. Modern GPUs provide
enough computing power to render scenes at the re-
quired frame rate, and paired with an emitter and
a pair of shutter glasses that allow the user to play
games in stereo at an affordable price. There are also
some displays that do not require glasses, but they
usually assume that the user is located at some pre-
defined location. Those systems are primarily used in
handheld video consoles, 3D cameras and some cell
phones. On the other hand, 3D stereo hardware has
not been standardized and there are different incom-
patible implementations.
Some applications require providing different
users with private views on the same display. We will
review several commercial implementations of those
applications, though it is hard to find commercial sys-
tems capable of providing two users with two differ-
ent stereoscopic views.
In this paper we present a solution that solves the
problem of reduced spatial resolution and incorrect
perspective for a two-user 3D display. We propose
a system that displays two stereoscopic images in the
same display. Our system can be implemented with a
3D monitor or a 3D projector. We also present three
demos to support our claims.
Several commercial companies have been interested
in dual view displays. In 2005, Sharp announced
a dual view LCD display that used a parallax bar-
rier superimposed in the LCD to provide two views,
depending on the view direction (Physorg, 2005).
Land Rover launched the Range Rover Sport model
in 2010, a car with a dual view touch screen dis-
play This display also
uses a parallax barrier to separate each view. Sony has
announced the launch of the Playstation television by
the end of 2011 (Sony, 2011). It is expected to be a
3D dual view television with active glasses with their
own earphones (Ko et al., 2009). The TV can deliver
3D stereo to a single player or a private, fullscreen 2D
view for each user.
The Responsive Workbench uses a head track-
ing to render the scene from each user’s point of
de la Re A., Martorell E., Rovelo G., Camahort E. and Abad F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003848205030506
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2012), pages 503-506
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
view (Agrawala et al., 1997). The workbench had a
144Hz projector and custom modified shutter glasses
for implementing two separate stereoscopic views.
Since four different images are required for two
stereoscopic animations, each eye sees a 36Hz anima-
tion. When one user is seing the current image with
one eye, the other eye’s shutter is closed, as well as
the other user’s shutters.
De la Riviere, Kervengant, Dittlo, Courtois and
Orvain presented a multitouch stereographic tabletop
that uses head tracking to provide two users with their
own viewpoint (De la Rivi
ere et al., 2010). The sys-
tem is able to detect when a hand gets close to the
Our system is designed to be very affordable: we use
only off-the-shelf parts. Our design is based on the
work by (Agrawala et al., 1997).
3.1 Our Prototype
In this section we describe several hardware configu-
rations that support independent stereo views for two
users. Every configuration provides each user with a
60Hz refresh rate video stream for each eye.
The configurations are: 1) a 120Hz monitor, two
active glasses and anaglyphic filters, 2) a 120Hz pro-
jector, two active glasses and anaglyphic filters, 3)
two 60Hz projectors, two polarization filters, two po-
larized glasses and anaglyphic filters, 4) two 120Hz
projectors, two circular polarization filters, and two
active glasses with circular polarization filters and 5)
two 120Hz projectors, two active glasses and interfer-
ence filters.
Configurations 1, 2 and 3 provide relatively low
image quality, due to the use of anaglyphic filters.
They provide stereo monochromatic views to the
users. On the other hand, configurations 4 and 5 pro-
vide high-quality, full color images for each user.
The listed configurations are sorted according to
implementation cost. Configuration 1 is the most af-
fordable at around 800C, while configuration 5 costs
more than 6000 C. None of these costs include the
computer equipment.
We have built the configurations 1 and 2. Figure 1
left, shows the two options for anaglyphic filtering
supported by our system. The first option uses op-
posite anaglyph filters for the users (red-blue for one
user and blue-red for the other). The second option
uses one color for each user (red-red lenses for one
user and blue-blue lenses for the other).
Figure 1: Left, our prototypes use two NVIDIA 3D Vi-
sion™active glasses with two attached anaglyphic filters.
Only one pair of each configuration is showed. Right, audio
splitter connection diagram.
We use standard quad-buffering for rendering the
animation. We render both users’ left eye in the left
color buffer, and vice versa. To compose one eye’s
view for both users, we convert the full color input
image into a grayscale image. Both users’ left images
are composed into the same color buffer using a red
color mask for one user, and a cyan color mask for
the other. Both images are rendered to that eye’s back
We present an implementation that provides a pri-
vate audio channel for two users using only a stereo
sound card. With the simple audio splitter shown in
Figure 1, right, our implementation separates each
channel of the stereo sound card. A software mixer
has been created to take the stereo audio stream from
each video source, convert it to mono, and route it to
one channel of the stereo output.
3.2 Head Tracking
We use a Microsoft Kinect along with OpenNI-
NITE libraries ( to perform
head tracking. The Kinect is able to capture depth
images using an IR laser projector and an IR camera.
The depth images are analyzed by the OpenNI-NITE
libraries to detect users in the scene and get their po-
sition and pose. It requires calibrating the skeleton at
least once in each room configuration.
We use OpenSceneGraph (OSG) to render our
scenes. OSG is a scene graph manager based on
OpenGL ( The de-
fault coordinate system used by OSG is shown in
Figure 2. We define the origin of the World Coor-
dinate System (WCS) to be located at the center of
the screen. The XZ plane is parallel to the screen and
Y points into the screen. The Kinect defines its ori-
gin at the center of the IR camera and uses a right
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
handed coordinate system, with the positive X point-
ing to the left, the positive Y pointing up and the pos-
itive Z pointing out into the room. The Kinect mea-
sures the position of the skeleton joints in cm.
To transform the locations of the heads and hands
provided by the Kinect into the WCS, we have to lo-
cate and orient the Kinect with respect to the WCS,
as shown in Figure 2. M
= T
x y z
provides the transformation matrix required to trans-
form from the Kinect coordinate system to the WCS.
(x, y, z) represent the position of the origin of the
Kinect with respect to the WCS and α is the angle
between the WCS’s Y axis and Kinect’s Y axis. This
transformation assumes that both X axes are parallel.
If that is not the case, add another rotation about Y to
account for the difference.
Figure 2: The distance between the origin of the WCS
and the Kinect (d) is 36 cm (so, (x, y, z) in the equation is
(0, 0, 36). α is 120
to account for the different orien-
tations of the Z axes plus 30
due of the screen inclination).
Using the equation above, we can compute each
user’s head position in the WCS and therefore a vir-
tual camera can be located at that position to render
the scene from each user’s point of view. The advan-
tage of using the Kinect is that it also provides each
user’s hands positions and a gesture recognizer.
Our demos run on a 3GHz Intel Core2 Duo proces-
sor, with 2 GB of RAM and an NVIDIA Quadro 600
graphics card, a Samsung 3D monitor model 2233RZ
and a Dell projector model S300w installed in a work-
bench. To implement stereoscopy we used two shutter
glasses NVIDIA 3D Vision, synchronized to a single
IR emitter.
4.1 The Battleship Game
In this video game, each user places a number of dif-
ferent battleships on a discrete grid. The battleship
positions of each player are unknown to the other
Figure 3: The Battleship game. Top, unfiltered view of the
game, showing both players’ views. Bottom, cyan player’s
and red player’s views of the game.
We use OpenSceneGraph for user input and
graphic rendering. To separate the scenes of each
player we place two cameras, one at the root node
of each user’s scene graph. The images are rendered
from the two cameras as explained in Section 3.1.
Stereoscopy is handled automatically by OpenScene-
Graph allowing selection of the fusion and interpupil-
lary distances.
4.2 Two-user Stereo Video Player
Our second demo application allows two users to
watch and hear different video and audio sources si-
multaneously on the same display. The video sources
Figure 4: Stereo video player for two users. Top, photo-
graph of the monitor, showing both videos. Bottom, view-
ing the monitor through a red filter and blue filter.
can be both regular 2D content or 3D stereo content.
The active stereo produces a double image made of
the images shown in the filtered views. When the ap-
plication is paused, each user is able to watch a stereo
still image due to the active shutter glasses (Figure 4).
Each user is able to hear the soundtrack of her video.
We implemented this application using OpenGL, ffm-
peg ( and SDL.
4.3 Stereo 3D Model Dual Viewer
Our third demo shows how to visualize a 3D model
in stereo for two users. Each user sees the correct
perspective from both eyes. It also provides a simple
interaction model to tag points of interest in the scene
or model.
Figure 5: The Stereo 3D model dual viewer. Top, unfiltered
view of the application, showing both users views. Center
and bottom, cyan and red user perspectives of the 3D model.
Using the head position, we transform the Kinect-
relative coordinates to the World Coordinate System
and we define the virtual cameras’ positions for each
user (see Figure 5). We perform the same transfor-
mation to the left hand position to control a virtual
cursor in the scene. This cursor allows the users to in-
troduce tags in a 3D location of the scene. When our
system detects a push gesture from the right hand of a
user, it creates a new tag in the current position of the
3D cursor. We use different colors to identify the user
that created the tag.
We have implemented two configurations that can
provide two users with independent 3D stereoscopic
views sharing the same display, using two pairs of
active shutter glasses, anaglyphic filters and both a
120 Hz monitor and a 120Hz projector. For around
1000C, they can be built with off-the-shelf parts. We
also implemented head tracking using a Microsoft
Kinect. This enhances the 3D experience, since we
can render the proper points of view of the scene for
each user’s eyes. We have built three demo applica-
tions that generate two independent stereo animations
on the same screen.
Since our goal was affordability, some compro-
mises had to be made. The anaglyph passive filters
severely affect the color of the original images and
there is a significant loss of perceived brightness due
to the use of two-stage filtering. Still, our applica-
tions provide an interactive 3D stereo animation and
independent audio channels for each user. These are
the basic requirements to implement complex inter-
faces for collaborative applications without special-
ized hardware.
In future implementations, we plan to remove the
anaglyphic filtering to improve the color quality and
brightness using other types of filters.
This work was partially supported by grant ALFI-3D,
TIN2009-14103-C03-03 of the Spanish Ministry of
Science and Innovation and by the National Council
of Science and Technology of M
exico as part of the
Special Program of Science and Technology.
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ohlich, B.,
Bolas, M., and Hanrahan, P. (1997). The two-
user responsive workbench: support for collaboration
through individual views of a shared space. In SIG-
GRAPH ’97, pages 327–332.
De la Rivi
ere, J.-B., Kerv
egant, C., Dittlo, N., Courtois, M.,
and Orvain, E. (2010). 3d multitouch: when tactile
tables meet immersive visualization technologies. In
ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Emerging Technologies, SIG-
GRAPH ’10, pages 2:1–2:1, New York, NY, USA.
Ko, H. S., Paik, J. W., and Zalewski, G. (2009). Stereo-
scopic screen sharing method and apparatus. United
States Patent US 2010/0177172.
Physorg (2005). World’s first LCD that simultaneously dis-
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Sony (2011). New 3D display and PS3 accessories debut at
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications