We presented a cognitive robot architecture for
SLAM which integrates active vision, dual memory
and hierarchical task management. The main contri-
butions are: (a) visual saliency is used for FoA and
object recognition; (b) SLAM is directly integrated
with short- and long-term memory and affected by
time, allowing the robot to filter important informa-
tion and adapt to changes in the environment; and (c)
the task management system can build complex tasks
from simpler ones.
Regarding vision, we verified that the use of
saliency and object recognition yields a more robust
exploration, navigation also being more robust. How-
ever, monocular vision with simple solutions for dis-
tance estimation is not very precise. Therefore, a bi-
ological model for stereo disparity (Farrajota et al.,
2011) is being integrated. In addition, since object
recognition using OpenSURF is not very robust in
case of untextured objects, OpenSURF is being sub-
stituted by a biological model for multi-scale keypoint
extraction (Rodrigues and du Buf, 2006), and supple-
mented by a biological model for multi-scale line and
edge extraction (Rodrigues and du Buf, 2009). The
biological keypoint model can also supplement Fast
Saliency (Butko et al., 2008), because it adds local
image complexity to color contrast, for obtaining a
better model for FoA (Rodrigues and du Buf, 2006).
The addition of such biological models leads to a vi-
sion model which resembles the human visual system.
The system was successfully tested by using a
rather small environment, i.e., a sandbox of 3× 3.5 m,
with objects on the floor, mainly because of the
small robot platform with limited battery capacity and
speed, and a footprint of 11 × 13 cm. For testing the
system in real environments like corridors and lab-
oratory spaces, it is being mounted on a faster plat-
form with a larger battery capacity and a bigger foot-
print, but still only using a stereo camera without any
other sensors nor odometry, the camera head being
mounted on a rod with a height of about 80 cm. These
modifications allow us to test the system with also ob-
jects attached to walls and on tables, but this also re-
quires implementing and dealing with 3D egocentric
and environment maps.
This work was partially supported by the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
project PEst-OE/EEI/LA0009/2011, EC project Neu-
ralDynamics (NeFP7-ICT-2009-6 PN: 270247), FCT
project Blavigator (RIPD/ADA/109690/2009) and by
PhD FCT grant SFRH/BD/71831/2010.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence