Alessandro Valitutti
Department of Computer Science and HIIT, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Ambiguity, Computational Humor, Creative Lexical Resources.
The ongoing work presented here is aimed to investigate to what extent it is possible to perform a feasible
use of ambiguous texts in computational humor generation. The first core of a lexical database was developed
in order to collect ambiguous terms in the English lexicon. Then an exploratory use of the resource for
computational humor generation was performed. Finally, three existing prototypes of humor generator were
simulated in order to generate different form of humorous messages from the same lexical resource.
Humor and creativity are strictly connected. As wit-
tily pointed out by Joel Goodman, “there is a connec-
tion between HA HA, and AHA (Goodman, 1995).
In the generation of a joke, a typical creative process
consists of the invention of new ways to violate recip-
ients expectation and then induce surprise. A more
specific form of creativity is in the discovery of con-
nections that allows the humorist to emphasize ridicu-
lous aspects of people.
Nevertheless in most cases part of the information
necessary for the creation of humorous surprise ef-
fects is already present in the common sense knowl-
edge and the linguistic use. Creativity in this case
consists of the appropriatereuse of pre-existing pieces
of knowledge coded in the language.
This paper is focused on linguistic ambiguity. The
use of ambiguous texts is a common and effective
way to achieve the surprise effect. More specifi-
cally, the ongoing work presented here is aimed to
investigate to what extent it is possible to perform
a feasible use of ambiguous texts in computational
humor generation. As a first step, the focus is on
the lexical level. The first core of a lexical database,
characterized as an extension of WORDNET 3.1
(Fellbaum, 1998), was developed in order to collect
ambiguous terms in the English lexicon. Items are
defined according to three different possible types
of lexical ambiguity (homonymy, homophony and
idiomatic ambiguity) and called double-edged words
(DEW). The database was then called DOUBLE-
As a second step, an exploratory use of the resource
was started. Three existing prototypes of humor gen-
erator were simulated in order to generate different
form of humorous messages from the same lexical re-
source. In this way, the aim is to perform some step
toward a more general model of humor generation, in
which part of the linguistic knowledge can be reused
and extended over the time.
To date there are only a limited number of researches
on the computational generation of humorous texts.
Ritchie provides a systematic review of the most re-
markable verbal humor generators developed in the
last 20 years (Ritchie, 2004). The most remarkable
of them are LIBJOG, a program for the generation
of light bulb jokes (Raskin and Attardo, 1994), JAPE
program producing a specific type of punning riddles
(Binsted et al., 1997), and HAHAcronym, a generator
of humorous acronyms (Stock and Strapparava, 2002)
The design and development of DEWN is based on
the idea of double-edged word (from now on called
DEW), an abstract data structure introduced for mod-
eling a specific type of ambiguous lexical unities. A
Valitutti A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003882305320535
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 532-535
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
humorous DEW is defined as a word with two mean-
ings, one of which is, at the same time, the least com-
mon and most interesting one. More specifically, a
DEW can be characterized by the followingattributes:
WORD is the lexical unit (e.g. a single word or a
AMBIGUITY is a list of two or more “meanings”
associated to the WORD.
DEPTH expresses the different typicality of the
two meanings. For example, a two fold ambigu-
ity will be associated to a main meaning (called
surface meaning, with depth 1) and a secondary
meaning (called hidden meaning, with depth 2).
SLANT is a set of additional semantic labels asso-
ciated to the hidden meaning, and characterizing it
as potentially humorous. Slant labels can be used
to emphasize the humorous role of hidden mean-
ing. For example, slant labels can be selected in
order to evoke ridiculous trait of people.
Two main operations are associated to a database of
DEWs: 1) extraction of attribute value of a DEW as-
sociated to an input word and 2) selection of the sub-
set of DEWs corresponding to an input slant. The
proper indexing of a large database of DEWs accord-
ing to the slant values is crucial for an efficient re-
trieval of items for creative applications.
The developmentof DEWN was performedaccording
to three different types described below. Each of them
corresponds to a different form of lexical ambiguity:
homonymy, homophony, and idiomatic ambiguity.
4.1 Homonymic DEWs
Homonymy is defined as the relation between words
that share the same spelling and pronunciation but
have different meanings. This is the most typically
recognized form of lexical ambiguity and the one em-
ployed to define word meanings in a monolingual En-
glish dictionary. The term is used here as synonym of
polysemy, even thought the latter one is often used to
indicate words that have at least some feature in com-
mon (Blank, 1999). In WordNet each word meaning
is represented by a set of synonyms (synset) and asso-
ciated to a specific ID in the database. Each word is
associated to one of more senses (i.e. ranked synsets).
The sense ranking is performed according to their oc-
currence frequency in a reference corpus annotated
according to WordNet senses. So it is natural to iden-
tify homonymic DEWs as words in WordNet with at
least two senses. The sense number expresses the
DEPTH attribute. A list of 24167 DEWs was extracted
from WordNet 3.1.
4.2 Homophonic DEWs
Homophony is defined here as the relation between
words that are phonetically identical (complete homo-
phones) or similar (partial homophones) but with dif-
ferent spelling.
The algorithm for the measure of the phonetic dis-
tance is a specific implementation of the Levenshtein
distance (Levenshtein, 1966). It is based on a se-
quence of elementary operations applied on the pho-
netic expression of a word in order to obtain another
word. Each step (i.e. application of an operation) is
associated to the value of a cost function. The se-
quence of steps, required to transform the first word
in the second one, and corresponding to the minimum
total value of cost, defines the distance between two
words. Three types of elementary operations are con-
sidered: substitution, insertion and deletion.
The cost value associated to the substitution op-
erator was assigned according to the phonetic type,
tonic accent, and vowel length. The algorithm re-
duces the phonetic distance between words to the dis-
tance between syllables, and the syllabic distance to
the distance between single phonemes.
The information on mapping between words
and their phonetic transcription was extracted from
the CMU pronouncing dictionary (available at
A measure of the above described phonetic distance
was calculated for all pairs of words in WordNet,
in order to collect sets of homophones. A number
of 5400 total homophonic sets and 23050 partial
homophonic sets were filtered.
4.3 Idiomatic DEWs
Idiomatic ambiguity is a specific type of ambiguity
between literal and figurative language. Idioms are
defined here as multiword expressions whose mean-
ing cannot be inferred by the meaning of the compo-
nent words. The idiomatic meaning of a word is the
meaning associated to the idiom in which the word is
A manual annotation of WordNet was performed
in order to identify lexical idioms (i.e. idioms con-
sisting of a composed word). The collection includes
3541 WordNet synsets. For each of them, one or more
component words were selected. For each idiomati-
cally ambiguous word, the surface meaning (or liter-
ally meaning) was defined as its first sense in Word-
Net, and the hidden (or idiomatic meaning) as the first
sense in the idiom in which the word is included.
4.4 Slant Indexing
In order to implement the SLANT attribute, (character-
izing potentially “interesting/relevant” meanings for
creative/humorous applications), a number of seman-
tic constraints were considered. Semantic constraints
can be classified in two categories: 1) absolute (i.e.
applied to a single meaning) and 2) relational (i.e. ap-
plied to a couple of meanings of the same word).
A next explorative annotation of previous col-
lected ambiguous terms was performed, exploit-
ing three lexical collections: WORDNET 3.1,
WORDNET-DOMAINS (Magnini and Cavagli`a, 2000)
and a list of positive/negative/polarized words. A
first semantic labeling of DEWs was performed tak-
ing advantage of WordNet-Domains, and extension of
WordNet, in which synsets are tagged according to
a list of semantic domains. Since the last release of
WordNet-Domains is interfaced to WordNet 3.0, the
mapping to the 3.1 release was applied.
Other constraints were applied (and additional
lists of labeled words employed) in order to empha-
size the two following types of semantic opposition).
Polarized Words. A list of positive and negative
words collected from the Web and the WordNet-
Affect lexical database (Strapparava and Valitutti,
2004) were both employed to filter ambiguous
words associated to meanings with opposite val-
ues of polarity.
Metaphors. A list of metaphors for people was
automatically built exploiting the hypernym hier-
archy in WordNet. A list of high-level synsets
(called here metaphor categories) was defined.
The list includes categories such as ANIMAL (see
the example in the next section, based on the def-
inition of ‘pig’), FOOD and TOOL. The criterion
for the selection of DEWs is that the default sense
is a descendant, in the hypernym hierarchy, of a
metaphor category, and the hidden sense is a de-
scendant of the category PERSON.
As first exploratory use DEWN in computational hu-
mor, a few examples are analyzed below. They are
obtained through the application of procedures simu-
lating a number of well-known computational humor
5.1 Examples of Punning Riddles
How do you define a pig?
It is a stout-bodied short-legged omnivorous
In order to obtain this joke, the homonymic DEW
“pig” was selected. The definition (in the form of an-
swer) is the gloss of the default meaning (i.e. first
WordNet sense of the corresponding noun), in which
the word “animal” was substituted by the first syn-
onym (“policeman”) of the hidden meaning (i.e. third
WordNet sense).
The creation of a punning riddle starting from a
“lexical core” is inspired to the JAPE system (Bin-
sted and Ritchie, 1994), in which the joke is generally
based on a couple of phonetically similar words. An
analogue example is:
Who is a working girl?
A young streetwalker who is employed.
In this case, the definition is obtained though re-
placing “woman” (in the gloss of the default meaning)
with “a young streetwalker” (from the hidden mean-
5.2 Examples of Funny Acronyms
This type of acronym generation is modeled on the
HAHAcronym system (Stock and Strapparava,2002):
CPU = Celibate Professing Untied
The acronym is generated through the replace-
ment of each word in the original expansion (Cen-
tral Processing Unit) according to phonetic similarity
(“processing” vs. “professing”) and semantic opposi-
tion (“computer” vs. “religion”).
The following “hand-made” example, instead,
cannot be generated with the present resource because
it involve a model of the ambiguity propagated at the
phrase level:
IBM = Interpreting Bible Machines
(from the original International Business Machines)
5.3 Variation of Familiar Expressions
The following example is based on the FEVER pro-
gram (Valitutti, 2011):
A chapel a day keeps the malefactor away.
This pun is obtained through two word replace-
ments in which both phonetic similarity and domain
slanting (RELIGION) constraints were applied.
Instead the following hand-made expression can-
not be generated without a model describing the am-
biguity at the sentence level:
An onion a day keeps everyone away.
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Through the development and description of DEWN,
this work emphasizes the advantage to use a collec-
tion of ambiguous lexicon in computational humor
generation. The resource is based on the definition of
an abstract data structure (DEW) and aims to simplify
and standardize a set of lexical operation employed in
existing systems for generating creative text. The ap-
plicative examples were selected to support the idea
of reuse of available creative operations and their in-
tegration through the access to a shared lexical re-
A crucial aspect in the future development of this
type of lexical resources is the indexing of items ac-
cording to specific semantic dimension, especially
when the number of items is enough large to delay
the search time.
The sharing of linguistic resources specialized for
creative applications and the effort to integrate differ-
ent specialized humor generators in a more general
tool is aimed as a form of adjacent possible. Accord-
ing to this term coined by Stuart Kauffman (Kauff-
man, 2000), the possible creative achievements avail-
able at a given time are based on the existing resources
and the shared innovation. The proposed approach is
aimed to give a contribution to extend the space of
creative possibilities.
This work has been supported by the Algorithmic
Data Analysis (Algodan) Centre of Excellence of the
Academy of Finland.
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