number of parameters considering only the most
relevant to decision making. And still must make the
application of the same scale for all criteria, or to
proceed to its standardization.
If there are two or three criteria they can be
represented graphically and make a sensitivity
analysis. This analysis is always important because
it allows us to identify the ranges for each λj in order
to remain the same solution; the stability of the
solution reduces uncertainty because it makes it so
relevant to the choice of the alternative to implement
the weighting given to each criterion or aggregation
of criteria.
Graphing is fairly simple if the number of
criteria we have is just two:
If there are three criteria begins with the
following transformation λ
then for each
alternative is identified
then to represent each pair of
alternatives a line called the indifference which give
rise to different areas that will allow an analysis.
In this case the graphical representation ceases to
be simple but it will be easier to use the MacModel
software (Coelho, 2001).
The number of lines of indifference is given by
where m is the number of alternatives,
(Valadares Tavares et al., 1996).
This method was developed by Bernard Roy in 1968
which to identify relationships of dominance
between two alternatives.
The comparison between alternatives is made for
the values j (all criteria) and results in a clash
between any two alternatives can be observed two
• condition of agreement, defined by the average
order of preference;
• condition of disagreement, a sense of "veto" the
decision maker can use when the average direction
of the disagreement is very strong in one criterion.
They also defined weights for different criteria.
The sum of the weights is unity.
The notion of integration remains of criteria, i.e.
a criterion can result from the integration of sub-
criteria, as in the previous process and weights are
also assigned to the sub criteria. But the analysis is
done using binary comparisons.
We use a relational system of preferences by
comparing the two alternatives.
Considering a practical application to three
criteria we will calculate binary comparisons between
any two alternatives thus obtaining R1, R2, R3.
When comparing the two alternatives we can
conclude that there is: indifference, equivalence or
This method is applied on one hand to the
average order of preference and on the other to a
sense of veto in the case of the average direction of
disagreement to be very strong.
Note that this method can be applied even if the
quantifiers are attributes, xij is a qualitative variable.
When comparing two alternatives by applying
the condition of agreement it is necessary to
establish a value α (0 ≤ "α" ≤ 1) representing the
minimum amount required to be accepted that a
prevails over b:
The decision maker may also evaluate the
disagreement between two alternatives, calculating
the difference for each quantifier of the two
alternatives under study.
We will get j results in a problem with j criteria.
If the objective is to maximize, the greater of the
calculated values will be chosen. Getting just the
disagreement between any two alternatives, β
defines the maximum permissible level of
When the quantifiers are qualitative a
correspondence should be performed to a scale so
that the agreement can be calculated Similarly in the
case of disagreement the decision maker must decide
how many levels are considered severe enough to
apply the "veto". For example if the match is made
with mediocre, poor, fair, good and very good
condition and the disagreement is over 2 levels when
compared with the good will only be applied to the
The prevalence among alternatives is the more
difficult the higher the value assigned to α and lower
the value assigned to β.
The prevalence relation is not transitive. It is
likely that an alternative to prevail over another but
is dominated by another by analyzing three
In this case the decision process may not have
finished and be more advisable to collect
information, analyze more fully each of the
alternatives still under possible selection.
In all cases it will carry out sensitivity analysis
which is performed by changing the values of α and
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems