has yet to be confirmed. It is therefore too early to
describe this issue in further detail in this position
The ABO compatibility test is compulsory in
France. Studies led by the national hemovigilance
network show persistent attribution errors of blood
groups leading to transfusional accidents, with the
potential for death in each case (Afssaps, 2004). The
same observations have been made abroad
(Stainsby, 2005).The current procedure for
performing an ultimate pre-transfusional check is
not uniform. Although machines are sent to the
patient’s bedside for an automatic analysis of ABO
grouping, and technology has been developed to
attribute a code to the pouch of blood and to the
patient (Aandahl, 2007), these developments cannot
prevent human errors and transfusional accidents,
which can be lethal.
We have been working on a new system based
on biochips. We have shown through SPRi
techniques that these biochips are very selective and
can replace current hemagglutination test.
With our first tests with the SmarTTransfuseur,
we have shown that immunocapture is specific in
our conditions and that optical detection can be
carried out by absorption measurement. This
medical device could become a new uniform
procedure to carry out the ABO compatibility test.
Because tests will be carried out automatically,
human errors would be avoided and the additional
safety will involve only minor changes to current
We now need to repeat these tests in order to
cover all transfusional situations before clinical trials
in real-life situations.
The aim of this position paper is not only to
present the system we are developing, but also to
discuss the possibilities and techniques of ultimate
ABO compatibility tests outside France.
The authors would like to thank the French Blood
Transfusion Center, INSERM, the DGOS, the
CNRS, OSEO and the “innovative project
maturation” programme for their financial support.
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BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices