Table 8: Result of emotion classification by SVM.
boredom pain surprise total
100.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 100.0 0.0
surprise 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0
This study was to classify three different emotional
states (boredom, pain, and surprise) by machine
learning algorithms using physiological features.
Our results showed that physiological responses of
three emotions were differed and SVM were the best
algorithm for classification of three emotions. This
result could help emotion recognition studies lead to
better chance to recognize human emotions by using
physiological signals. Also, it can be useful in
profiling various emotion-specific physiological
responses or establishing the basis for emotion
recognition system in human-computer interaction.
However, this result was the classification
accuracy using only training set which didn’t divide
training and test sets. An average accuracy of
classification is necessary for repeated sub-sampling
validation using training and test sets as the choice
of training and test sets can affect the results.
Therefore, we will perform the average classification
in further analysis. Also, although it is known that
physiological signals offer a great potential for the
recognition of emotions in computer systems, in
order to fully exploit the advantages of physiological
measures, standardization needs to be established on
the emotional model, stimulus used for the
identification of physiological patterns,
physiological measures, parameters for analysis, and
model for pattern recognition and classification
(Arroyo-Palacios & Romano, 2008).
This research was supported by the Converging
Research Center Program funded by the Ministry of
Education, Science and Technology (No. 2011K000
655 and 2011K000658).
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PHYSIOLOGICAL SIGNALS - Discriminantion of Emotions by Machine Learning Algorithms