Do for all λ
(3) Update λ
← λ
+ δ
(4) Ensure that λ
is in a given weight
Step (1) and the splitting of the convergence loop
into (2) and (3) solves Problem 3, step (4) solves
Problem 1 and Problem 2.
In this paper the Conditional Exponential Model
(which is used in Maximum Entropy Markov Models
and Conditional Random Fields) has been extended
to be used with partially matching feature functions.
This work enables the use of partially matching fea-
ture functions with Conditional Exponential Models
and Improved Iterative Scaling in a well-defined way
to overcome the problem of missing features. It has
been shown that the influence of partially matching
feature functions on the posterior probability changes
in the correct direction (i.e., monotonicity). Further
the impact of the weights has been analyzed. Prob-
lems regarding IIS have been identified and a solution
in a modified algorithm has been developed. Addi-
tionally the problem of overfitting is addressed by al-
lowing potentially all feature functions to be satisfied
to some degree of matching (and therefore smooth the
posterior distribution). In future work we are going to
show how partially matching feature functions may
be defined in a semantically intuitive way and present
empirical results of such a combined method. First
steps have already been done in the domain of intru-
sion detection.
This work was supported by the German Federal Min-
istry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the
grant 01IS08022A.
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