Spoken Communication with CAMBADA@Home
Service Robot
Ciro Martins
, António Teixeira
, Eurico Pedrosa
and Nuno Almeida
Department Electronics, Telecommunications & Informatics/IEETA
Aveiro University, Aveiro, Portugal
School of Technology and Management
Aveiro University, Águeda, Portugal
Abstract. Spoken language is a natural way to control the human-robot interac-
tion, especially for mobile service robots. It has some important advantages
over other communication approaches: eyes and hands free, communication
from a distance, even without being in line of sight and no need for additional
learning for humans. In this paper, we present the spoken dialog framework in-
tegrated in our mobile service robot CAMBADA@Home, a robotic platform
aimed at move into a living space and interact with users of that space. The
proposed framework comprises three major spoken and natural language
processing components: an Automatic Speech Recognition component to
process the human requests, a Text-to-Speech component to generate more nat-
ural responses from the robot side, and a dialog manager to control how these
two components work together.
1 Introduction
Service robots have the potential to enhance the quality of life for a broad range of
users. In fact, developing different types of robotic systems that can be able to interact
with the human world [1] is one major challenge for the 21st century in the robotics
area. It is expected that Robotics play a key role when targeting social challenges
such as the household tasks, the ageing population, the care of individuals with phys-
ical impairments and those in rehabilitation therapy [2]. It is very important for these
systems to have good human-robot interaction (HRI) interfaces, allowing them to be
easily accepted, usable and controllable by humans. In this field, various and different
HRI issues arise such as making user interfaces that reduce the cognitive load of the
robot interlocutor and allowing him to interact naturally and efficiently with it. Both
verbal and non-verbal communications are necessary to establish an engaging interac-
tion. The robot should be able to communicate with the user through both verbal and
non-verbal channels, which requires technologies capable of being commanded
through natural communication (e.g., speech and natural language, hand gestures,
facial expressions), of fetching items, and of assisting with daily activities (e.g.,
dressing, feeding, moving independently).
In this paper, we present the research and development that are being done in the
Martins C., Teixeira A., Pedrosa E. and Almeida N..
Spoken Communication with CAMBADA@Home Service Robot.
DOI: 10.5220/0003878900270036
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications (AAL-2012), pages 27-36
ISBN: 978-989-8425-93-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
area of service robots by the CAMBADA@Home team, a research group from the
Aveiro University and comprising students from the Department of Electronics, Tele-
communications and Informatics and researchers from the Institute of Electronics and
Telematics Engineering of Aveiro (IEETA).
In the scope of IEETA Transverse Activity on Intelligent Robotics, the project
@Home was created in January 2011 following the team past research
done in the CARL
[3] project
and the experience in the CAMBADA [4] robotic
soccer team. The objective of CARL project was to study the interrelations and inte-
gration of various dimensions of the problem of building an intelligent robot: human-
robot interaction, sensory-motor skills and perception, decision-making capabilities
and learning. The development of the CAMBADA soccer team started in 2003 and
has participated in several national and international competitions, including Robo-
Cup world championships (1st in 2008, 3rd in 2009, 2010 and 2011).
The CAMBADA@Home project aims to address the special issues that arise
when one needs to develop services and assistive robot technology with high relev-
ance for personal domestic applications in daily life [5]. The development of such a
robotic platform for elderly care is part of a broader project named Living Usability
Lab for Next Generation Networks
, a collaborative effort between the industry and
the academy that aims to develop and test technologies and services that give elderly
people a quality lifestyle in their own homes while remaining active and independent.
According to these research lines, the team is working to participate in the Robo-
Cup@Home competition [6], whose aim is to enhance the development of fully auto-
nomous robots capable of assisting humans in everyday life (e.g. personal robot assis-
tant, guide robot for the blind, robot care for elderly people). In terms of HRI an aim
of the competition is to foster natural interaction with the robot using speech and
gesture commands since it cannot be touched during the competition. Hence, a robust
speech recognition interface with an easy usable dialog system is strictly necessary
and long-term goal.
The proposed spoken dialog system, as well as the implemented speech
processing components and their integration within the CAMBADA robotic platform,
are presented in this paper. In the next section, we give an overview of the main chal-
lenges and objectives that spoken interaction interfaces have to overcome on service
robotic platforms. The robot prototype that currently has our spoken dialog system
running is briefly introduced in section 3, being our approach to implement a dynamic
dialog system explained in section 4. Furthermore, in section 5 we present some ap-
plication scenarios defined for RoboCup@Home competition, drawing some conclu-
sions and future work guidelines in section 6.
CAMBADA is an acronym of Cooperative Autonomous Mobile roBots with Advanced Distributed Archi-
CARL is an acronym of Communication, Action, Reasoning and Learning in Robotics.
2 Challenges
As motivated in the introduction, a mobile service robot should be enabled to interact
with humans in home environments in a natural way, and speech is one of the most
intuitively ways for HRI. Moreover, if speech is used for interaction, it should be as
simple and effective as natural communication between humans. This means that a
spoken dialog interface should be able to deal with complex and rich information
exchange scenarios. As such, natural language interaction is a challenging problem,
not only because it requires sophisticated natural speech processing units (speech
recognition, speech synthesis and language understanding/generation), but also be-
cause it raises issues such as robustness, mixed-initiative dialog, multimodal interac-
tion, and cognitive modeling [7].
A dialog system has to be easily usable by humans that do not know the robot and
has to prevent deadlocks in situations where the robot does not understand the human.
Therefore, a spoken dialog between a human and a robot has to be managed some-
how. The responsible component for that control is called a dialog manager. Building
a dialog manager however is a challenging issue. There are principles for standard
dialog handling [8], which have to be kept according to the target application. Some
of these principles include features such as error handling, timing and turn taking,
mixed-initiative interaction, confirmation of irreversible actions, emergency exit,
alternatives processing, helping system, dialog flow transparency, etc.
One of the most important and persistent problems in the development of HRI in-
terfaces is their lack of environmental robustness when confronted with understand-
ing errors. Most of these errors stem from limitations in speech recognition technolo-
gy [8]. In the context of spoken language interfaces, the accuracy is mainly affected
by the amount and type of environmental noise, acoustic echo, variations in speaking
styles (e.g. accents, native and non-native speakers), and various spontaneous speech
phenomena such as disfluencies, hesitations, filled pauses, and so on.
In general, two different approaches can be choosen to increase the overall ro-
bustness of spoken dialog interfaces. One approach is to increase the accuracy of the
speech recognition process. The other is to assume those errors and create the me-
chanisms for recovering from them through conversation, i.e. improving the dialog
management process. This last approach is mainly followed when using generic and
already implemented speech recognition systems (e.g. commercial systems), being
necessary to rely on robust dialog managers.
3 Robotic Platform
The CAMBADA@Home robotic platform (see figure 1) is based on the CAMBADA
robotic soccer platform [4]. The platform has a conical base with radius of 24 cm and
height of 80 cm. The physical structure is built on a modular approach with three
main layers. The top layer has the robot vision system that uses a low-cost sensor, the
Microsoft Kinnect depth camera, and the speech input system, the Microsoft Kinnect
microphone array. The middle layer houses the processing units, which collects data
from the sensors and computes the commands to the actuators. Finally, the lowest
layer is composed of the robot motion system. Since the project is still in its infancy,
the platform does not include a robotic arm for the moment. The software architecture
follows a distributed approach, with five control processes being executed concur-
rently by the robot's processing unit in Linux.
Fig. 1. CAMBADA@Home robotic platform.
An overview of the technical details can be found in [5]. As the natural interaction
feature is the main topic of this paper, we will continue with a detailed description of
the spoken dialog framework proposed.
4 A Spoken Dialog Framework for CAMBADA@Home
We have integrated some interaction facilities in our mobile service robot by means
of a spoken dialog framework. The requirements for this speech-base interaction
system resulted from the rulebook of the RoboCup@Home competition. According to
its stated use-cases, we defined the following requirements:
the speech recognition component should be speaker independent, have a small
vocabulary and be robust against stationary and non-stationary environmental noise;
the speech output should be intelligible and sound natural (at a distance of about 2
the dialog manager system should be mixed-initiative, allowing both robot and
user to start the action, provide or ask for help if no input is received or incorrect
action is recognized (error handling), and ask for confirmation in case of irreversible
Based on these requirements, we created the CAMBADA@Home spoken dialog
system, whose architecture is shown in figure 2.
Fig. 2. CAMBADA@Home spoken dialog framework using RavenClaw/Olympus architecture.
Our system was built using RavenClaw/Olympus [9], an open-source framework
that facilitates research and developments in task oriented conversational spoken
language interfaces. Olympus [10] is an architecture for spoken dialog systems
created at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and consisting of various components
for recognition, natural language understanding, dialog management, natural lan-
guage generation, speech synthesis, etc., and the corresponding communication infra-
structure. In this framework, the RavenClaw, a task-independent dialogue engine,
handles the dialogue management. Olympus has been used to develop various other
systems that span different domains [11]; [12]; [13].
The clear separation between the domain independent components (dealing with
conversational skills such as misunderstandings, the accuracy, repeats, focus shifts,
etc.) versus the domain dependent components (such as the lexicon, the acoustic and
the language models, the grammars for natural language understanding/generation
and, mainly, the dialog task specifications (DTS)), is one of the main characteristics
of RavenClaw/Olympus framework. That characteristic was one of the reasons why
we chose this framework, since it allowed us, in a first approach, to focus our re-
search effort on the development of the domain dependent resources of our system.
Another reason that contributed to our decision of using Olympus architecture was
the fact that being an open source framework, it assembles and provides all the neces-
sary components for a quick development of a spoken dialog system, allowing us to
easily plugging in our own modules into the architecture at any moment.
At the moment of writing, the main components implemented in our spoken di-
alog framework (fig. 2) include: a speech recognizer from CMU (PocketSphinx), a
semantic parser (Phoenix), a dialog manager (RavenClaw), a natural language genera-
tor (Rosetta), a speech synthesis system (from Microsoft) and a back-end module
(CAMBADABACK) to process the intercommunication between the framework and
the robot processing unit. On the following sections, we briefly describe these com-
ponents and their corresponding resources (the task-dependent components).
4.1 Speech Recognizer
In terms of hardware, two types of robot-mounted input systems are being tested: a
directional microphone and a Microsoft Kinnect microphone array with noise reduc-
tion and echo cancellation. To deal with the high amount of non-stationary back-
ground noise and background speech, a close-speech detection framework - an ener-
gy/power based voice activation detection (VAD) is applied in parallel to noise robust
speech recognition techniques.
At the time of writing, speech recognition is accomplished with Pocketsphinx, an
open source decoding engine [14] using generic acoustic models. The recognition
engine uses a class-based trigram and a lexicon of 499 words (containing some of the
most task-independent frequent words and the task-dependent words gathered from
tasks presented at previous RoboCup@Home competitions and including names,
items and locations. The pronunciations for those words were generated using CMU
dictionary [15]. Additionally, we are testing speech recognition results obtained by
using the Microsoft Speech Platform [16]. For this propose both speaker dependent
and speaker independent profiles are being tested.
4.2 Natural Language Understanding
In this first approach, our system is using Phoenix [17], the default semantic parser in
RavenClaw/Olympus framework, to extract concepts from the recognition results.
Phoenix uses a semantic grammar assembled by concatenating a set of pre-defined
domain-independent rules with a set of domain-specific rules authored by us and
according to the tasks defined for our dialog system.
The set of parsed hypotheses is then passed to Helios [18], a confidence annota-
tion component that uses features from different knowledge sources (e.g., recogni-
tion, understanding, dialog) to compute a confidence score, forwarding the hypo-
thesis with the highest score to RavenClaw, the dialog manager.
4.3 Natural Language Generation
The semantic output of the dialog manager is sent to Rosetta [19], a template-based
language generation component. Like the Phoenix grammar, the Rosetta templates are
assembled by concatenating a set of pre-defined templates, with a set of templates
manually authored by us taking into account the specific tasks of our system.
4.4 Speech Synthesis
For robot “speak back” interaction and user feedback, external speakers mounted on
the robot platform are used. The speech synthesis component is implemented by
means of a concatenative system for speech output. For that propose, we are using
Microsoft Speech SDK and a Cepstral Text-To-Speech synthetic
masculine voice
(David voice). Cepstral voices have a native audio format of 16kHz, 16bit, PCM,
mono, and support SSML, VoiceXML tags, and Microsoft(R) SAPI standards, which
allows voice customization compatible with Olympus framework. Moreover, we are
testing some adaptation features such as using information on the distance from robot
to user to dynamically change the output volume and the TTS rate from normal to
slower according to the user’s age.
4.5 Dialog Manager
As already said, our dialog system has been built using RavenClaw, a plan-based and
task-independent dialog management framework [9]. As the perception of the envi-
ronment is uncertain and human users may not always react, or react unexpectedly,
there are some important conversational skills being automatically supported and
enforced by the RavenClaw dialog engine (error handling, timing and turn taking,
help, repeat, cancel, quit, start-over, etc.).
Our dialog system covers a restricted domain only, which is specic for the tasks
the robot needs to perform. In RavenClaw architecture, the domain-specific aspects
are captured by the dialog task specification (DTS), a plan-based description for the
expected interaction tasks. Each DTS consists of a tree of dialog agencies, dialog
agents and concepts. Dialog agents are located at the terminal positions in the tree,
and implement a dialog action according to their type (Inform, Expect, Request or
Execute action). Dialog agencies are located at non-terminal positions, and their pur-
pose is to control the execution of sub nodes. And concepts representing entity values
are used to store results. For dialog task specification, RavenClaw provides a proper
language, the RavenClaw Task Specification Language (RCTSL). In our spoken
dialog framework, we are defining a specific DTS for each one of the Robo-
Cup@Home competition use-cases. In section 5 we give a brief overview of the first
DTS implemented in our system and corresponding to some of the application scena-
rios defined for RoboCup’12.
Finally, to integrate the spoken dialog framework here created with
CAMBADA@Home robotic platform, a back-end component (CAMBADABACK)
has been developed. This component rules the communication between the Raven-
Claw dialog manager and the software layer controlling the physical structure. The
communication callbacks between both are triggered by asynchronous messages
whose syntax is represented by a set of predefined XML grammar rules.
5 Examples from RoboCup@Home Scenarios
As stated before, the development of CAMBADA@Home robotic platform is being
done to cope with the tasks defined for the RoboCup@Home competition. As such,
and in a first approach, we started by implementing two of those tasks: the “Robot
Inspection” and the “Follow Me” tasks.
In the “Robot Inspection” task, whose focus is articulation and speech synthesis,
the robot has to autonomously approach a table with some persons behind it, intro-
duce himself and leave the room nextafterwards. In figure 3, we present a portion of
the dialog task tree for the “Robot Inspection” task. It comprises two dialog agencies
(“cambada”, the root node, and “move”, the agency controlling the moving action
nodes), four dialog agents, the ones controlling dialog actions, and one concept
(“move”) capturing the expected input for this task (an order from someone asking
the robot to move or leave room). The dialog starts when CAMBADABACK receives
a signal from the robot processing unit. At that moment, the inform agent “Presenta-
tion” is activated, and an introduction message is synthesized and send to the output.
Then a request message is sent to the output by the request agent “AskMove”, and the
dialog system waits until the “move” concept is filled with an order from the operator
telling the robot to leave or move. Received that message, the execution agent “Or-
derMove” sends an order to the robot processing unit through CAMBADABACK.
Finally, the “Exit” agent sends a leaving message to the output and the dialog task
Fig. 3. A portion of the dialog task tree for the “Robot Inspection” task.
The “Follow Me” focuses on tracking and recognition of an unknown person. In
this task, an operator goes to the robot and tells it to follow him. The robot starts a
calibration process (to identify the operator), during which it gives the operator some
instructions. After that, it announces the calibration is done and starts following him.
Then the operator tells the robot to stop. The robot waits for 10 seconds and then start
following him again. The operator orders the robot to stop again. After some time the
operator and another unknown person walk towards the robot, and the operator asks
the robot to go to him (go to owner). After recognizing the operator, the robot goes
towards him. At the end of the task, if the operator congratulates the Robot, it thanks
him and the task is considered finished. For this task, another DTS has been devel-
oped and integrated in our framework.
6 Conclusions and Outlook
In this paper, we presented a spoken dialog framework that dynamically processes
speech dialogs for human-robot interaction in intelligent home environments. The
created framework was integrated on the mobile service robot CAMBADA@Home.
This robotic platform is being used to implement and test several household related
scenarios as specified by the RoboCup@Home competition that aims to develop
service and assistive robot technology with high relevance for future domestic appli-
At the time of writing, the core components of our spoken dialog framework were
integrated, allowing us to run and test some of the RoboCup@Home tasks. As addi-
tional features become available on the CAMBADA@Home robotic platform, more
home-centered tasks foreseen in RoboCup@Home rulebook are planned to be added
to its speech interface repository. This includes tasks related to object detec-
tion/recognition/manipulation, human detection/recognition, and other tasks with
increased complexity in terms of speech recognition and dialog management, and
where actions have to be carried out without predefined order.
As future work, we intend to investigate further more the issues related to the
overall system accuracy and robustness, especially the ones related to the speech
recognition component. Using Microsoft Kinnect microphone array as an input unit,
we are exploring its audio features and processing tools to better integrate them in our
spoken dialog framework. Still related to the speech recognition component, we are
investigating various approaches by combining different types of acoustic and lan-
guage models for restricted domains. Moreover, due to the multimodal communica-
tion features present in the robotic framework, we will pursuit research efforts to
improve the overall dialog system performance by taking advantage of information
from other system components such as localization and vision. The
CAMBADA@Home team plans to build on these results in order to participate in the
RoboCup@Home challenges at the RoboCup'2012.
We would like to thank people from the Olympus framework developer’s team for
providing it, and for helping and answering our technical questions. This work is part
of the Living Usability Lab for Next Generation Networks (www.livinglab.pt)
project, a QREN project, co-funded by COMPETE and FEDER.
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