performance using only these four features.
The second column in Table 4 shows the weights
of the features learned during training and the
success rate of the model on the test corpus. We can
see that the result is almost the same as the
performance of the system when all the features are
Table 4: Feature weights and success rates for the
alternative models.
Feature weight
(top features)
Feature weight
(modified criterion)
Another alternative model is decreasing the
threshold for determining strong lexical chains.
Assuming that an increase in the lexical chain scores
might affect the performance of the system, we
changed Eqn. 12 in such a way that chains whose
scores are more than one standard deviation from the
average are accepted as strong chains. The four
features in the previous experiment were used in this
model also. The results are shown in the last column
of Table 4. The success is a bit higher, but the
difference is not statistically significant. In order to
observe the effect of the threshold more clearly, the
experiments should be repeated with other
thresholds on corpora of different sizes.
In this work, we combined two approaches used in
automatic text summarization: lexical chains and
genetic algorithms. Different from previous works,
this paper combines information from different
levels of text analysis. The lexical chain concept is
included as a feature in the proposed model. We also
make use of machine learning to determine the
coefficients of the feature combinations. The results
showed that the combination of the features yields
better success rates than any individual feature.
Also, incorporating lexical chains into the model as
a feature increases the success of the overall model.
This work was supported by the Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey
(TÜBİTAK) BİDEB under the programme 2219.
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