Our tracker is a low-level solution and in order to im-
prove the detection and tracking quality higher level
logic might be implemented. In particular such logic
could observe the objects in the context of a longer
period of time, maintaining its history.
Our future work will focus on following issues:
• When a tracked person hides behind an obstacle
and then reappears it is detected as a completely
new object.
• Large number of objects appearing simultane-
ously in the stream results in lower tracking qual-
ity and performance, especially in cases with
complicated occlusions. There is need for an al-
gorithm for deciding which of the tracked objects
can be ignored (e.g. tracking only humans or ve-
• Some surveillance scenarios include monitored
zones covered by more than one camera. Combin-
ing data from multiple trackers can lead to better
With the above issues resolved our tracker to-
gether with those high level components might be
considered as an important part of a robust surveil-
lance system.
The authors would like to thank the PETS workshops
organizers for publishing the datasets we extensively
used in our tests.
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications