Table 7: Algorithms and A*-groups. (cont.)
ASSM 2 CostRelaxAW 4
ConfSuppWin 2 RealtimeBFV 4
GeoDif 2 VariableCross 4
C-SemiGlob 2 RealtimeBP 4
IterAdaptWgt 2 CCH+SegAggr 4
RandomVote 2 AdaptPolygon 4
SO+borders 2 RealTimeGPU 4
Bipartite 2 CostRelax 4
MVSegBP 2 AdaptDomainBP 4
OverSegmBP 2 TreeDP 4
LocallyConsist 2 CSBP 4
SegmentSupport 2 DCBGrid 4
VSW 2 H-Cut 4
AdaptWeight 2 FLTG-DDE 4
InteriorPtLP 2 PhaseBased 4
ImproveSubPix 2 OptimizedDP 5
BP+DirectedDiff 2 TwoWin 5
SemiGlob 2 DOUS-Refine 5
RealTimeABW 2 BP+MLH 5
PlaneFitSGM 2 IMCT 5
2OP+occ 2 PhaseDiff 5
VarMSOH 2 BioPsyASW 6
Unsupervised 2 DP 6
StereoSONN 2 2DPOC 6
RealtimeVar 2 RegionalSup 6
GenModel 2 SSD+MF 6
RTCensus 2 SO 6
GeoSup 3 Infection 6
RTAdaptWgt 3 MI-nonpara 7
CostAggr+occ 3 LCDM+AdaptWgt 7
RegionTreeDP 3 Rank+ASW 7
EnhancedBP 3
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications