Figure 7 shows the segmentation of a simple ob-
ject. Figure 7.b shows the result of the initial segmen-
tation. Surface regions of different surface types are
shown in different colours. The initial step includes
some fragmented regions caused by wrong estimated
curvature sign. Figure 7.c shows the improvement of
the result after applying the refinement segmentation
process. Because the vector field implicitly contains
reconstruction information, the algorithm for the re-
finement process is designed to refine the shape type
of the surface to get segmented regions separated by
shape boundaries. The voxel size is set 0.18 for this
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Surface segmentation on an object. (a) initial seg-
mentation, (b) refined segmentation.
Figure 8.a shows the prominent points (closest
points on the surface of surface voxels) reconstructed
for another object after the initial segmentation step.
Different colours express different surface types of
the points. Figure 8.b shows the improved result com-
posed of reliable regions after the refinement process.
Voxel size is set 0.065 for this object. The algorithm
is currently being improved to reduce the thickness of
boundaries on these objects.
A new mechanism for 3D segmentation was intro-
duced for point-set data in the vector field surface
representation. An initial segmentation process is
first proposed by segmenting the surface into disjoint
regions labeled by eight fundamental surface types.
Then the segmented regions are improved by a region
growing process based on bivariate function fitting.
Designing the segmentation mechanism in the vec-
tor field allows to keep computation simple and avoid
complex nearest neightbour search for curvature esti-
mation and spreading out in the region growing pro-
cess. Several directions are possible for future work.
For instance an adaptive scaling in computing local
features such as curvatures could help to avoid seed
region to be too fragmented. Robustness to noise will
also be investigated.
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GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications