applied to eight pairs of UV and visible images of
fine-art paintings.
Figure 10: Visualized local values of conditional entropies
(a) and
Figure 11: The resultant mask of the repainting areas (a)
and the mask combined with the photograph of the
painting (b).
The combined technique for detecting objects in
multimodal images based on specific object
detectors and image difference measure is presented.
Two information-theoretical measures of image
difference are proposed. The conditions of
applicability of these measures for detecting
artefacts in multimodal images are formulated. The
computing experiment has shown the efficiency of
the proposed measures. The combined technique is
successfully applied for detecting repainting and
retouching areas of fine-art paintings. The objects
having grayscale relief similar to the relief of the
repainting area are localized in UV image thought
the instrumentality of specific detectors.
Subsequently, the “true” objects are selected using
considered information-theoretical difference
measure. The proposed technique requires
segmentation of only one of the analyzed images,
unlike the technique described in (Heitz, 1990). The
future research will be aimed at the development
automated procedures for choosing window size and
number of quantization levels for estimating
conditional entropies.
This work was supported by the Russian Foundation
for Basic Research, grant No 09-07-00368.
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications