Jun Sasaki, Koki Ito, Manato Saikachi, Masanori Takagi and Keizo Yamada
Faculty of Software and Information Science, Iwate Prefectural University, Takizawa, 020-0193, Iwate, Japan
Keywords: Information system, Healthcare system, Safety monitoring, Life support, IP telephone.
Abstract: An increasingly aging society and higher prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases are significant problems in
advanced countries. There are social requirements of integrated services for medical care, welfare, and
healthcare. In this paper, we propose the concept of a Wellness Support System (WSS), which is an
integrated information system that can be used to prevent the solitary death of elderly people, provide daily
life support services, and improve the health of those at risk for lifestyle-related diseases. The WSS enables
ease of use and a helpful information environment using a newly developed type of IP telephone for elderly
people. This paper introduces the concept and describes the development of a prototype WSS.
There are three main areas in human life support,
namely, medical care, welfare and healthcare. Many
systems using information and communication
technology (ICT) have already been introduced in
each area. There are also social requirements for
integrated medical care, welfare, and healthcare
services to reduce management costs and improve
security and serviceability (Sasaki, 2011).
This paper first discusses previous studies on
ICT applications in each of the above fields as well
as issues to be solved. Then, we propose the concept
of a Wellness Support System (WSS) to help solve
these issues. We present the architecture and a
prototype development of the WSS.
2.1 ICT in the Medical Field
The medical field typically has a consistent budget
and can develop new technologies and advanced
equipment such as teleradiology, telepathology,
electronic medical records, and so on. However,
subjected to the effect of an ever-increasing number
of elderly people, economic conditions for medical
services in Japan will become more strained as a
result of the greater need for costly treatments
combined with the weak financial position of retired
people. Particularly in rural areas, government
budgets are too limited to allow optimal
management of public hospitals and medical
facilities. Recently, network-based medicine (i.e.,
cooperation in a regional medical group through
information sharing) and telemedicine (a medical
diagnosis service from a remote site using a
network) have become popular since the need for
high-cost medical facilities is not strictly necessary.
2.2 ICT in the Welfare Field
There is a social problem of increasing solitary
deaths of the elderly. Although many kinds of
sensor-type systems are available to monitor the
health and activities of elderly people (Talab, 2009)
(Eikerling, 2009), these have not been very
successful because the intended users see such
systems as an invasion of their privacy. Previously,
we proposed a self-send-type monitoring system
using an L-mode telephone and reported some
successful experimental results (Yoneda, 2006).
Now, a new self-send-type monitoring system using
normal home telephones has been developed and
tested in Japan (Sasaki, 2010).
2.3 ICT for Healthcare
Daily healthcare is important to prevent lifestyle-
related diseases such as hypertension,
Sasaki J., Ito K., Saikachi M., Takagi M. and Yamada K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003872504390442
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 439-442
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
hyperlipidemia, and diabetes. Although many
healthcare-related web sites aimed at the general
public are available online, there is no adequate
healthcare system for professional users such as
healthcare workers and physicians. People with
lifestyle-related diseases usually have little
motivation to seek good health promotion, nutrition
management, and physical exercise, and if their
healthcare were to be provided by a medical clinic,
the cost would be high.
3.1 Users and Items in a WSS
The approach adopted for improving the health of
those with lifestyle-related diseases is shown in
Figure 1. The target users of our research are located
midway between wellness users and patients. Vital
signs, including weight, fat ratio, and blood glucose
levels, have to be monitored to improve the health of
these users. Patients are surrounded by a variety of
therapies, including:
- dietetics, which deals with their intake of food
and history of nutritional counseling, among others;
- physical exercise, which deals with calories and
their history of exercise counseling; and
- drugs, which deal with their history of medicine.
As one moves from the bottom to the top of the
pyramid, health conditions improve and the items
dealt with become simpler. As such, the users and
items in a healthcare system can be very complex
and changeable depending on the individual health
condition and situation of the user.
Figure 1: Approach for improving the health of those with
lifestyle-related diseases.
3.2 Current Healthcare Support
There are many existing healthcare support systems
in Japan, which can be categorized by their services
and target users. However, there is no all-
encompassing main healthcare system in Japan. If
we use multiple systems to cover multiple areas, a
conflict of scope and items occurs. For example,
when the condition of a wellness user changes to
that of a patient, the data must be transferred to a
different system, because the different health
databases are not integrated.
3.3 Conventional Studies on WSS
Previously, the authors proposed the concept of a
Life Support Network (LSN) (Sasaki, 2001).
Currently, using standard non-LSN systems,
personal data of individuals are managed in each
individual field’s system, causing many problems
with regard to information security, management
cost, and serviceability. In the LSN, on the other
hand, personal data are managed in a single local
database and can be shared with high security to
provide optimal service through collaboration in the
medical, welfare, and healthcare fields.
The requirements for the next level of healthcare
system, or WSS, include:
- construction of an integrated healthcare database;
- effective use of any available part of the current
system (to satisfy this requirement, a common
platform for different systems is needed—further,
administration items should be customized);
- adaptability to a variety of terminals and
- security and user authorization management.
We propose a WSS architecture that includes
various terminals and networks. In the architecture,
single-sign-on can be realized by a core system, and
users can control access to their data. The
architecture also realizes an integrated healthcare
database, which can be used by all users, for
example, patients, healthcare administrators, and
Figure 2 shows the paradigm shift from the
current model to a new model by means of the WSS.
The server computers are placed at the top level with
users and specialists in the bottom and middle levels,
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
respectively. A characteristic of the new model is to
place the core system between the servers and users.
In the current model, users have to access servers
individually. In the new model, users can use a
service without considering individual servers. An
aim of our research is to construct a WSS platform
and architecture to realize the new healthcare
management model.
Figure 2: Paradigm shift from current model to new model
by means of the WSS.
Figure 3 shows the proposed WSS architecture,
which has the following layers.
Figure 3: Proposed WSS architecture.
Measuring Layer. This layer has a health data
measurement terminal that can be connected to the
presentation layer or the gateway layer. Health data
measurement terminals have a standard wireless
interface such as Bluetooth to connect to the
gateway layer. The available standard interface is
the ISO/IEEE 11073 proposed by the Continua
Health Alliance (Continua, 2010) and is our
recommended interface. In consultation with
medical doctors, we selected various devices for the
daily healthcare of a residential client as shown in
Figure 4. All the devices have a standard wireless
communication network (ISO/IEEE 11073) and
auto-sending function of the measured data to the
gateway device. The gateway device has an IP
network interface to connect to the server via the
Urinary salinometer
Weight scale
Authentication device
Gateway device
Figure 4: Prototype measurement devices.
Presentation Layer. This layer provides a user-
friendly interface for easy input, expression, and
editing to enable users to understand the vital health
data visualized graphically or using other
presentation tools.
Gateway Layer. This layer connects the measuring
layer and presentation layer terminals with the IP
network (Internet- or Cloud-based). The gateway
layer terminal can be used to allow communication
among users including physicians and health
managers. We are developing a new application that
works on the IP telephone shown in Figure 5. The IP
telephone has six touch panel buttons, the top three
of which (representing, I am “fine”, “not so fine”,
“bad”) are used for a self-reporting type safety
monitoring system, while the bottom three are to talk
to a volunteer, a life supporter, or a healthcare
manager. The IP telephone also includes gateway
and presentation functions to connect to the Internet
and to allow for easy operation by the elderly,
Figure 5: A new terminal with self-reporting type safety
monitoring, gateway, and presentation functionality.
Application Layer. This layer includes many
healthcare applications including vital data
management, nutritional management, and physical
exercise management. Documents exchanged in the
WSS are XML format as this is preferable to realize
flexible adaptation for many applications and a
variety of terminals. Representational State Transfer
(REST) (Fielding, 2000) is a useful technology for
this layer.
Database Layer. All the data used in the WSS are
centralized in the database layer so that the best
combination of optimal quality medical, welfare,
and healthcare services can be provided to users.
The database can be constructed as a virtual
database on the Internet or in a Cloud. There are
certain required functions such as a recognition
(certification) function to access data and data
protection and a back-up function to maintain good
reliability. We propose adopting Open Authorization
(OAuth, 2011) technology for more convenient
In this paper we proposed the concept of a WSS to
ensure the daily safety of elderly people and to
improve the health conditions of people with
lifestyle-related and pre-lifestyle-related diseases.
The architecture of the WSS allows easy operation
with a flexible information environment supporting
a variety of terminals and applications, as well as
interface adaptability. The following issues should
be considered when constructing an ideal WSS:
- social and system management organization for
continual use of the system;
- the economic effects and a business model of the
system so as to clarify suitable areas and long-term
use; and
- a real-time action system with a decision-making
support function.
The major benefit of a WSS is the integration of
isolated information systems in the medical, welfare,
and healthcare fields on a common platform.
This research is supported by the Japan Science and
Technology Agency. We would like to thank the
project members at the Hitachi Regional Technical
Support Center, Office M&M Co., Ltd., and Citizen
Systems Japan Co., Ltd., for assistance in
developing the WSS prototype. We also thank
Professor Akiko Ogawa at Iwate Prefectural
University, Dr. Michiru Tanaka at Iwate-shiga Co.,
Ltd., and Mr. Yuji Ichihara at Nihon Information
Co., Ltd., for informative discussions and assistance
in designing the self-reporting type safety
monitoring system.
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OAuth: Google’s Internet Identity Research, “OAuth
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics