of the experiments. Fig.1(h) shows that with 16 ro-
tations and 100 eigenvectors the position estimation
presents good accuracy. Fig.1(k)) shows that, with 16
rotations, the percentage of experiments equal than or
under one degree is 86% although in the rest of the
experiments is greater than 10 degrees.
3.3 Gist-based Techniques
To extract the information of a test image, we filter
the image with the same Gabor masks used to built
the map. The maximum number of spatial escales
used is two. After that, we compute the descriptor
using the same horizontal and vertical cells as in the
map. The elapsed time in the position recovering (fig.
1(e)) depends on the number of Gabor masks we use
in order to filter the image. Fig. 1(f) shows the rela-
tionship between the elapsed time in pose estimation
and the orientation parameters. The number of ver-
tical cells determines the results over its size. The
position estimation presents good accuracy with few
masks (fig. 1(i)). The phase retrieval results appear in
fig.1(l). The descriptor is able to estimate the orienta-
tion of almost all the experiments without error using
16 vertical cells. But they are binary results, since
the angle is discretized depending on the number of
vertical cells we apply to the image.
In this paper we have presented the comparison of
different appearance-based algorithms applied to the
creation of a descriptor using panoramic images. We
have studied the elapsed and the accuracy in the pose
estimation regarding a previously created map.
All of them have demonstrated to be perfectly
valid to carry out the estimation of the pose of a robot
within the map. However, when the number of im-
ages included in the map grows, the computational
cost of PCA descriptor can make it application unfea-
sible. Moreover, it is a non-incremental method.
Regarding the elapsed time, rotational PCA ex-
ceeds the other methods. Gist-Gabor lasts longer than
Fourier Signature, and it is more dependant on the
quantity of information it stores, i.e. the number of
masks we use to filter the image. The three algo-
rithms present a high rate of retrieved positions, being
Fourier Signature remarkable.
In the orientation estimation task, PCA technique
has the lowest accuracy. Although Gist-Gabor out-
performs Fourier Signature, Gist-Gabor angle’s esti-
mation is sampled with regard to the number of cells
we use, and it could increase time and memory con-
sumptions as we need higher accuracy.
To finish, this paper proves again the possibil-
ities that appearance-based techniques offer.The re-
sults achieved encourage us to continue studying new
possibilities and deepening in its development, look-
ing for new available techniques and improving its ro-
bustness to illumination change, noise or occlusions.
This work has been supported by the Spanish govern-
ment through the project DPI2010-15308.
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications