Research Vivarium Design Considerations Optimizing
and Supporting Biosignal, Biodevice, and Biomedical
Patrick Sharp
Consultant, Logansport, U.S.A.
Abstract. Contemporary biomedical research supporting biosignal, biodevice,
and biomedical engineering will be conducted in either new or remodeled
animal facilities. It is important for researchers, veterinarians, and architects to
have a better understanding of each other’s needs when considering new or
remodeled facilities; especially in light of new regulatory and voluntary
compliance standards. Contemporary facilities are more than ‘animal
warehouses,’ they play an integral part of the research program by offering
procedure and research support facilities. By maintaining the animals in the
controlled environment found in the vivarium, fewer research variables are
introduced (e.g., transportation, disease). The presentation will offer insights on
facility needs, design considerations, and potential pitfalls to the attendees. The
cost of contemporary animal facilities is more expensive than most institutions
anticipate, but can be properly managed; the importance of life cycle cost will
also be discussed.
1 General Design
Vivarium design must be in close collaboration with a knowledgeable architect and
credentialed laboratory animal veterinarian. In the absence of either, it will be worth
the investment to bring in consultants in both these areas to ensure, among other
matters, appropriate materials, design, equipment, and perhaps most importantly
integrating investigator needs. Together the architect and veterinarian will work to
meet the current and future needs of researchers based on institutional data and an
institutional master plan. New construction is optimal as it permits the best ‘fit’ for
researcher needs and expectations. Remodeling, even extensive remodeling, may give
the illusion of cost savings, but may fail to meet research needs, construction
schedules, or poorly utilize space. New construction is frequently better at optimizing
savings from building orientation, construction materials, and most importantly
research integration.
Facilities must be designed and constructed to meet local regulatory requirements
and should meet the Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory
Animal Care—International (AAALAC) accreditation standards; however, there are
instances where there is conflict between building codes and expected vivarium
design and construction practices. Here, the knowledgeable architect and credentialed
laboratory animal veterinarian can meet and work with the local authorities to
understand the need for the deviation(s). The vivarium must address the concerns for
Sharp P..
Research Vivarium Design Considerations Optimizing and Supporting Biosignal, Biodevice, and Biomedical Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0003863300030008
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Veterinary Biosignals and Biodevices (VBB-2012), pages 3-8
ISBN: 978-989-8425-94-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
animal health and well being in addition to human health and safety.
The species used deserves strong consideration; however, building design must
ensure a high degree of flexibility. Species such as mice, rats, and rabbits must be
kept in a Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) environment, in a low traffic/vibration area
(best on higher floors), and away from noisier animals. Whatever species is used a
clear understanding of their entry into the vivarium, maintenance, and use must be
conveyed to the selected architect and veterinarian.
Small animal holding rooms frequently do not require drains and are flexible
enough to house many species. Large animal holding will require drains, and the
drains should be appropriately sized and supplemented with a rim flush or garbage
Specialized equipment must be thoroughly understood and properly planned.
Equipment frequently includes imaging (e.g., MRI, radiography), behavior/
physiology core facilities, and an irradiator. The imaging and irradiator equipment
will drive construction practices including shielding, structural loading capacity,
security, and outside user access and availability.
Specialized services are an important component of contemporary vivaria. These
services frequently include the barrier and barrier practices for the SPF containment,
surgical facilities for both large and small animals, a transgenic core facility, and a
containment facility.
The facility must be close to the research or research hubs for the institution.
Centralized facilities are more cost effective and easier to keep in regulatory
compliance than decentralized facilities. Storage is a key component and usually the
first removed when ‘value engineering’ occurs; facilities will need at least 20%
storage space; storage needs are more recognized as the vivarium’s occupancy
increases. Closely evaluate storage needs and appropriately determining the HVAC
needs for these areas.
Facility design must include disaster and emergency preparedness. Although a
disaster’s likelihood is small, it must be incorporated into a facility disaster plan.
Clearly this is another advantage of having additional storage capacity for food,
bedding, water, and other essential supplies.
Doors, walls, and floors transcend all vivarium areas. Long lasting polymer doors
offer cost saving advantages over the alternatives and must incorporate door
protection (e.g., door guards, kickplates), sanitation, and equipment floor. Walls must
be sanitizable, free of cracks/pinholes, and protected. Flooring must be durable,
sanitizable, and low maintenance.
2 Housing
This section will focus on barrier housing as it has a greater impact on cost than most
other types of housing. Barrier housing will meet the requirements of an ABSL 2
facility as established by the US Health and Human Services [6]. Housing needs must
be established early as they impact a host of other areas including the doors, elevators,
cage wash, and autoclaves. It is important to remember that the barrier starts at the
cage level. Keeping the animals disease-free is important to ensuring research results
are reliable.
There is a general misconception that animal holding facilities must be dual
corridor (e.g., clean and dirty corridor). Corridor space can account for 30-50% of a
facility employing a dual corridor paradigm; while a single corridor facility can
account for as little as 17% [1]. Holding areas generally consist of a single-room or
suite off a main corridor.
Holding rooms employ various strategies to ensure disease prevention including
stocking with disease-free animals, testing various cell lines/tumors, sanitizing items
entering the cage (e.g., food, bedding, enrichment), employing IVCs/microisolator
tops, using cage change stations, and developing an effective sentinel and quarantine
Other considerations include sterilization access for barrier and containment
housing, janitor’s closets, nearby research support space (e.g., surgery, imaging,
irradiator). It is ideal to provide sufficient facilities and procedure space to permit
most research activities to occur within the vivarium. Animals used in containment-
based research frequently cannot leave the facility. Barrier animals leaving the facility
cannot return to their original room, unless it has been determined they are disease-
free. Most facilities provide a ‘return room’ for those animals leaving the barrier
facility. This room must be of sufficient size to house sufficient animals, frequently
over a long period of time; alternatively animals can be quarantined to evaluate their
health status.
Housing, especially for small animals, will have the greatest cost impact on a
facility. This includes heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), high
efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) filtered air, and caging. The caging must be
carefully considered and greatly impacts life cycle costs. For instance, in two cost
equivalent systems, one system 10 parts per cage, while the competitors have 5;
furthermore, one caging system (the same system with the higher parts) requires at
least annual HEPA filter replacement. Over a few years the additional cage equipment
storage requirement and HEPA filtration replacement costs for the ‘equal cost’ caging
system will greatly increase animal maintenance costs.
Room layouts are frequently driven by projects, money, or multiple users;
frequently a blend of layouts is required. Project layouts are frequently smaller
utilizing more single-sided cage rack. Money driven layouts want to maximize animal
population in a given floor area; this layout frequently employs ventilated racks and
smaller aisle widths. Money driven layouts while increasing animal density, may
come at the cost of decreased cage changing and worker productivity. The multiple
user rooms are quite common, especially in academic institutions. These consist of
larger holding rooms, ventilated racks, and wider aisle widths.
It is important for the facility to be properly wired and ‘future-proofed’ to ensure a
research benefit for many years. The building should be equipped with cell phone
repeaters, wired and wireless internet access, generous electrical outlets, and other
services needed for research and vivarium support equipment. A thorough
understanding of the various needs initially and a periodic review is essential to
ensuring the vivarium remains relevant.
3 Procedure Space
Generally a 1:1 ratio of housing to procedure rooms is ideal. It is advantageous to
incorporate a modicum of housing capabilities in the procedure space; in addition
incorporate a biosafety cabinet (e.g., Type II A2, Type II B2) and various piped
gasses (e.g., oxygen, vacuum, air, carbon dioxide). Additional services/equipment, or
augmentation of the existing, may be needed based on research paradigms employed.
It is important to understand which procedures an institution permits in a housing
Research equipment brought into research space must be appropriately
disinfected; and since some research may occur outside of a HEPA filtered cage
change station, the room containing this equipment should be periodically sanitized.
The chemicals used on surfaces must be equipment friendly. Many institutions
fumigate large pieces of research equipment (e.g., microscopes, computers) before
entering animal facilities; this usually consists of exposure to vaporized hydrogen
peroxide (VHP) or chlorine dioxide (CD). VHP is corrosive to some surfaces,
requires longer exposure and a post-exposure wipe down, and is not a sterilant.
Overall CD is more advantageous than VHP.
Surgery is perhaps the most commonly required procedure space. The surgery
requirement will vary according to the species used. Regardless, it is important to
provide the following areas when surgery is performed: animal, surgeon, and
instrument preparation; operating area; and animal recovery. Specialized equipment is
frequently needed in the operation area and every effort should be made to
periodically clean and/or fumigate this area, especially in areas with unavoidable
clutter. Personnel exposure to anesthetic gases or carcinogenic anesthetics (e.g.,
urethane) must be minimized and appropriate control measures taken (e.g., downdraft
surgery tables, flexible snorkel, fume hood).
4 Vivarium Support Equipment
Sanitation is essential in contemporary vivarium and proper equipment is critical to
ensure minimal service disruption and safeguarding the institution’s investment in
their biomedical research models. Overall it is best to purchase equipment using non-
proprietary parts and to employ an suitably-trained engineer for repairs ad
preventative maintenance. The equipment below may require some degree of isolation
to ensure noise and vibration originating from it does not result in research
interference; in addition the HVAC and all equipment should undergo testing and
commissioning prior to occupancy and periodically thereafter.
4.1 Autoclave
Autoclaves must be of sufficient size to sterilize a wide variety of equipment (e.g.,
cages, water bottles, racks, IVCs). The autoclave is the most frequent bottleneck
therefore a accurate assessment of autoclave needs is essential along with an
evaluation of other strategies. Other strategies include purchasing irradiated diet over
autoclaveable and utilizing automatic watering over bottled, autoclaved water; the
latter is an important consideration as the liquid autoclave cycle can be twice as long
as that for dry goods. Alternatives exist to some autoclave uses; however, these may
be subject to regulatory approval.
4.2 Cage Wash
There are many ways to wash cages, with contemporary facilities using either a rack
or tunnel washer. Throughput must be evaluated as well as the cage wash dimensions.
Some cage wash vendors have smaller height rack washers that restrict their use to a
few cage manufacturers. In the process they may not meet the future needs of the
facility or may be unable to clean larger pieces of equipment. It is best to purchase a
full-height rack washer.
4.3 Automatic Watering
Automatic watering offers many cost saving advantages over providing bottled water
and it acts to increase the throughput of autoclaves and cage washers. It permits faster
cage changes and reduces work-related repetitive stress injuries. Data suggests [3-5]
that water bottle failures are greater than those of automatic watering systems.
5 Research Interference
Partial build-out/shell space: This option is frequently considered; however,
when considering the potential losses associated with future research
interference, equipment cost increases, and research program stability, this
option must be carefully weighed. The outcome frequently depends on the
meaning ‘partial.’
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is gaining popularity to determine
animal census. Consideration must be given to determine if this technology
will interfere with telemetry and other studies. Likewise, what are the
impacts of neighboring telemetry devices/studies.
Floors and walls are strong considerations as imaging modalities require
various forms of shielding (e.g., walls, ceiling) and concrete pad (e.g., MRI)
to minimize interference. It is important to have a broad understanding of the
research plans and needs to minimize the likelihood of a costly renovation.
Punch-outs permit relatively easy building access via large removable walls
or ceilings. Punch-out placement may enhance the building’s flexibility
while ensuring it can be appropriately serviced and updated.
Nearby construction can impact delicate research equipment. Likewise it can
negatively impact animals, especially those on behavioral and physiology
experiments. It is important to understand the construction occurring ‘in the
neighborhood’ as well as in a given building/facility. Vibration and noise can
and will negatively impact animal-based research.
6 Costs
There are many ‘costs’ impacting a vivarium. These include the building cost,
construction cost, equipment cost, and life cycle cost. Each must be closely evaluated
and options considered before ‘value engineering’ forces building alterations resulting
in a less than optimal research facility. Likewise, administrators and scientists must
develop realistic expectations of facility costs and their benefits.
7 Conclusions
There are many factors impacting the cost of contemporary vivarium design and
construction in addition to those presented. It is important to start with a
knowledgeable architect and credentialed laboratory animal veterinarian to provide
the researchers and institutional administration with options that best meet the needs
of the biomedical research team while reducing building, construction, and life cycle
costs. These additional costs will most frequently negatively impact the researchers
most by reducing a vivarium’s potential as a powerful research support tool.
1. Conti, PA; Hessler, JR. 2009. Circulation. In: Hessler, JR; Lehner, NDM, editors. Planning
and Designing Research Animal Facilities. Amsterdam, Academic Press.
2. Gonzalez, D; et al. 2011. Failure and Life Cycle Evaluation of Watering Valves. J Am
Assoc Lab Anim Sci 50(5):713-718.
3. Gonzalez, D; et al. 2008. Watering Valve Life Cycle Evaluation. Abstracts presented at the
59th AALAS National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, 9-13 Nov 2008. J Am Assoc Lab Anim
Sci 47(5):120.
4. Rosa, MA; et al. 2009. Quality Control of the Automated Watering System at IDIBELL.
SECAL Conference Poster.
5. Smith, V; Coleman, M. 2010. Life with Automatic Water. IAT (UK) Conference Poster.
6. US Department of Health and Human Services. 2009. Biosafety in Microbiological and
Biomedical Laboratories, 5
ed’n. HHS Publication No. (CDC) 21-112. Washington, DC.