non-linear regression. We show how Random Regres-
sion Forests are trained, and then subsequently used
on test image with Hough voting to accurately pre-
dict joint locations. We demonstrate our approach and
compare to the state-of-the-art on a publicly available
dataset. Even though our system is implemented in an
unoptimised high level language, it runs in seconds
per frame on a single core. As future work we plan
to apply these results with the temporal constraints of
a tracking framework for increased accuracy and tem-
poral coherency. Finally, we would like to apply these
results to other areas of cognitive vision such as HCI
and gesture recognition.
This work was supported by the EC project
FP7-ICT-23113 Dicta-Sign and the EPSRC project
EP/I011811/1. Thanks to Eng-Jon Ong and Helen
Cooper for their insights and stimulating discussions.
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