Table 1: Numeric results per method.
Manual Height Threshold Generative model Reconstruction model
In Out In Out In Out In Out
Entire video 14276 10934 4871 3688 10046 6741 11425 8789
Busy 779 1124 109 230 331 461 557 719
Quiet 417 43 273 23 435 56 446 46
Night 22 597 29 237 15 482 45 549
Table 2: Error percentages per method.
Height Threshold Generative model Reconstruction model
In Out In Out In Out
Entire video -65.9% -66.3% -29.6% -38.3% -20.0% -19.6%
Busy -86.0% -79.5% -57.5% -59.0% -28.5% -36.0%
Quiet -34.5% -46.5% 4.3% 30.2% 7.0% 7.0%
Night 31.8% -60.3% -31.8% -19.3% 104.5% -8.0%
to explain but is seen when people bring in baby car-
riages or when children carry helium filled balloons.
Undercounting is most prominent in the na
method. The reason is that people do not produce
separate blobs when the cut-off is applied. Rais-
ing the cut-off height will not solve this problem un-
til it is raised to above shoulder height, but at then
short people will be overlooked. Moreover, with fore-
ground fattening (Scharstein and Szeliski, 2002) peo-
ple’s blobs may merge even at head height.
Another remarkable result is the over 100% er-
ror margin of people entering in the night sequence
for the reconstruction method. The only people en-
tering in that sequence are personnell bringing in ob-
jects such as trash bins as illustrated in figure 5 which
match the template close enough.
We have shown two novel template based people
counting and localisation methods that work with
range images by stereo cameras. The methods were
tested on a dataset that featured many people in view
at once, a changing background and big changes in
lighting conditions. We found that as the methods
make more use of the available information from the
range image the detection and tracking results im-
prove. The methods run in real-time, making them
suitable for live deployment.
The research reported in this paper was supported
by the Foundation Innovation Alliance (SIA - Sticht-
ing Innovatie Alliantie) with funding from the Dutch
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW),
in the framework of the ‘Mens voor de Lens’ project.
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications