Learning Effectiveness and Attitudes
Janus S. Liang
Yung-Ta Institute of Technology and Commerce, 316 Chungshan Road, Linlo, PingTung, 909, Taiwan
Keywords: Secondary Education, Web-based Learning, Country-specific Development, Pedagogical Issues.
Abstract: This study explored the learning effectiveness and the attitudes of fluid power firms laborers toward web-
based product assembly learning system. Firstly, this study tested the effectiveness of the product assembly
education to prevent mistakes by different learning modes used to assess operation behavior and learning
effectiveness during the training period. According to the average pass rate, course satisfaction, and total
number of wrong behaviors in product assembly process, the web-based learning mode improves learning
effectiveness. In addition, the study also investigated the relationship between laborers’ attitudes and several
independent variables. The findings revealed that the web-based learning mode is positively associated with
learning effectiveness of product assembly training. Meanwhile, the results also point to the importance of
laborers’ vision of skills itself, their experience with it, and the learning conditions that surround its
introduction into firms in shaping their attitudes toward skills and their subsequent diffusion in their real
The global adoption of information and
communication technologies (ICT) into education
has often been premised on the potential of the new
technological tools to revolutionize an outmoded
educational system, better prepare students for the
information age, and/or accelerate national
development efforts (Pelgrum, 2001). Developed
countries, including USA, EU, Japan, and Taiwan
have recently begun promoting e-learning. To
reduce the costs of educational training, firms have
also started to aggressively introduce education via
Internet (Levy, 2007). Some studies have showed
that web-based technology will promote learning
efficiency effectively when meaningful pedagogical
models are implemented. Thus, in the last decades,
many relevant research streams have been proposed
(Ligorio and Veermans, 2005).
This study investigates the effectiveness of web-
based learning mode and traditional learning method
in delivering product assembly training. The
objective of the study was to test the efficacy of
digitizing product assembly training programs in
fluid power industry firms. The attitudes and
effectiveness evaluation were investigated via the
current conditions of web-based learning system and
questionnaires. Meanwhile, references researched to
construct the research architectures and problems.
The specific goals of the study were as follows: (i)
analyze the current conditions of product assembly
training in fluid power industry, and to identify
factors that may affect the effectiveness of web-
based learning; (ii) investigate the impact of learning
content design and system function on the
effectiveness of web-based learning system; (iii)
analyze and verify learning effectiveness via
questionnaires for reference when generating web-
based learning course in fluid power product
assembly training; (iv) explore the relationship
between laborers’ attitudes and computer factors of
web-based learning system.
This study employed test, questionnaire, interview,
observation and document analysis to investigate
learning effectiveness. A two-phase data analysis
was performed in the learning effectiveness. At the
first phase, different learning results generated from
S. Liang J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003880203250330
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 325-330
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
different training mode of Group_I, Group_II,
Group_III were explored. According to the analysis
results of the first phase, a questionnaire survey was
performed the second phase. The product assembly
training of web-based learning mode was tested for
web-based effectiveness through questionnaire for
two product assembly groups with similar attributes.
The purpose of this study was also to explore the
relationship between laborers’ attitude and factors
that are though to be influencing them, including
perceived computer attributes, perceived computer
capability, and social perceptions. Laborers’
personal characteristics were also involved in order
to ensure maximum possible control of extraneous
variables by building them into the design of the
3.1 Assessment of Preceding Data
At the first phase, the objects included three groups
(Group_I, Group_II and Group_III) in product
assemble operation. The participants were a cohort
of novices employed in the three different firms in
fluid power industry. The participants all worked in
department of product assembly. Ninety members
attending the course elected to participate in the
study. Because of the lack of randomization of and
control on the participating group of laborers, this
study was strictly observational in its design. The
content analysis method was adopted, and the
product assembly training to prevent operation
mistakes. Table 1 depicts the different learning
modes used to assess operation behavior and
learning effectiveness during the training periods.
Six items of Table 1 were measured to decide the
overall merit of product assembly training. Mistake
occurrence, property damage rate, and human injury
rate during work are the typical measures of the
effectiveness of product assembly training. Hence,
the acceptance of achievement was separated into
three portions (learning by portions in accordance
with the course content).
The data, number of participants, post test,
satisfaction, and course time were collected during
the experiment. Course satisfaction was represented
on a 5-point Likert-type scale. There are 10
questions included by the questionnaire and the full
score is fifty points. The result indicates web-based
learning mode was most effective in Group_III. The
second most effective was blended learning mode
Table 1: The list of group information.
Item Group_I Group_II Group_III
training +
teaching +
3 hrs per
week, total
of 3
3 hrs per
week, total
of 3
3 hrs per
total of 3
pencil test
On-line test On-line test
10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks
5 weeks 5 weeks 5 weeks
Three groups were audited by three-portion
training. The gradual induction and review of staged
course can increase the right behavior of actual
operation greatly, and reduce the mistake rate and
property damage rate. Therefore, after summarizing
the preceding data assessment content of first phase,
the following results can be obtained under different
training modes: (i) Efficient training can minimize
mistake rate and property damage rate; (ii) The web-
based learning mode improves learning effectiveness
in accordance with the results; (iii) Repeated product
assembly training can significantly reduce the injury
of laborer operation.
3.2 Assessment of Web-based Learning
As the above mentioned conclusion, the web-based
learning with the highest satisfaction is used to
investigate the learning effectiveness. This study
defines the research hypotheses: content design (H
and system function (H
) have positive effect on
learning effectiveness. To test the validity of the
sample size, Group_A and Group_B were used as
different working projects in the questionnaire. The
product assembly was the primary training program.
The participants were forty laborers in Group_A and
forty-eight workers in Group_B, respectively. All
participants finished the web-based learning
program and questionnaire survey.
The content of questionnaire was built in
accordance with the preceding data, the laborers’
interview and lecturers. In the item analysis, the
independent T-test was adopted to test each question.
All questions were reserved to build the validity of
questionnaire. In the reliability of questionnaire, to
confirm the construction validity of questionnaire
first and applying the exploratory factor analysis to
extract the common factors. Based on the viewpoint
proposed by several researches (Li, Gu & Wang,
2010), larger Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value is
more suitable for the factor analysis, which shows
there are more common factors among variables.
The KMO = 0.877, the accumulated variation
amount = 72.165, and p < 0.001, which was
significant, so the measurement of questionnaire is
suitable for factor analysis. Meanwhile, the
Cronbach’s α factor was used to show the same
characteristics of item. The result shows that the
content of questionnaire has the consistent level.
At the second phase, the study discussed the
influence of content design and system function on
learning effectiveness. There are four influence
factors included in content design: multimedia
design, simulation test, case studying, and content
fitness. With respect to three assessment parameters
of learning effectiveness, their relations can be
described as follows: (i) Correlation coefficient, ρ =
0.79, represents that there is positive relation
between two variables, and it supports H
hypothesis; (ii) multimedia design has the biggest
influence on the learning satisfaction of learning
effectiveness in the analysis of correlation
coefficient; (iii) Among the factors of content design,
the ‘multimedia design’ has the biggest contribution
to independent variable (χ
). Among three factors of
learning effectiveness, the ‘learning satisfaction’ has
the biggest contribution to dependent variable (η
As for the system function, there are four influence
factors included: system operation, user interface,
self-learning mode, and network quality. With
respect to three assessment parameters of learning
effectiveness, their relations can be described as
follows: (i) Correlation coefficient, ρ = 0.75,
represents that there is positive relation between two
variables, and it supports H
research hypothesis; (ii)
system operation has the biggest influence to the
learning effectiveness in the analysis of correlation
coefficient; (iii) Among the factors of system
function, the ‘system operation’ has the biggest
contribution to χ
. Among three factors of learning
effectiveness, the ‘operation validity’ has the biggest
contribution to η
. The above data indicate that
content design and system function positively affect
learning effectiveness.
To confirm the positive relation for the influence
of learning effectiveness, this study performed
multiple regression analysis to check the consistency
of analysis. The content design and the learning
effectiveness are used as independent and dependent
variables respectively in multiple regression analysis,
the significant level of the ‘operation validity’ (F =
6.12, p < 0.001), ‘time’ (F = 7.78, p < 0.001) and
‘satisfaction’ (F = 13.84, p < 0.001). Furthermore,
the explanation ability of satisfaction is up to 16%
= 0.16). Besides, the following several are found
based on the standard regression coefficient and
significance: (i) content fitness is not significantly
related to any of the three factors of learning
effectiveness; (ii) the method of case studying
significantly affects operation validity and
satisfaction, which indicates that choosing real cases
of product assembly can help the laborer to realize
the important knowledge and raise the operation
validity and satisfaction; (iii) simulation test and
multimedia obviously affect satisfaction and time,
which presents that diversity of content design
increase satisfaction and reduce the learning time. At
the same time, the system function is assigned as
independent and the learning effectiveness is
assigned as dependent variable to conduct multiple
regression analysis. The effect of ‘operation validity’,
‘time’, and ‘satisfaction’ are statistically significant,
and ‘satisfaction’ has the highest explanatory power.
In addition, the revealed issues are listed: (i) system
operation and user interface has obviously influence
on the satisfaction of learning effectiveness; (ii) self-
learning mode has significant influence on the
operation validity and satisfaction of learning
effectiveness. It shows the mode could enforce the
right operation and satisfaction; (iii) network quality
has obviously influence of the learning time and
satisfaction. It means that good network quality can
promote learning effectiveness.
3.3 Evaluation in Laborers’ Attitudes
3.3.1 Laborers’ Attitudes toward ICT in
Participants were asked to respond to fifteen, Likert-
type statements dealing with their attitudes toward
ICT in training. The items were made to measure the
emotional field of computer attitude, cognitive field,
and behavioral field. Computer attitudes of laborers
was represented by a means score on a five-point
scale. Participants’ overall attitudes toward ICT
were positive with an overall mean score of 4.10
(SD=0.35). The participants’ positive attitudes were
obvious within the emotional (M=4.05; SD=0.45),
cognitive (M=4.00; SD=0.5) and behavioral
(M=4.15; SD=0.45) fields. The participants had
positive (62.1%) or highly positive (23.3%) emotion
toward computers. These respondents reported that
they considered using computers enjoyable, felt
comfortable about computers, and liked to talk with
others about computers and to use them in working,
Inside the cognitive field, most of the participants
agreed (86.6%) that computer save time and increase
effort, enhance their learning, are fast and efficient
means of getting information, are needed in the their
work, and generally do more good than harm. In the
behavioral field, the majority of the participants
expressed positive (88.6%) behavioral intentions in
terms of learning about them, spending more time in
learning through them, and using them in the near
3.3.2 Laborers’ Perceptions in Terms of
Factors Related to Attitudes of
Web-based Learning System
(1) Computer Attributes. According to the results,
participants’ perceptions of computers’ attributes
were somewhat positive with a mean score of 3.78
(SD=0.36). Participants positive perceptions varied
across the four computer attributes examined in this
study. Laborers’ responses were most positive about
the relative benefits of computer as a learning tool
(M=4.07; SD=0.43). Laborers’ perceptions of the
simplicity of computers were also midway between
fine and positive (M=3.49; SD=0.6). Most of the
laborers’ responses were split between positive and
fine about whether it is easy to know the basic
functions of computers, operate them, and use them
in learning. Furthermore, participants’ responses on
the observability subscale indicate somewhat
positive perceptions (M=3.69; SD=0.65). Most of
the respondents reported that they had seen
computers at work and as learning tool in general.
Finally, participants’ responses on the concordance
subscale indicate somewhat positive perceptions
(M=3.52; SD=0.52). The majority of participants
indicated that computer use suit their learning
preference and level of computer knowledge and is
appropriate for product assembly learning activities.
(2) Computer Capability. The computer capability
was represented by a mean score on a four-point.
Most of the participants had no (41.8%) or little
(40.6%) computer capability in handling the
computer functions needed by tutors. Few
participants had moderate (17.4%) or much (0.2%)
computer capability. Overall, the participants
reported that they had ‘Little capability’ (M=1.80;
SD=0.58) in computer uses for web-based learning,
including telecommunication resources, computer
accessories usage, basic troubleshooting, learning
resources evaluation, and access of files.
(3) Social Perceptions. Participants’ responses to the
ten items on the social perceptions scale were
somehow midway between fine and positive
(M=3.42; SD=0.41). The majority of the participants
had positive (63.5%) or highly positive (22.0%)
perceptions about the relevance of computers to
Taiwan society. Specially, most of the participants
indicated that they need to know how to use
computers for their current jobs. Meanwhile, most of
them expressed that computers will contribute to
improving their standard of living and that knowing
about computers earns one the respect of others.
However, the fact that participants saw computers as
socially appropriate for Taiwan society did not
prevent them to indicate that there are other social
issues that need to be addressed before
implementing computers in education.
3.3.3 Proportion of Variance in Laborers’
Attitudes Explained by the
Independent Variables
A multiple regression analysis was also applied for
determining the proportion of the variance in the
attitudes of laborers toward web-based learning in
product assembly training that could be explained by
the selected independent variables. Simple
correlations were first performed to identify
independent variables that individually correlate
with the dependent variable. The independent
variables that individually correlated with the
dependent variable were: computer attributes
(r=0.78, p<0.05), computer capability (r=0.32,
p<0.05), social perceptions (r=0.64, p<0.05), and
computer training (r=0.14, p<0.05). Spearman rank
correlations yielded no significant relationships
between laborers’ attitudes and any of the
demographic variables (with the exception of
computer training background). The results showed
that 62% of the variance in laborers’ attitude was
explained by the independent variables included in
this study. The results of multiple regression
analysis indicate that three variables affect the
laborer attitudes toward web-based learning at the
0.05 level of significance (as shown in Table 2).
Table 2: Multiple regression on dependent variable.
Variable Standardized b t p
Computer attributes 0.54 11.21 0.000
Computer capability 0.10 2.26 0.02*
Social perceptions 0.30 4.98 0.000
Training 0.06 1.48 0.36
p .05,
p .01,
p .001
4.1 Learning Effectiveness
This study performed canonical correlation analysis
and multiple regression analysis to verify the mutual
relationships among content design, system function
and learning effectiveness. The results supported H
and H
as follows: (1) Test of H
and H
(i) The H
hypothesis is that content design
positively affects learning effectiveness. According
to the analytical results, the learning satisfaction is
an essential index of learning effectiveness. Good
content design has to involve multimedia contents,
actual case studying, content fitness, and simulation
test, which will influence the satisfaction of learning
effectiveness and improve the operation validity
directly. Hence, H
hypothesis is verified in
canonical correlation analysis. However, the content
fitness of content design is not significantly related
to any index in multiple regression analysis.
Therefore, H
hypothesis was partially supported;
(ii) The H
hypothesis is that system function
positively influences learning effectiveness.
According to the analytical results, the learning
satisfaction is an essential index of learning
effectiveness. Analysis of the four factors found that
easy to operate system function, good to network
communication, conformity of use interface, and
assessment of self-learning are the impressions of
the learners. The operation validity first produces
directly influences and then raises the Learning
satisfaction. Thus, H
hypothesis was fully
supported. (2) Relation between the right behavior
of product assembly operation and web-based
learning effectiveness: A good training mode can
reduce wrong behavior and increase the overall
validity of product assembly operations. Among
them, the web-based learning mode is a subject
worthy to be discussed studied. The analysis
revealed that the key issues of learning effectiveness
are satisfaction, operation validity, and learning
time. Regarding the laborers at product assembly
worksite, raises right operations and product quality,
and avoid vocational injuries. In addition, because
the laborers’ working time is always settled tightly,
time is needed for independent learning, so the
learning time is an important factor influencing the
learning satisfaction. Under this situation, the web-
based learning mode is positively associated with the
learning effectiveness of product assembly training.
High learning effectiveness increases right behavior
during product assembly operations. (3) Relation
between the web-based product assembly learning
and its learning effectiveness: Because web-based
learning system possesses the functions instead of
traditional learning mode, when the web-based
learning mode is used in the product assembly
training, the laborer can applies the learning material
more autonomously. Meanwhile, the laborer can
also employ the system functions, such as
multimedia learning materials, case studying, and
simulation test, to decrease the mistake rate of
operation, property damage and human injury.
4.2 Attitudes
Laborers’ attitudes toward ICT have been
universally recognized as an important element for
the success of technology integration in education
(Wang, 2008). Findings from this study propose that
participants had positive attitudes toward ICT in
training. The respondents’ positive attitudes were
obvious in the emotional, cognitive and behavioral
fields. The participants seemed to have accepted the
rationale for introducing ICT into worksites and
were able to base their judgments on understandable
reasons. Therefore, the most of participants
considered computers as a learning tool that has the
potential to bring about different improvements to
their tasks and workplaces.
This symbiotic relationship between attitudes
toward ICT and its use for learning has been widely
reported in the literature (Haywood and Lidz, 2007).
The findings of the study revealed a very evident
positive correlation between laborers’ attitudes
toward ICT in learning and their perceptions of
computer attributes. The results are consistent with
Rogers’ research (2003). An investigation of
individual computer attributes exhibits that
participants were most positive about the relative
benefit of computers as a learning tool. However,
laborers’ perceptions of the concordance of
computer with their current working practices were
not as positive. The majority of them were uncertain
about whether computers fit well in their task goals.
The discrepancy between the existing tasks and
technological demands has often been a major
obstacle for technology integration (Pelgrum, 2001).
Participants’ concern about the incompatibility of
computers with the existing work indicate that tasks’
change cannot simply be attained by placing
computers in workplaces (Wilfong, 2006). For a
change to occur, many renovations need to be
generated at the structural layer and the pedagogic
layer. Otherwise, a mismatch will be occurred. This
mismatch is referred as a “Technological
contradiction” resulting from ‘the consistent
tendency of the learning system to preserve itself
and its practices by the assimilation of new
technologies into existing instructional practices
(Salamon, 2002). Thus, it is required that the
equivalent renovations in pedagogical, structural,
and course approaches when the ICT innovations is
introduced into learning domain.
Social perceptions were the second most
important predictor of computer attitudes in this
study. The most of participants considered
computers as relevant to Taiwan society and
available methods for improving education and
standards of living in general. Besides, many of the
respondents regarded that computers will widen my
knowledge on professional fields. Hence, almost all
of the respondents agreed that the increased
proliferation of computers will make their lives
easier. The similar results had also been emphasized
in the literature (Wilfong, 2006). Meanwhile,
previous research has indicated to laborers lack of
computer capability as a main obstacle to their
acceptance and adoption of ICT. The results of the
current study support and extend the findings from
previous researches. The majority of participants
revealed having little or no capability in handling
many of the computer functions needed by tutors.
This finding did not support the assumption that
participants with low level of computer capability
usually have negative attitudes toward computers
(Shih et al., 2006). On the other hand, the fact that
computer capability was significantly related to
laborers’ attitudes supports the theoretical and
empirical arguments made for the importance of
computer capability in determining laborers’
attitudes toward ICT (Hasan and Ali, 2004).
The findings of this study may be specific to
laborers in Taiwan vocational training, but their
implications are significant to other learners in
relative industries as well. Laborers’ positive
attitudes in the current study have a special
significance given the limitations characterizing the
current status of web-based learning in Taiwan
power fluid industry firms: laborers’ lack of
computer capability. It is therefore essential to
sustain and promote laborers’ attitudes as a
prerequisite for deriving the benefits of costly
technology initiatives. Since positive attitudes
toward computer factors of web-based learning
system usually foretell future computer application,
the managers of companies can take advantage of
laborers’ positive attitudes toward ICT to better
prepare them for incorporating professional
technology in their working practices.
This study is supported in part by the National
Science Council in Taiwan for the financial support
and encouragement under Grant No. NSC 101-2918-
I-132-001, NSC 100-2511-S-132-001 and NSC 100-
2511-S-132-002-MY2. Meanwhile, this study also is
supported by Kaohsiung City Government in
Taiwan under contract number SBIR10060.
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