Cluster Analysis and Artificial Neural Network on the
Superovulatory Response Prediction in Mice
Gabriela Berni Brianezi, Fernando Frei, José Celso Rocha and
Marcelo Fábio Gouveia Nogueira
Department of Biological Sciences, College of Sciences and Letters
São Paulo State University (UNESP), Campus Assis,
Av Dom Antonio 2100, Vila Tenis Clube, CEP 19806900, Assis, o Paulo, Brazil
Abstract. Complex biological systems require sophisticated approach for
analysis, once there are variables with distinct measure levels to be analyzed at
the same time in them. The mouse assisted reproduction, e.g. superovulation
and viable embryos production, demand a multidisciplinary control of the
environment, endocrinologic and physiologic status of the animals, of the
stressing factors and the conditions which are favorable to their copulation and
subsequently oocyte fertilization. In the past, analyses with a simplified
approach of these variables were not well succeeded to predict the situations
that viable embryos were obtained in mice. Thereby, we suggest a more
complex approach with association of the Cluster Analysis and the Artificial
Neural Network to predict embryo production in superovulated mice. A robust
prediction could avoid the useless death of animals and would allow an ethic
management of them in experiments requiring mouse embryo.
1 Superovulation and Embryonic Production
The mice superovulation (SOV) is a pharmacological treatment aiming the
supernumerary induction of ovulation, by administration of eCG and hCG hormones.
They have the bioactivity of FSH and LH hormones, responsible for the growth of
antral follicles and the induction of ovulation. After the SOV, it could be expected a
higher amount of oocytes to be delivered, captured by infundibulum and transported
to the oviduct ampoule, where the fertilization will occur. The final objective of the
SOV would be to produce a higher number of viable embryos compared to the
physiologic pattern of the specie.
In mouse (Mus musculus) a mucous plug is formed in the vulva after copula, by
seminal plasma components of the semen, therefore it is an indicative of the copula
occurrence. Concomitantly to the SOV, aspects of the environment and manipulation
of the animals may interfere with the viable embryo production. Temperature and
humidity variations may lead to changes in blood circulation and in airways leading
animals to a more infection susceptibility condition. The lack of cages cleaning
increases ammonia concentration in the air and the probability of the animals to suffer
cutaneous and pulmonary irritations. The environmental light intensity is one of the
most important variables, since it stimulates (by optical nerve) the pituitary to secrete
Berni Brianezi G., Frei F., Rocha J. and Fábio Gouveia Nogueira M..
Cluster Analysis and Artificial Neural Network on the Superovulatory Response Prediction in Mice.
DOI: 10.5220/0003876600790084
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Veterinary Biosignals and Biodevices (VBB-2012), pages 79-84
ISBN: 978-989-8425-94-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sexual hormones. The physiological activities occur in a circadian rhythm and,
therefore it is important that the light of the animal facility mimics the natural phases
of light and dark, keeping the physiological pattern of the specie. The feeding of
animals must be appropriate to specie and age, being the excess of energy (mainly fat)
inductor of low fertility. All the variables mentioned above, resemble in a factor: they
generate, directly or indirectly, stress to the animals. Furthermore, other changes in
their environment, like intense odors and noise, are known stressors. Once stressed,
the males tend to lose the libido and the females do not allow the copulation due to a
change at their sexual receptivity. Beyond the environmental factors, the wrong
administration of hormones (e.g. the reflux of the drug) interferes with SOV yield.
There are not reliable and accurate methods for the embryonic prediction after
mice SOV. The plug is the only biological marker to copula occurrence not being
enough to predict if there was fertilization and if zygotes developed to viable
embryos. Currently, the predictive analysis for this purpose is subjective and
unreliable. The absence of accurate methods, which could predict the viable embryos
occurrence after mouse superovulation, induces to death several animals that do not
produce any viable embryo. Ethically this is not accepted and the 3R principles
(reduce, replace and refine) should be searched. In this way, the proposed approach
could avoid or minimize unnecessary deaths.
Few articles tried a similar approach (but not making use of Cluster Analysis and
ANN) to predict biological complex systems as mice SOV and embryonic production.
Stevens [11] reports the use of Cluster Analysis to classify the embryonic
development of Blue King crab Paralithodes platypus, with similar results to the
image analysis. Nevertheless, Faeder [5] proposed that complex biological systems -
e.g. interaction among molecules, cells and environment - should be analyzed by the
development of multiscale and multilevel biological models.
2 Cluster Analysis
Cluster Analysis is a generic name assigned to several statistics methods which try to
elaborate judgments to group objects. These are multivariate statistics techniques,
with exploratory connotation. In this way, a given sample with several objects
(animals for instance) which was measured by several variables, seeks a classification
scheme to cluster the animals on similar groups. Nowadays, Cluster Analysis is
applied in many areas. The set of results from those techniques could contribute to the
definition of a formal classification scheme; it also may suggest a set of rules to
classify new objects in new classes intending some diagnostics; it presents statistics
models suggestions to describe populations, find objects which might represents
groups or classes and obtain population subgroups, following certain study features.
Thereby, the Cluster Analysis results may help the multidimensional space patterns
2.1 Similarity Measures and Group Algorithm
coefficients quantify how similar the objects are inside the analyzed meas-
ures, and their choice is very important for Cluster Analysis. For this purpose, the
variable measurements should be observed, in other words, if they are qualitative,
quantitative, or a mixture of these measurements, as in the proposed study. To
measure the similarity among the studied objects it is used the Gowers index (S
which defines similarity coefficients in the interval from 0 to 1 between i and k units
to each h variable from a total of any p variables type. The measure of these
similarities results in Gowers coefficient.
ikh ikh
In which t
and u
are assigned according with the h variable type.
(a) If the h variable is binary and
and u
present in 2 units 1 1
absent in 2 units 0 0
the units do not match 0 1
(b) If the h variable is qualitative multistate, t
= 1 if the units i, k match with h
variable, and t
= 0 if they do not. Both cases u
= 1.
(c) If the h variable is quantitative
, u
= 1.
is the result of h variable, i unit.
There are several algorithms and methods to perform clustering of animals after the
similarity measurement. In this work we will use algorithms from Agglomerative
Hierarchical Method, which has shown to be a useful tool on discovery of inherent
substructures to a certain data group. The Agglomerative Hierarchical algorithms
searches the objects which have the lower distance each other, inside the similarity
matrix, and group them. Once grouped, those animals remain in these groups
throughout the successive clustering stages. The main difficulty of Cluster Analysis is
to set the quantity of groups. Furthermore, different groups come out when used
different algorithms. Thereby, one of the recommendations is to use several
algorithms. If the results presents similar substructures a natural partition was
obtained, otherwise it is unlikely that the data represents natural distinct groups.
Algorithms to be used: Complete Linkage, Average Linkage and Ward Method.
By Cluster Analysis it is expected to be found natural groups which may indicate
patterns (on the animals or environment) to maximize the number of viable embryos.
In this way, these patterns could be implemented in researches involving embryonic
production in mice.
) min (max
3 Artificial Neural Networks – ANN
The Artificial Neural Network is a modern math technique which intends to mimic the
biological neurons functioning through computational models, in other words it is an
attempt of reproduce the human brain computationally, in order to resolve high
complexity problems.
An important feature of ANN is the ability of learning from real known cases,
which provides its performance improvement. The learning is made by an iterative
process and happens when the ANN reaches a general solution of problems
previously presented to it [1].
In this sense the ANN application to find solutions to complex problems, as the
superovulation and embryonic production presented in this work, should lead the
ANN to predict viable embryo production from superovulated mouse.
3.1 ANN Training Algorithm
To this work the ANN to be used is named multilayer and uses the Backpropagation
training algorithm, which has supervisionated learning and was chosen by presenting
more efficiency in this type of work. The multilayer networks have their name
because they present more than one neuron interconnected layer.
We could schematize a multilayer ANN as follow in the Figure 1.
Fig. 1. An ANN multilayer scheme.
The input layer corresponds to the chosen variables as parameters for the ANN
training. The hidden layers are intermediary layers and may lead the network to an
easier understanding of the process of learning. The output layer is the one which
gives the ANN answer and it is compared to the results we intend to obtain from the
ANN. The Backpropagation algorithm is characterized by two stages. At the first one,
named feedforward, the variables are processed and the ANN response is compared
with the experimentally results obtained. If the difference between the responses is
greater than the pre-established determined error, the network starts the feedbackward
stage, which recalculates the internal parameters. The stages are repeated until the
final result to be inside previously established error [9]. After training, the ANN will
be able to predict the occurrence of viable embryos from superovulated mouse.
4 Hypothesis and Variables to Be Analyzed
Due the complexity of the variables that influence the superovulatory response which
involves the animal, the environment and its manipulation, an objective analysis
would be potentially more effective than the current subjective one. The work
hypothesis of our group is to test the Cluster Analysis or Artificial Neural Network for
this prediction and to compare the obtained results to the current ones (subjectively
inferred). The following variables will be use to the Cluster Analysis and the Artificial
Neural Network, and produced data – prediction of variables which might be
indicatives of viable embryo production – will be compared to the data of the embryo
yielded by animals. The variables to be analyzed are:
1) female weight (g) at the embryo recovery day;
2) male weight (g) at the embryo recovery day;
3) copulatory plug presence or absence;
4) presence or absence of reflux from hormones administration;
5) female age (days) at the embryo recovery day;
6) male age (days) at the embryo recovery day;
7) animal lineage (Swiss Webster or C57BL/6);
8) animal facility location (A or B);
9) origin of the female (in-house or obtained out of university Campus);
10) origin of male (in-house or obtained out of university Campus);
11) amount of viable embryos yielded in the recovery day (0, 1, 2, 3, etc);
12) season at the embryo recovery day;
13) light intensity (lux) into copulation cage;
14) temperature (ºC) into copulation cage.
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