Daniele Borghesani, Costantino Grana and Rita Cucchiara
a degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
CBIR, HCI, Artistic Collections, Relevance Feedback.
Image collections are searched in common retrieval systems in many different ways, but the typical presenta-
tion is by means of a grid styled view. In this paper we try to suggest a novel use of relevance feedback as a
tool to warp the view and allow the user to spatially navigate the image collection, and at the same time focus
on his retrieval aim. This is obtained by the use of a distance based space warping on the 2D projection of the
distance matrix.
The growing availability of multimedia content, es-
pecially pictures, and the proposal of increasingly ef-
ficient content analysis techniques led to the devel-
opment of impressive multimedia systems in recent
years. Nevertheless there is a significant gap between
the research view of such systems and the user per-
spective, which is strongly influenced by the way in-
formation is presented. This led to a standardization
of the interface solutions, based on their success On
the market.
Let’s look at the way in which image library tools
usually present information to the user. For exam-
ple, in desktop applications like iPhoto or Picasa, im-
ages are classified using default metadata like GPS,
tags possibly associated to pictures, and time stamps.
With this simple information, the system can perform
an automatic grouping of data to assist the user in
the process of management of his library. Another
quite standard functionality is the filtering, using both
metadata or —very rarely— rough visual information
based on color. All these functionalities finally re-
lies on a very standard grid-based layout representa-
tion, which is very familiar to most of users but, es-
pecially in a similarity retrieval context, can be con-
sidered a bad design choice since it erases all the sim-
ilarity relations (connections) between images. The
same kind of problem is clearly recognizable in all
the most used web search engines, like Google, Bing
or Yahoo. Only very recently Google introduced vi-
sual search capabilities (subject to features precom-
putation), which seems quite good on specific objects
retrieval, but behaves much more inaccurately on av-
erage. In the majority of situation, instead, we can-
not search using an image as a query, but we need
to start from a standard textual input. Secondly, when
we have the resulting list of pictures, a grid-based lay-
out is proposed to the user. In every case the modus
operandi is just the same: look and scroll for more
images. We believe that this approach is essentially
flawed, because of two main reasons: it does not con-
vey visual feedback about the content of the collec-
tion, and it does not dynamically react to the feed-
backs of the user.
In this paper, we want to propose an easy solution
to solve this interface gap. Starting from a solid set of
content analysis and indexing techniques (which can
be eventually designed to fit the large scale require-
ments), we propose the relevance feedback not only
as an effective tool to improve the raw performance of
the retrieval system, but mainly as a mean to help the
user navigating into the collection, especially when
no metadata are available or when the the search in-
tentions cannot be easily expressed as textual queries.
In this way, we want to facilitate the user in the pro-
cess of manipulation of the information: by visually
surfing through images, the user can build connec-
tions and feel emotionally involved in the navigation
experience, using the relevance feedback to warp the
space around his needs, quickly learning the results
content and possibly moving to a destination he did
not even think about when he started. We believe that,
in the near future, the similarity search will have a key
role in the market, not in order to substitute the search
by text but more importantly in order to complement
Borghesani D., Grana C. and Cucchiara R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003858700540059
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2012), pages 54-59
ISBN: 978-989-8565-04-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
it. Actually it will probably be next door feature of
image library management tools and web search en-
gines, complementing other research efforts focusing
on classification, annotation and so on.
The problem of image retrieval is two-fold. In the first
place, we need fast and effective techniques to convey
visual similarity to the user. In the second place, we
need an effective technique to allow the user to man-
age the results.
Regarding the first problem, a great amount of lit-
erature has been proposed. Among it, we think that
the natural choice is a global feature representation,
providing a compact summary by aggregating some
information extracted at every pixel location of the
image. The bag-of-words approach, a global repre-
sentation build of clustered local features like SIFT
(Lowe, 2004) or SURF (Bay et al., 2008) as a vi-
sual dictionary, is generally considered the state of
the art. For a complete comparison of performance of
local features in CBIR, please refer to (Mikolajczyk
and Schmid, 2005). Most of these local descriptors
use luminance information only. Nevertheless, both
color and shape are widely considered important vi-
sual characteristics in a cognitive context, so an inter-
esting way to account this information is by using the
covariance region descriptor, proposed by Tuzel et
al. in (Tuzel et al., 2008), which aggregates the cor-
relations of a custom amount of elementary sources
of information (like color, shape, spatial information,
gradients). Moreover, great interest was devoted to
GIST feature, a statistical summary of the spatial lay-
out properties (Spatial Envelope representation) of the
scene (Oliva and Torralba, 2006).
To solve the second problem, as pioneered by
Renninson in (Rennison, 1994), a presentation strat-
egy is required. The classical spatial arrangement of
images is their placement on a grid, typically in row-
major ordering based on relevance. Despite its sim-
plicity, this visualization is unable to convey infor-
mation on the structure of the collection, for example
the availability of a cluster of similar images. As de-
scribed in (Heesch, 2008), alongside with more stan-
dard approaches based on static hierarchies or cluster-
ing, the main approaches are build around a network
based or a dimensionality reduction based represen-
tations. Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) solves a
non linear optimization problem by determining the
mapping that best approximates the high-dimensional
pairwise distances between data points. One of the
initial proposals was the Sammon mapping by (Sam-
mon, 1969). An interesting proposal of this kind is
the Hyperbolic-MDS by (Walter, 2004), which ex-
ploits the hyperbolic space H
to map the most sig-
nificant images in the center of the projection (thus
visualizing them with a greater detail) while displac-
ing the others along the curve H
falling towards in-
finity with a smaller scale; moreover this projection
has the advantage of allowing to focus the view in
different points by applying the M
obius transforma-
tion. A number of other non-linear projections have
been proposed to solve the prohibitive computational
costs, for example the isometric mapping (ISOMAP)
(Tenenbaum et al., 2000), the stochastic neighbor em-
bedding (SNE) (Hinton and Roweis, 2002) and the
local linear embedding (LLE) (Roweis and Lawrence,
2000). An older yet effective approach, especially in
large scale contexts, is finally the FastMap (Faloutsos
and Lin, 1995) which exploits a set of pivot objects to
project points in the reduced space. This technique,
exploited also in this paper, has the advantage to al-
low easily a fast insertion of new objects within the
The first task in image searching on large scale col-
lections is clearly managing the scalability problem.
Many techniques for approximated nearest neighbor
(ANN) search, starting from the LSH (Andoni and
Indyk, 2006) up to the product quantization (J
et al., 2011), allow to greatly improve the perfor-
mance using vocabulary codes (with precomputed
distances) in place of real features. Moreover image
search based on contextual information (as done by
all search engines) proves to be definitely effective.
The real limitation of todays multimedia systems is
within the interaction possibilities.
The most important way in which the user can
help the system cross the semantic gap and interact
with the retrieval results, i.e. the relevance feedback,
becomes first of all prohibitive in large scale contexts.
Just consider the usual approaches: query point move-
ment (QPM), feature space warping (FSW) or ma-
chine learning approaches (Chang et al., 2009). QPM
notoriously suffers of slow convergence, and does not
guarantee to find intended targets; a fast QPM tech-
nique, trying to fix this problem, has been proposed
by (Liu et al., 2009). FSW requires a full space re-
encoding, and no proposals at the best of our knowl-
edge take into account FSW in large scale scenarios.
Finally the learning is notoriously a heavy procedure,
often requiring an offline processing and hardly capa-
ble of producing real time results. Moreover, the rel-
evance feedback is proposed to the user as a tedious
procedure (as well as the annotation) to overcome the
limitations of the system itself, which could be con-
sidered an admission of poor quality.
Nevertheless, the ability to guide the system to-
wards the desired result needs to be considered as
an important feature. The user himself implicitly de-
mands this kind of capability, because visual similar-
ity is mostly helpful when the user does not clearly
know or is not capable of expressing the subject of
his search: as a matter of facts if he could, he would
type the precise query on the search engine. This is
even more true when the user is approaching the im-
age collection for fun or curiosity: in this scenario the
user is mainly interested in surfing through pictures
being guided by his emotional preferences, using vi-
sual cues as exploration rails. In the meantime, new
and refined results could be suggested by the retrieval
system, adjusting his search goal.
In order to satisfy all these requirements, we need
to visualize the effect of relevance feedbacks from the
original feature space into the two-dimensional map-
ping. This procedure allows the system to show to the
user a real-time feedback of his manipulations, bring-
ing him into the collection itself.
We need to provide the user with a first 2D visual-
ization of his query results. The technique used in this
step is FastMap, due to its high performance and the
ability to quickly include new points to the map with-
out recomputing the entire mapping. This algorithm
briefly works as follows (Faloutsos and Lin, 1995).
Firstly, two distant-enough objects are chosen with an
heuristic approach. Given a distance function D() be-
tween each pair of objects O
and O
in the feature
space, each object O
is projected to object O
on the
line joining the pivots (O
, O
) using the cosine law
and obtaining the x coordinates. Then the y coordinate
is computed using the distances D
on the hyperplane
perpendicular to the line (O
, O
). These may be ob-
tained from the original distance D by means of Eq.1:
, O
= D (O
, O
When the process is completed, the pictures are vi-
sualized on the two-dimensional plane adjusting the
When a query O
is selected by the user, the points
are adjusted in order to support the similarity ranking.
In particular the user requires a new projection which
better reflects the distances from the query, thus the
angle of points from the query is kept fixed, while
the distance is scaled along the unit vector proportion-
ally to the ranking itself. In this way, the similar pic-
tures get closer to the query, while the dissimilar ones
are moved away. At this point, the user is focused
on the query itself (at the center of the screen) and
the most similar content within the results is placed
nearby, easily gathering his attention.
The user can now provide feedbacks on the re-
sults, highlighting what he likes (being more similar
to the query he submitted) and what he dislikes (be-
ing different from what he expects). For each point O
in the results set, the system finds the nearest element
of both positive and negative feedbacks sets (a pro-
cess which can be eased up with approximate search)
and warps the space. In particular, given f
the dis-
tance from its nearest good feedback (including the
query image) and f
the distance from its nearest bad
feedback, the system computes the distance for the
projection P as:
P (O
, O
) = D (O
, O
1 +
max( f
, f
The equation states that what is positive should be
moved towards the query, while what is negative
should be pushed away. The “positiveness” of an im-
age is related to how much more similar to a positive
than to a negative the image is. The images may now
be ranked according the warped distances and the vi-
sualization is updated by moving the images along the
line which connects the points to the query in the 2D
plane. The new distances are ordered according to the
Compared with other relevance feedback ap-
proaches, this solution may perform worse with re-
spect to the global recall or precision. The real merit,
which becomes essential, regards the interface aspect:
in fact the changes induced to the ranking are limited
to the local neighborhood of the selected feedback el-
ement. In other words, only the points for which the
feedback is the nearest positive or negative feedback
are influenced, therefore a strong connection between
the visual mapping and the observed changes appears.
Moreover the use of a ranking based projection has
the effect of showing the similar images slowly ap-
proaching the query, thus the user’s attention focus.
The user is still allowed to move the images as he
feels like, implicitly asking to prevent the image from
being moved by the automatic positioning. Note that
the distance calculations are always performed on the
original distances, so removing a feedback allows to
step back to the previous position: this is an easy way
to “undo” the user’s choices.
One of the most immediate implementations of this
approach is the image web search interface. Cur-
VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1: Application example with the Google query “klimt”.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: Application example by query one of the ImageCLEF images, specifically representing sea pictures.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3: Application example by query one of the ImageCLEF images, specifically representing sunset pictures.
rently, Ajax based interfaces are common, so the pre-
sentation could be further enhanced to support our
idea. The web server could provide image features or
they could be directly computed by the client interface
if they are simple enough. Suppose we use Google
Images to look at something related to a painter
(“klimt” could be our query term): the set of im-
ages is presented in a 2D mapping (Fig. 1(a)) and the
user quickly pans and zooms through the results, not
dissimilarly from what he would do scrolling down
the results page. After identifying some interesting
content, he can select it (Fig. 1(b)) and then better
convey his interest with further refinement, which are
likely to attract other versions of the painting and sim-
ilar ones, while repelling unrelated results (Fig. 1(c)).
Note that this is definitely an ephemeral interest, ex-
actly related to the moment and the feelings of the
person: it is likely that a new object of interest gets
identified by the collection exploration, to start over
The same approach can be extended quite easily to
surf through wide collections of images. The idea to
allow the user to zoom into the dataset, and filter out
the pictures based perceptual similarity exploiting in-
teractive relevance feedback, can be a winning key in
the process of managing efficiently large amount of
data, focusing on the user’s search intentions. Let’s
look, for example, the dataset provided for the CLEF
Photo Annotation task (Nowak et al., 2011), aimed at
the automatic annotation of a large number of con-
sumer photos with multiple annotations. The user is
presented with the 2D mapping of the images, com-
puted in real-time by FastMap, and allowed to zoom
and navigate through it(Fig. 2(a),3(a)). After identi-
fying an interesting image (a sea landscape in Fig. 2,
a sunset in Fig. 3), the user selects it and the other
images are rearranged to convey their distance in the
feature space from the selected query (Fig. 2(b),3(b)).
This shows how well the 2D mapping is able to re-
spect the original distance matrix. Now the user may
simply select positive or negative samples, getting an
immediate feedback of the effect of his choice on the
mapping: selecting a negative feedback forces the im-
age and some other neighbors to be pushed away and
at the same time all the lower ranked image to be
dragged toward the query. The selection of a posi-
tive feedback “recalls” images from outside the cur-
rent view towards the query. Once the filtering is
completed, the resulting images constitute a bucket of
interesting images to be used somehow or annotated
with a tag (Fig. 2(c),3(c)).
Usually, the user interface design is considered the
last step to deal with in the development of a retrieval
application or a system, because the engine is consid-
ered the only real focus of the problem. Instead, we
argue that in the next future of user centric applica-
tion, the interface will become the key point of the
A compelling user interface, containing useful and
engaging interaction paradigms, is a fundamental as-
pect for a multimedia system because it is the only
part of the system which will link directly to the user’s
emotion. For example, Jaimes and Sebe (Jaimes and
Sebe, 2007) show how to deal with user’s emotional
expressions as part of the data processing. These con-
cepts evolved through time becoming what generally
could be defined as natural interaction (Baraldi et al.,
2009), exploiting means which are considered natu-
ral since they belong to the nature of human beings
The simpler and the more natural (let’s say intu-
itive) the machine interaction is, the less amount of
cognitive effort is delegated to humans. Nevertheless
the design problem is remarkable. If we focus our at-
tention on functionalities to be provided to users to
accomplish some tasks, we risk losing the focus on
intuitiveness. On the other side, an extreme simpli-
fication can lead to poorly performing functionalities.
For this reason, we need to design these two aspects at
the same time, linking very closely the search engines
and the visualization techniques with the functionali-
ties. If we design an effortless interaction capable of
expressing naturally all the technically complex tasks
to search, visualize and browse, we are close to a nat-
ural multimedia system really centered on user’s de-
sires and therefore really useful to him.
The aim of natural interaction is therefore the de-
sign of an interaction system able to getting rid of
computer-friendly interaction paradigms (like win-
dows, menus, scrollbars, mouses) towards more
human-friendly paradigms. In this context, very im-
portant roles are played by concepts like aesthetic
beauty, emotions and a playful dimension between the
user and the system; moreover, an intensive use of
animations and dynamic mathematical models is nec-
essary in order to link the virtual interface with real
life metaphors. Finally, the spatial organization of in-
formation is fundamental to improve content under-
standing, for example by clustering similar objects.
This proposal just moves towards this kind of in-
teraction. The image collection is not only a list of
images, but becomes a space to explore, reacting dy-
namically on the user’s preferences collected contin-
uously through relevance feedback. The entire sys-
tem can be easily improved with convenient multi-
touch gestures. The removal of one or more unde-
sired pictures can be triggered with swipe gestures,
while the pinch gesture can allow to zoom the col-
lection to focus on the individual pictures (or groups
of pictures). Groups of good or bad feedbacks can
be selected drawing circles around them. Once the
collection has been filtered, according to the desired
predominant visual characteristic, a tag could be asso-
ciated to the resulting group of pictures, performing a
visually assisted tagging.
In this paper we introduced a novel proposal for the
presentation of image collections, obtained by query-
ing or similarity search. We believe that the combined
use of 2D mapping and relevance feedback allows the
user to better express his querying intention, therefore
easily surf through the results.
This technique, however much simple, could open
a wide range of improvements of today’s web search
engines and image collections management software.
For example, new results could be dynamically added
to the mapping, based on the already selected images,
thus formulating a new query based on the positive
and the negative selections. Moreover, the visual sim-
ilarity search can be exploited also to mine the not in-
dexed content using positive feedbacks as suggested
prototypes for the retrieval system. Finally, an inter-
esting possibility is the exploitation of such an inter-
active experience to collect user provided information
and therefore improving the retrieval system itself.
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