Traditionally, methods that aim at overlaying a tex-
ture onto a non-rigid surface are applying a two di-
mensional or three dimensional deformable model re-
constructed from a commodity color camera.
2-D Deformable Model. Pilet et al. have pre-
sented a feature-based fast method which detects and
tracks deformable objects in monocular image se-
quences (Pilet et al., 2007). They applied a wide base-
line matching algorithm for finding correspondences.
Hilsmann and Eisert proposed a real-time system that
tracks clothes and overlays a texture on it by estimat-
ing the elastic deformations of the cloth from a single
camera in the 2D image plane (Hilsmann and Eisert,
2009). Self-occlusions problem is addressed by using
a 2-D motion model regularizing an optical flow field.
In both of these methods, the target surface requires a
rich texture in order to perform a tracking.
3-D Deformable Model. Several methods are tak-
ing advantage of a 3-D mesh model computed from
a 2-D input image for augmenting a target surface.
Shen et al. recovered the 3-D shape of an inextensi-
ble deformable surface from a monocular image se-
quence (Shen et al., 2010). Their iterative L
approximation process computes the non-convex ob-
jective function in the optimization. The noise is re-
duced by applying a L
-norm on re-projection errors.
Processing time is, however,too long to satisfy a prac-
tical system due to their iterative nature.
Salzmann et al. generated a deformation
mode space from the PCA of sample triangular
meshes (Salzmann et al., 2007). The non-rigid shape
is then expressed by the combination of each defor-
mation mode. This step does not need an estimation
of an initial shape or a tracking. Later, they achieved
the linear local model for a monocular reconstruction
of a deformable surface (Salzmann and Fua, 2011).
This method reconstructs an arbitrary deformed shape
as long as the homogeneous surface has been learned
Perriollat et al. presented the reconstruction of
an inextensible deformable surface without learning
the deformable model (Perriollat et al., 2010). It
achieves fast computing by exploiting the underlying
distance constraints to recover the 3-D shape. That
fast computing can realize augmented reality applica-
tion. Note that most of those approaches require cor-
respondences between a template image and an input
Depth Cameras. Recent days, depth cameras have
been becoming popular and many researchers have
been focusing on the deformable model registration
using it (Li et al., 2008) (Kim et al., 2010) (Cai et al.,
2010). The depth camera has a big advantage against
a standard camera because it captures the 3-D shape
of the target surface with no texture.
Amberg et al. presented a method which extends
the ICP (Iterative Closest Point) framework to non-
rigid registration (Amberg et al., 2007). The opti-
mal deformation can be determined accurately and
efficiently by applying a locally affine regulariza-
tion. Drawback of this method is that the processing
cost increases due to the iterative process. Papazov
and Burschka proposed a method for deformable 3-
D shape registration by computing shape transitions
based on local similarity transforms (Papazov and
Burschka, 2011). They formulated an ordinary dif-
ferential equation which describes the transition of a
source shape towards a target shape. Even if this ap-
proach does not require any iterative process, it still
requires a lot of computational time.
In addition, we are aware that most methods us-
ing a depth camera assume that the input depth data is
ground truth. Therefore, they may result in an unnat-
ural surface if the depth data is noisy.
In this section, we describe our method to overlay a
texture onto a non-rigid surface. Fig. 1 illustrates the
flow of our method. First, in the off-line phase, we
generate deformation models by learning many rep-
resentative meshes. That deformation models were
proposed by Salzmann et al. (Salzmann et al., 2007).
Because the dimension of the mesh in the model is
low, we can quickly generate an arbitrary deformable
mesh to fit the target surface in the on-line phase. In
addition, thanks to the models, even though the input
data is noisy, we can generate a natural mesh that has
smooth shape.
In Salzmann’s method, the iterative processing is
required because it is not easy to generate a 3-D mesh
only from a 2-D color image. In our case, we can
generate a 3-D mesh directly by taking advantage of
3-D data from a depth camera.
3.1 Surface Deformation Models
In the off-line phase, we generate the deforma-
tion models by learning several representative sam-
ple meshes. This part is based on Salzmann’s
method (Salzmann et al., 2007) that can reduce dras-