4.2 Comparison
In order to compare our algorithm with relevant meth-
ods, we have chosen a MC based method (Kazh-
dan et al., 2007) and the implementation of the dual
method proposed by Schaefer and Warren (Schaefer
and Warren, 2005). Results for the Dragon and Horse
data sets are resumed in figure 9.
(a) Hausdorff Distance Vs
#Triangles in Dragon.
(b) Hausdorff Distance Vs
#Triangles in Horse.
Figure 9: Logarithmic comparison graphs between our
method (in blue), Schaefer et al. dual algorithm (in green)
and Kazhdan et al. MC algorithm (in red). For similar num-
ber of triangles, our algorithm leads to smaller or same or-
der error distances.
As it is shown in the graphs, with less triangles,
our algorithm is able to obtain better or as good ap-
proximations as Kazhdan and Schaefer. This is under-
standable because both methods are multi-resolution
extensions of MC and they restrict the surface nodes
to be located on the cell’s edges. surfaces produced
by our algorithm are shown in figure 10.
(a) Dragon. (b) Horse.
Figure 10: Dragon (182840 triangles) and Horse (70498
triangles) surfaces generated from 512
volumes with a 9
depth octree and a curvature parameter δ of 0.25.
In this paper we have presented a algorithm based on
Nielson’s DMC together with an efficient octree im-
plementation in order to generate compact and man-
ifold multi-resolution meshes. In addition, we have
proposed a dual vertex localization method based on
connected components to improve surface approxi-
mation. In further work, we believe that our approach
can be integrated on an Out-of-Core strategy in order
to process large volumetric data sets.
This research was partially supported by the French
National Project PEPS INS2I CNRS ImagEar3D.
Thanks to the Stanford CGL, Georgia Tech and Cy-
berware for the models used in this paper.
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GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications