Klaus Greff
, André Brandão
, Stephan Krauß
, Didier Stricker
and Esteban Clua
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Kaiserslautern, Germany
Federal Fluminense University (UFF), Niterói, Brazil
Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Foreground Segmentation, Background Subtraction, Depth Camera, Kinect.
Background subtraction is an important preprocessing step in many modern Computer Vision systems. Much
work has been done especially in the field of color image based foreground segmentation. But the task is not an
easy one so, state of the art background subtraction algorithms are complex both in programming logic and in
run time. Depth cameras might offer a compelling alternative to those approaches, because depth information
seems to be better suited for the task. But this topic has not been studied much yet, even though the release of
Microsoft’s Kinect has brought depth cameras to the public attention. In this paper we strive to fill this gap, by
examining some well known background subtraction algorithms for the use with depth images. We propose
some necessary adaptions and evaluate them on three different video sequences using ground truth data. The
best choice turns out to be a very simple and fast method that we call minimum background.
The release of Microsoft’s Kinect had a huge impact
on computer vision. This device changed the face
of many problems such as gesture recognition (Tang,
2011), activity monitoring, 3D reconstruction (Cui
and Stricker, 2011) and SLAM (Henry et al., 2010;
Sturm et al., 2011).
The fusion of different sensors, combined with a
very low price, makes the Kinect an excellent choice
for many applications. Its certainly most interesting
sensor is the depth camera, that Microsoft used to
ship a product quality gesture control for the Xbox
360. Since then, the Kinect has been used for a
wide variety of problems including skeleton track-
ing (Kar, 2010), gesture recognition (Tang, 2011),
activity monitoring, collision detection (Pan et al.,
2011), 3D reconstruction (Cui and Stricker, 2011) and
Many applications, especially those from the field
of human computer interaction, utilize a static cam-
era to track moving persons or objects. Those appli-
cations greatly benefit from background subtraction
algorithms, which separate the foreground (objects of
interest) from the potentially disturbing background.
This preprocessing step is well known in computer vi-
sion (for an overview see (Cannons, 2008)) and helps
Figure 1: Foreground objects (right) are detected in depth
images (left) taken by a static depth camera.
to reduce the complexity of further analysis and can
even increase the quality of the overall result.
Also, the task of background subtraction appears
to be easier with a depth image at hand. It is therefore
quite surprising to see that only little work on the sub-
ject can be found. Early publications deal with back-
ground subtraction based on the use of stereoscopic
cameras (Gordon et al., 1999; Ivanov et al., 2000).
There are papers dealing with the Kinect, which men-
tion the use of background subtraction (Kar, 2010;
Greff K., Brandão A., Krauß S., Stricker D. and Clua E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003849104310436
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2012), pages 431-436
ISBN: 978-989-8565-03-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Stone and Skubic, 2011; Tang, 2011; Xia et al., 2011),
however, there is no publication dealing with the topic
This paper tries to fill this gap and provide a
starting point for further research. We start by an-
alyzing the characteristics of the Kinect depth cam-
era (Section 2), and their impact on the problem of
background subtraction problem (Section 3). After
that, we we choose four background subtraction algo-
rithms (Section 4), and adapt them to the domain of
depth images (Section 5). Finally we evaluate them
using three different depth videos along with their
ground truth segmentation (Sections 6 and 7).
We start this section by delivering an overview of the
distinct characteristics of depth images provided by
Kinect. They will provide the basis to analyze the
problems associated with the task of foreground de-
tection. The functional principles of the Kinect will
not be discussed in this paper (Refer to (Khoshelham,
2011) instead).
Although depth image resolution is 640×480 pix-
els but the effective resolution is much lower since the
depth calculation depends on small pixel clusters. The
detection range is between 50 cm and about 5 m with
a field of view of approximately 58 °. Depth informa-
tion is encoded using 11 bit for the depth information
and 1 bit indicating an undefined value.
But the most important property is obviously the
usage of distance information instead of color intensi-
ties. This which makes the image independent of illu-
mination, texture and color. Direct sunlight, however,
can outshine the projected pattern, turning many pix-
els to undefined. Certain kinds of material properties
can also hinder a stable depth recognition, including
high reflectiveness and transparency or dark colors.
The depth image contains different types of distur-
bances and noise. We characterize the pixels accord-
ing to those errors as follows:
Stable: A fixed depth value with only a small
variance increasing quadratically with range (see
(Khoshelham, 2011)).
Undefined: A special value meaning that no
depth information is available. This is typical for
object shadows, direct sunlight, and objects below
the minimum range of 50cm.
Uncertain: Switching in a random manner be-
tween the undefined and stable state. This is of-
ten the case for boundaries of undefined regions,
reflections, transparencies, very dark objects, and
fine-structured objects (e.g. hair).
Alternating: Switching between two different
stable values.
Occasionally, there are pixels with “uncertain” and
“alternating” characteristics, i.e. they switch between
two different stable values and the undefined state.
It is also important to note that alternation and un-
certainty do not usually occur pixel-wise but cluster-
wise, therefore contours may differ substantially from
frame to frame.
In the following we give a summary of challenges
faced by background subtraction algorithms that work
on depth images. The list is based upon the more de-
tailed summary of (Toyama et al., 1999). We recite
only the challenges related to depth images, and also
modified the descriptions to better reflect the charac-
teristics of depth images as provided by the Kinect
Moved Objects: The method should be able to adapt
to changes in the background such as a moved
chair or a closed door.
Time of Day: Direct sunlight can outshine the in-
frared patterns used for depth estimation, result-
ing in undefined pixels in the according regions.
If the illumination changes, the state of the pixels
in the affected regions might also change (to sta-
ble or undefined), which results in the pixel class
“uncertain” (see Section 2). This is similar to the
moved object problem.
Dynamic Background This problem, originally re-
ferred to as waving trees in (Toyama et al., 1999),
can be caused by any constantly moving back-
ground object e.g. slowly pivoting fans.
Bootstrapping: In some environments it is neces-
sary to learn a background model in the presence
of foreground objects.
Foreground Aperture: When a homogeneous back-
ground object moves, changes in the inner part
might not be detected by a frame to frame differ-
ence algorithm. This is especially true for depth
images, because there is no color and texture.
Shadows and Uncertainty: The system has to cope
with undefined and uncertain pixels (see Sec-
tion 2) both in the fore- and background. Addi-
tionally, foreground objects often cast shadows,
VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
which should not be considered to be foreground.
This problem behaves differently with the Kinect
because only the inherent shadow casting of the
sensor is relevant. Also these shadows always re-
sult in an undefined value making it easy to rule
them out as foreground.
We omitted the point “Light Switch” as artificial
lighting does not affect the Kinect. Furthermore, the
challenges “Sleeping Person” and “Waking Person”
were dropped, because we believe this task is better
solved at a higher level that includes semantic knowl-
. Finally, the “Camouflage” problem was also
omitted, since depth images lack both, color and tex-
Many background subtraction and foreground detec-
tion algorithms have been proposed. Cannons (Can-
nons, 2008) provides an overview of the subject. Most
of those algorithms were created having color images
in mind. In our work we chose four standard meth-
ods and adapted to the segmentation of depth images,
achieving three suitable and high quality possible so-
First Frame Subtraction: In this method the first
frame of the sequence is subtracted from every
other frame. Absolute values that exceed a thresh-
old are marked as foreground.
Single Gaussian: In this method, the scene is mod-
eled as a texture and each pixel of this model is
associated to a Gaussian distribution. During a
training phase pixel-wise mean and variance val-
ues are calculated. Later on pixel values that differ
more than a constant times the standard deviation
from its mean are considered foreground. This
method was used in Pfinder (Wren et al., 1997).
Codebook Model: This more elaborate model (Kim
et al., 2005) aggregates the sample values for each
pixel into codewords. The Codebook model con-
siders background values over a long time. This
allows to account for dynamic backgrounds and is
also used to bootstrap the system in the presence
of foreground objects.
Minimum Background: This is one of the
first models completely developed depth im-
ages (Stone and Skubic, 2011). During training
stage, the minimum depth value for each pixel
is stored. Afterwards every pixel closer to the
For more in-depth discussion please refer to (Toyama
et al., 1999) Section 4.
camera (depth value smaller than stored value) is
considered foreground. This works well for range
based data because the foreground usually is in
front of the background.
The presented methods need to be adapted in order to
work for depth images. So we developed and included
different improvements: Uncertainty Treatment, Fill-
ing the Gaps and Post-Processing.
Uncertainty Treatment: Treating the undefined
value (zero) as a normal depth information leads to
problems with almost every model (e.g. turning most
shadows into foreground). So the question arises how
to treat undefined values. We certainly do not want
a shadow of an object to be considered foreground.
But sometimes the shadow of some object falls onto
the foreground, for example a hand in front of the
torso. Or the foreground contains undefined regions,
as caused by glass for example. These problems illus-
trates that on a pixel level the question, whether some
undefined value belongs to the foreground or not, is
impossible to decide. This decision clearly requires
additional knowledge (other sensory input, the region
around the pixel). But it is not the task of a fore-
ground detection algorithm to do complex reasoning.
It should merely be a preprocessing step (see Princi-
ple 1 in (Toyama et al., 1999)). Thus, we decided
to treat all undefined values as background for all the
presented methods.
Filling the Gaps: Undefined pixel values can lead
to gaps within the background model learned by each
presented algorithm. Those gaps can lead to errors
because every "defined" pixel value differs from an
undefined background. So depending on the chosen
policy they will either lead to false positives or to
false negatives. In order to close these gaps, an im-
age reconstruction algorithm (like (Telea, 2004)) that
tries to estimate the correct values for the undefined
regions can be used. This can obviously only re-
duce the errors induced by those gaps, and not com-
pletely eliminate it. According to our experiments,
the method from (Telea, 2004) works quite well in
Post-processing: As discussed earlier, the depth
images as generated by Kinect contain lots of noise.
This leads to a large amount of false positives in form
of very small blobs and thin edges around objects.
The desired foreground (i.e. humans) on the other
hand appears always quite large because of the range
constraints of the Kinect sensor. Therefore, morpho-
logical filters are an easy way of improving the fi-
nal result. We experimented with the erode-dilate-
operation and the median filter, but both of them
change the contour of the desired foreground. A con-
nected component analysis, on the other hand, com-
bined with an area threshold is suitable to remove the
false positive regions while keeping the foreground
intact. This threshold can be quite high for most ap-
plications (1000 pixels in our case). This filtering is
applied as a post-processing step to all of the pre-
sented methods. However, we also evaluate each of
them without any filtering.
In order to evaluate the different approaches we
recorded a set of three typical sequences for the ap-
plication of human body tracking. All of them are
recorded indoors at 30 fps and with VGA resolution.
Every sequence contains at least 100 training frames
of pure background.
Gesturing 1: The camera shows a wall in a distance
of approximately 3 meters for a few seconds.
Then a person enters and stands in front of the
sensor performing some gestures (641 frames).
Gesturing 2: The same as in the first sequence, but
the background contains a lot of edges (643
Occlusion: This sequence shows an office with some
chairs, then a person enters and walks in between
those chairs. The ideal foreground for this se-
quence is marked manually in every frame (567
The Kinect depth sensor produces data with high
noise at the edges of objects. For this kind of noise a
single frame evaluation would not be representative.
Therefore, we created ground truth videos containing
the ideal foreground segmentation for each sequence.
The first two sequences were recorded in a way that
simple distance truncation cleanly separates the fore-
ground. For the third sequence the foreground was
marked manually in each frame.
We measured the error of every algorithm using the
absolute amount of false positives N
that was marked as foreground) and false negatives
(foreground that was marked as background). To
establish some comparability we also measure an er-
ror ratio for every sequence, that is
and e
respectively, where N
and N
are the total number
of background and foreground pixels in the ground
truth sequence. The results can be found in Table 1
and some selected frames for every video and method
are shown in Figure 2.
The First Frame Subtraction, performs surpris-
ingly well. Unfiltered, it produces the least false neg-
ative ratio among all considered algorithms. But it
is sensitive to all sorts of noise, so depending on the
background this can lead to many false positives.
The statistical approach used by the Single Gaus-
sian method is affected by the high variances of alter-
nating pixels on the one hand and the low variance of
stable pixels on the other hand. If the constant multi-
plied with the standard deviation is high, this will lead
to false negatives when a foreground object occludes
the high variance region. If the constant is small, sta-
ble pixels will emit a lot of noise. Consequently, we
concluded that the depth values provided by Kinect
cannot be modeled effectively by a single Gaussian
The best overall results are achieved by the Code-
book Model and the simple Minimum Background
method. Both methods manage to eliminate the errors
of uncertain and alternating regions without missing
the desired foreground. Since the Minimum Back-
ground method is faster and simpler, we found it to be
the best choice among the algorithms we have consid-
ered. This result might not come as a surprise, since
the Minimum Background method is the only one that
takes advantage of the depth information.
In this paper we have adapted four different ap-
proaches of background subtraction to depth images.
They were evaluated on three different test sequences
using ground truth data. We have identified a simple
and fast algorithm, the Minimum Background algo-
rithm, that gives close to perfect results. So for the
scenario of a static Kinect and a static background the
problem of background subtraction can be considered
solved. This clearly shows the task of background
subtraction to be much easier for depth images than
for color images.
Nevertheless, there are still some open questions
for future work. Scenarios with a moving Kinect, or
VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: The results for the algorithms run on the test sequences. The rows with e
and e
represent false positives and false
negatives respectively. The values are specified with respect to the total number of background pixels in the ground truth data.
The lowest positive and negative errors are highlighted for each test sequence.
Gesturing 1 Gesturing 2 Occlusion
= 179, 896, 685 N
= 160, 009, 777 N
= 164, 507, 583
= 17, 018, 515 N
= 37, 519, 823 N
= 9, 674, 817
plain, in % filtered, in % plain, in % filtered, in % plain, in % filtered, in %
First Frame e
8.83 2.67 0.71 0.02 1.75 0.09
Subtraction e
0.00 0.05 0.00 0.37 0.91 1.58
Single e
0.52 0.19 1.91 0.07 2.40 0.85
Gaussian e
8.33 9.15 9.98 13.55 6.42 9.02
Codebook e
0.06 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.24 0.07
Model e
0.00 0.03 0.00 0.30 1.32 1.84
Minimum e
0.06 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.19 0.07
Background e
0.00 0.02 0.00 0.37 1.20 1.94
Gesturing 1 Gesturing 2 Occlusion
Depth Image
Ground Truth
First Frame
plain filtered plain filtered plain filtered
Figure 2: Sample images from the segmentation for all methods and all sequences. Every image is presented with and without
filtering (see Post-Processing in Section 5).
a dynamic Background require more sophisticated al-
gorithms. For the problem of bootstrapping we sug-
gest testing more complex background subtraction
techniques, e.g. optical-flow, that try to handle fore-
ground clutter in the training phase. Finally, the color
camera of the Kinect could complement the depth
camera for the task of background subtraction.
We would like to thank the German Research Cen-
ter for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Federal Flumi-
nense University - Brazil (UFF), CAPES-Brazil, DFG
IRTG 1131 and German Academic Exchange Service
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications