Muriel Chinoda and Jan Kruger
School of Business Leadership, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa
Keywords: Climate Change Strategy, Multi-criteria Decision Making, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Climate
Change Risks, Climate Change Opportunities, Climate Change Response.
Abstract: The heightened risks and opportunities posed by climate change call for increased attention by business
executives to employ creative and rigorous methodology in generating strategic response options. Because
climate change is influenced by an assortment of multiple and interdependent variables, the search for
solutions to this complex challenge ought to be a multi-dimensional trade-off seamlessly integrated into
corporate strategy. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP)’s ability to hierarchically structure complexity into
homogeneous clusters of factors renders it as an appropriate decision support tool allowing for the
interconnectedness of climate change systems, the constraints in time, knowledge and computational
abilities that humans face. This paper presents a conceptual view of the approach, exploring key aspects of
how AHP assists in deriving a climate change model for businesses.
Strategic pressures created by pushes towards
sustainable business practices, environmental
activism, threats of pledges, laws and regulations
being enacted around the world to curb greenhouse
gas emissions, and rising demands by consumers for
more environmentally friendly products and services
(Shove, 2005), mandate an input into corporate
strategic planning. The impacts, risks and
opportunities for businesses imply that CEOs can no
longer afford to pursue strategies geared towards the
single objective of shareholder wealth maximisation
(Steuer & Na, 2003). Business constraints in terms
of resources, capabilities and time, call for well-
thought-through strategies that will maximise the
opportunities for a business, while minimising the
risks, threats and vulnerabilities (Raymond &
Brown, 2011). Thus businesses have to come up
with the “best-balanced-choice” responses to climate
change. AHP lends itself well to solving such a
complex problem requiring structuring,
measurement and synthesis.
This paper is organised into five major sections.
Section 2 explores the suitability of the analytical
hierarchy process as a multi-criteria decision making
methodology for business’ response to climate
change. Section 3 describes the climate change
challenge, with particular emphasis on the risks and
opportunities it presents to businesses. In section 4
the concept of a climate change response ladder is
introduced, culminating in the formulation of the
corporate climate change response problem using
AHP. Particular emphasis is placed on the
hierarchal, progressive nature of climate change
inculcation into corporate strategy. Section 5
presents a highlight of future work and draws some
First developed by Saaty (1980), AHP is a multi-
criteria decision-making methodology based on
carefully structured mathematical set of matrices and
their associated eigenvectors to compare criteria or
alternatives in a pairwise mode against some
predetermined objective (Saaty, 1980, 1994). The
ability of AHP to decompose a complex problem
into a hierarchical structure of homogeneous
clusters, coupled with its ability to capture, measure
Chinoda M. and Kruger J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003853802230227
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2012), pages 223-227
ISBN: 978-989-8425-97-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and synthesise individual preferences of qualitative
and quantitative attributes into ratio scale weights,
make the method appropriate in establishing climate
change response priorities and subsequently
allocating resources to chosen priorities (Hwang &
Syamsuddin, 2010).
The flexibility and simplicity of the method has
been proven in practice and validated by physical
and decision experiments (Vaidya & Kumar, 2006;
Saaty, 1994) making it useful in the private and
public sectors at strategic and operational levels in
broad areas of choice decisions (Lee & Jao-Hong,
2008), prioritisation and evaluation (Hwang &
Syamsuddin, 2010; Syamsuddin & Hwang, 2009;
Chiu, et al., 2004; Handfield, 2002), resource
allocation, benchmarking (Vaidya & Kumar, 2006),
public policy (Satty, 2008), health care and strategic
planning (Meziani & Rezvani 1990; Ossadnik, 1996;
Kurttila et al.,2000). It is against this backdrop of a
diversity of applications that AHP is proposed as the
suitable multi-criteria approach to use to quantify
and rank the possible set of initiatives and activities
that a business could employ to mitigate and adapt to
climate change risks, and capitalise on available
Climate change risks cut across almost every
industry, whether directly or indirectly (Stern, 2007).
For businesses in certain industries, energy/fuel
price fluctuations and security of supply of natural
resources are posing significant challenges and risks.
The greatest liability with respect to carbon exposure
is in carbon-intensive sectors such as oil and gas,
basic resources, utilities, heavy manufacturing, etc.,
where carbon costs could be direct, or are passed
down the value chain in the form of higher prices
(IRRC Institute).
The pricing of carbon through various market
mechanisms (such as carbon tax, cap-and-trade,
border tax adjustments, etc.), coupled with the rise
of the cost of insurance to curb the physical risks of
climate change (e.g. extreme weather patterns, rising
sea levels), is increasing the cost of doing business.
Restricted access to markets due to climate-change-
related legislation (such as the European Union
Directive on Aviation) and shifts in consumer
preferences towards greener products and services,
coupled with mounting legal and regulatory
pressures and litigation as well as increasing public
and stakeholder activism (Dietz et al., 2009) is
affecting business reputations and brand equity,
posing threats to revenue, market share and the very
existence of certain businesses.
For the agile firm, however, climate change is
ushering in opportunities to drive efficiencies and
innovations, harness new revenue streams and make
new investments, thereby enhancing reputations,
gaining market share and significant competitive
advantages. This drive towards carbon reduction,
combined with a proactive management of systemic
climate risks, is defining new levels of
environmental stewardship and business
competitiveness (Van den Berg et al., 2006). New
industries that were non-existent a decade ago have
been born and are thriving, such as cleaner
technologies in energy generation, hybrid and
electric vehicles; and sub-sectors in financial
markets such as carbon trading, brokerage services,
climate exchanges or clean-energy venture
capitalism. Long-term investors, asset managers and
analysts are also beginning to integrate climate
change considerations into investment analysis and
It is against this background that a framework for
companies to respond to the climate change
challenges is proposed. The next section provides a
detailed account of how the AHP methodology is
applied to design a corporate climate change
response framework.
In this section, a mathematical model is formulated
for the climate change response decision problem
under conditions of three overarching conflicting
objectives: environmental, social and economic
sustainability (Raymond & Brown, 2011; Steuer &
Na, 2003).
4.1 Steps in the Application of AHP in
Climate Change Response
The underlying idea is holistic, incorporation of
climate change issues into a business, beginning
with the neophyte and progressively moving towards
full integration into corporate strategy. Herbert
Simon’s (1972) intelligence, design, choice model
for decision making is used in this study. The
intelligence gathering phase is about discussions of
the problem statement among the executive team
members of a firm and experts in order to obtain an
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
enriched and consensual view of the climate change
problem. During the design phase the executive
team discusses and agrees on the overall objectives
and criteria by which alternatives will be rated. They
will also identify the clusters; sub-clusters and a list
of alternative solutions i.e. construct the AHP
hierarchy tree. This is an iterative process because
the set of objectives is often dependent on the
alternatives being considered; conversely the list of
alternatives will likely change based on the defined
set of objectives. The choice phase is dedicated to
evaluating (using a ratio scale) how well each
alternative per cluster contributes to the firm’s
agreed objectives and finding the best combination
of alternatives to mitigate the most risks and threats
posed by climate change while simultaneously
capitalising on the opportunities presented (Porter &
Reinhadart, 2007).
It is this characteristic of AHP, i.e. the ability to
measure, synthesise, order and prioritise all the
analyses from the different stakeholders using ratio
measures (Saaty, 1994), that make the methodology
indispensible in this decision problem. AHP brings
in the subjective values and preferences of the
decision makers, while utilising their varying levels
of capabilities, expert knowledge and experiences to
bring out a quantitative result that is usable in
strategic evaluations.
Step 1: Construction of the climate change response
. The first step in the construction of the
response framework is the application of the
decomposition principle to structure the climate
change response problem into a hierarchy of
homogeneous clusters, sub-clusters and sub-sub
clusters (Saaty, 1980). The executive team discusses
and identifies possible alternatives and initiatives
which are populated onto the 4 progressive clusters:
(1) Raising Awareness, (2) Adaptation and
Operational Efficiencies, (3) New Products and
Revenue Streams and (4) Fully Integrated Climate
Change Strategy.
Depending on the company’s knowledge,
experience, industry and level of climate change
astuteness, different items will be found at each of
the four (4) ladder rungs. An example of the possible
initiatives and options is provided in Figure 1. Each
item might have sub-items, for example Employee
Awareness (A1) might have sub-items which would
be labelled as A11, A12… etc, forming a tree for
each cluster. The process is continued until the
ladder is completed, that is A1.. A
, E1-E
, P1-P
and S1-S
, including the sub-levels where desired.
Following on from Kurttila et al.’s (2000) use of
AHP for SWOT analysis, it is recommended that the
number of items on each rung not exceed 10,
because any larger will make the number of pairwise
comparisons onerous.
Step 2: Pairwise Comparisons between items on each
rung of the ladder.
The next step in the construction
of the climate change response framework is to
construct pairwise comparisons of all combinations
of alternatives in a cluster relative to the parent
cluster. Team members work individually first so
that their knowledge and expertise is applied to the
process without undue influence from peers. The
individual evaluations are then combined by taking
geometric means which act as convenient starting
points for group discussions. These pairwise
comparisons are used to derive local priorities of
alternatives in a cluster or sub-cluster. A set of
questionnaires is compiled, based on the original
Saaty Rating Scale of linguistic variables (Table 1).
Using the linguistic variable measurements to
demonstrate the effect of each alternative on
corporate objectives, decision makers are presented
with a series of pairwise comparison questions of the
format, “How important is alternative E1 relative to
alternative E3? (… based on some objective, e.g. the
risks, threats and vulnerabilities to the business, or
the strengths to capitalise on the opportunities). The
choice options are based on the 5 linguistic variables
“equally important”, “somewhat more important”,
“much more important”, “very much more
important”, or “absolutely more important”. The
sum of all the criteria beneath a given parent item on
each cluster of the ladder must equal one (1). Its
global priority shows its relative importance within
the overall ladder.
Step 3: Ranking the pairwise comparisons by
calculating the Eigenvalues.
The relative importance
of one alternative over another is computed using
eigenvectors in a matrix of the form:
A = (a
) =
where in the matrix, the element a
= 1/a
and when
i = j, a
= 1. The value of w
ranges from 1 to 9 and
1/1 indicates “equally important”, while 9/1
indicates “absolutely more important”, as shown in
Table 1. If the judgments made by decision makers
are inconsistent, matrix A will yield some
inconsistencies which are generally acceptable
(Saaty, 1980, 1994). The Eigenvalue method of Eq.
2 is used to resolve the problem.
(A- λ
I)q=0 (2)
where λ
is the largest Eigenvector of the matrix
A; q is the correct Eigenvector (i.e. the estimation of
the relative priorities); and I is the identity matrix.
Each Eigenvector sums up to 1 to obtain the
Step 4: Pairwise comparisons are made between the
four ladder rungs.
The last step is the synthesis of
priorities (known as hierarchic composition). The
team chooses the factors with the highest local
optima from each cluster as cluster representatives.
The four are then compared and their relative
priorities are determined using the Saaty Table and
another pairwise comparison process as in Step 2.
The production of an analytic evaluation of the
possible options within each cluster (local optima)
and the combinations to give the best overall optima
are the key advantages of using AHP.
The tree structure used to formulate an AHP
problem provides a clear, organised and logical view
of the climate response problem making it The tree
structure used to formulate an AHP problem
provides a clear, organised and logical view of the
climate response problem making it easy for
decision makers to visualise and analyse the problem
systematically at each level. The framework
proposed in this paper allows for the evaluation of
both qualitative and quantitative factors, thereby
combining sophistication and realism to solve a
practical challenge faced by businesses. While
judgments can be very subjective, ratio scale
measures of subjective importance and preferences
are essential for rational decision making and
resource allocation especially for an issue as
strategic as climate change response.
The rest of the study will focus on understanding
the rationality-irrationality dichotomy of business
executives in choosing between diverse and often
conflicting strategic options for responding to
climate change. A case study research design using
the mixed-method strategy of inquiry is employed.
By conducting a comparative case study, it will be
interesting to see the similarities and differences of
strategic choices for two companies in different
industries, in the same jurisdiction, confronting
similar macroeconomic fundamentals.
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Table 1: Saaty Linguistic Variables.
Intensity of Importance Definition Explanation
Equally important Two factors contribute equally to the objective.
Somewhat more
Experience and judgement slightly favours one over the other.
Much more important Experience and judgement strongly favours one over the other.
Very much more
Experience and judgement very strongly favours one over the other. Its
importance is demonstrated in practice.
Absolutely more
The evidence favouring one over the other is of the highest possible validity.
2, 4, 6, 8
Intermediate values When compromise is needed
Figure 1: Climate Change Response Ladder.
Employee awareness
CR in annual reports
Community outreach
Adaptation &
Energy efficiency (E1)
Material efficiency (E2)
Redesigning operations
Employee travel (E4)
Waste management
Redundant data (E6)
New Products &
Green characteristic
product marketing (P1)
Product redesign (new
revenues) (P2)
Supply chain
partnerships (e.g.
purchase local goods &
services) (P3)
Integrated Lifecycle
management (design &
production) (P4)
Integrating CC
into corporate
Emissions reduction
programmes (S1)
Green technology & new
investment opportunities
Carbon credits &
emissions trading (S3)
Investor (S4)
Promote lifelong
learning & continuous
improvement (S5)
Advocacy & industry
leadership (S6)
Investment Appraisal, Project management, Change management, Leadership