8 Conclusions
This paper presents the necessary adaptations to enable a mobile robotic platform, based
on robotic soccer, to perform daily tasks in a indoor environment, more specifically to
an elderly care context. Namely, solutions related to perception in unstructured envi-
ronments, such as household environments, indoor localization, safe navigation and
human-robot interaction were discussed.
In future developments the authors are developing solutions to add on the obtained
results so far. Specifically, we are researching on detection and tracking of people in
the environment, while applying the developed navigation algorithms, to safely follow
a person through a home, or even inverting the roles and provide guidance in a safely
This work is part of the COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitivi-
dade and the European Union (FEDER) under QREN Living Usability Lab for Next
Generation Networks (http://www.livinglab.pt/).
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