Diego Carrion-Robles, Vicent Castello-Fos, Juan-Carlos Perez-Cortes and Joaquim Arlandis
Institut Tecnol
ogic d’Inform
atica, Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
encia, Cam
ı de Vera s/n, 46022 Val
encia, Spain
Document identification, Filled-in documents, Local features, Reject option.
In this work, the task of document image classification is dealt with, particularly in the case of pre-printed
forms, where a large part of the document can be filled-in with the result of a potentially very different image.
A method for the selection of discriminative local features is presented and tested along with two different
classification algorithms. The first one is an incremental version of the method proposed in (Arlandis et al.,
2009), based on similarity searching around a set anchor points, and the second one is based on a direct voting
scheme ((Arlandis et al., 2011)). Experiments on a document database consisting of real office documents with
a very high variability, as well as on the NIST SD6 database, are presented. A confidence measure intended
to reject unknown documents (those that have not been indexed in advance as a given document class) is also
proposed and tested.
A common and practical task where a specific prob-
lem of document classification arises is the organiza-
tion of bills, forms, invoices, legal, medical or admin-
istrative documents for processing (e.g. OCR), stor-
ing or archiving. Since these documents can be cate-
gorized (i.e. “Bill from supplier A”, “Tax form num-
ber X”, etc.), a typical classification method could in
principle be applied, but in this case, only a part of
the document is kept the same, and the rest changes
in every instance. The conserved part can be different
from document to document and significantly smaller
than the variable area that can be composed of large
handwritten, typed or stamped regions.
Traditional approaches of document categoriza-
tion have addressed the problem as a clustering task,
where documents having a certain degree of semantic
similarity are assigned to the same class or category.
In our case, the task is one of supervised classifica-
tion, since we need to identify the class of the image
among a number of known document classes.
The use of textual data from OCR or the global
Work partially supported by the Spanish MICINN
grants TIN2009-14205-C04-02 and Consolider Ingenio
2010: MIPRCV (CSD2007-00018) and by IMPIVA and the
E.U. by means of the ERDF in the context of the R+D Pro-
gram for Technological Institutes of IMPIVA network for
image structure is also not adequate in our case, since
the variable information can significantly alter these
Another classical approach relies on the segmen-
tation and the analysis of the layout, but large marks
or filled-in areas can introduce changes and errors in
that step, so we propose to use only visual features
and not the results of structural layout analysis.
A typical, document image consists of white back-
ground pixels and black foreground pixels, although
other combinations like gray-scale, colour, or com-
plex backgrounds and foregrounds can occur. The
foreground is mostly composed of text (in many cases
having different appearances like typed fonts, hand-
writing styles, case letters, bolded text, sizes, etc.), al-
though other objects like images, graphics, logos, or
frames are frequent, too. Usually, the text areas also
include background patterns interleaved, and some
background pattern can also be present in most of the
surface of a document.
In summary, a filled-in document can be seen as
an image having static (fixed, pre-printed) and vari-
able contents (machine printed, handwritten, marked,
stamped, covered with adhesive labels, etc.). Under
this definition, a category or class of documents is
defined as the set of images having different static
content from the other classes and a specific, approx-
imately equal, intra-class static content. The vari-
able content, as has been pointed out, can signifi-
Carrion-Robles D., Castello-Fos V., Perez-Cortes J. and Arlandis J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003884004810487
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (IATMLRP-2012), pages 481-487
ISBN: 978-989-8425-98-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
cantly vary in size and content for different docu-
ments within a class. In Figure 1, some filled-in doc-
ument types are shown.
Given the specific nature of the task, the ap-
proaches proposed and compared in this work use lo-
cal representations to describe the document classes.
One of them is based on automatically finding a num-
ber of adequate anchor points for each class, and the
other uses a direct voting scheme of local-feature vec-
tors using a k-nearest neighbors classifier. A common
step previous to both techniques is the selection of
candidate points. The experiments carried out test the
robustness of the approaches, taking into account that
no filled-in contents or representations are used in the
training phase.
The image features proposed in the literature of doc-
ument analysis and classfication are many and very
different. Some are related to the document lay-
out, frame detection, salient visual features, character
recognition, texture primitives, shape codes, global
image transformations and projections, or semantic
block structure detection.
Within works in the domain of Information Re-
trieval, where the concept of static content against
filled-in data is not dealt with, document identifica-
tion is referred to as a duplicate detection task. In
that case, the approaches focus on the correct classi-
fication in spite of differences among document in-
stances, like resolution, skew, distortions and image
quality. Speed and robustness are key elements, as
well as the ability to handle very large databases.
Most works dealing with filled-in documents are
related to form identification. Many of them are
based on analyzing global and local structures. Struc-
tural features are usually limited to documents hav-
ing frames, cells, lines, blocks, or similar items, and
they may fail when different documents have very
similar structures. Other works rely on using char-
acter and string codes to achieve the document iden-
tification (Sako et al., 2003), as well as, on comput-
ing pixel densities from image regions (Heroux et al.,
1998). Within form-type documents, specific applica-
tions are addresed to coupons (Nagasaki et al., 2006),
banking (Ogata et al., 2003) or business (Ting and Le-
ung, 1996) form identification.
More recent and closely related works, are the
ones presented by Parker (Parker, 2010) and Sarkar
(Sarkar, 2006), (Sarkar, 2010). Sarkar (Sarkar, 2006)
presents a methodology to select and classify an-
chor points from document images. The anchor
Figure 1: Document examples. The first one is a form
where the static contents encompass most of the document.
The second is a form page with a large number of cells that
can be filled-in or not. The third is a business document
with few structural patterns and static contents (located in
the header), while the variable part can cover the rest of the
points selection is based on the use of thresholded
Viola&Jones rectangular salient visual features in the
luminance channel (Viola and Jones, 2001). For each
document class, a probability distribution of the list
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
of local features (including global location coordi-
nates) is obtained by a latent conditional indepen-
dence (LCI) model. An image is classified by match-
ing its resulting feature list to category-specific gener-
ative models by means of a maximum likelihood cri-
terion, and it is assigned to the category whose distri-
bution is closest, in the Kullback-Liebler sense, to the
empirical distribution. This correspondence is well
known in the text categorization/retrieval community
where observations are variable-length lists of words.
Recently, Sarkar (Sarkar, 2010) proposed a complete
methodology to select anchor points based on ran-
domly picked sub-images and aplying succesive re-
finements by expanding and ranking the candidates
using two alternative quality measures.
Parker (Parker, 2010) proposes and compares
three methods for selecting anchor points. The first
is based on two criteria: “graphical action” and
intra-class distance minimization. The second and
third methods try to select the anchor points that
maximize the KL-divergence (Kullback-Leibler di-
vergence) function, a measure of the separation of
two distributions: one of the distances among anchor
points within a sample of a given document class,
and the other one of the distances from those an-
chor points to documents of different classes. Parker
claims that the performance of the proposed form
identification system can be estimated in a theoreti-
cal way by using the KL-divergence. He shows the
results of experiments of the three methods using a
customized database of forms extracted from the IRS
(Internal Revenue Service, the revenue service of the
United States federal government), where only one
document type having filled-in data was used and ten
completed forms were used to train the system. The
main conclusion of the experiments is that the use of
inter-class information to select the anchor points of
a class improves the performance of the system (esti-
mated by means of the KL-divergence). This method
implies the use of several documents of each class to
train the system, and a high number of correlation op-
erations can be required to select anchor points to be
robust against image translations, as needed in the op-
erating phase.
A method to select a set of potentially discriminant
reference points to be used in a document identifica-
tion task is presented in section 3.1. This method has
been used to extract features and classify documents
by means of two approaches: a new incremental ver-
sion of the method proposed in (Arlandis et al., 2009),
based on the cross matching between pairs of docu-
ments (section 3.2), and the method proposed in (Ar-
landis et al., 2011), which relies on the combination
of the evidence contributed by multiple local features
and a direct voting scheme (section 3.3).
3.1 Reference Point Selection
The goal of this phase is to obtain an ordered list of
small sub-images of a fixed size from the reference
image of each class. These sub-images should be rep-
resentative of that image. Thus, a selection criterion is
necessary to ensure that these sub-images are located
in the most informative regions of the reference image
in order to retain the areas with clear graphical con-
tent such as text or any other potentially discrimina-
tive pattern, avoiding uniform areas or uninformative
background regions. This decision can be made on
the basis of image contrast, or variance, or on more
complex operators, like textures, corner detection or
specific filters.
In order to avoid uniform areas, a good approx-
imation can be obtained by sorting by variance all
the possible sub-images of the desired size, possibly
using subsampling to reduce the computational cost.
The problem of using this method alone is that some
uninformative regions, like borders between very dark
and very light areas of the document, usually have a
high variance, ending up in the top positions of that
list. This kind of patterns are undesirable to be used
as discriminative local features because many differ-
ent documents are bound to have them, for instance,
borders of tables, scanning artifacts like shadows or
edges, etc.
To avoid this, a more sophisticated second pass
can be carried out, using specific features, like Har-
alick descriptors (Haralick et al., 1973). Particularly,
establishing a limit in the autocorrelation value and
the entropy difference has been found to be helpful
in eliminating the sub-images that have high variance
but a low discriminative potential. In Figure 2, some
examples of selection criteria are shown.
3.2 Approach 1: Cross Matching of
Document Pairs
This is an incremental version of the method pre-
sented in (Arlandis et al., 2009). It reduces drastically
the time needed to train a high number of document
classes of that method, particularly when the docu-
ments to be indexed are not very similar. This is be-
cause, on one hand, candidate images are pre-selected
(as explained in the former section), which increases
the likelihood of finding a discriminant feature faster.
Figure 2: Examples of selection of candidate sub-images.
The first figure is a detail from the original reference image
for a class. The second represents the 80x30 sub-images
that have higher variance in that portion of the reference
image. Note that most of them are in borders between dark
and light sectors. The third image represents the 80x30 sub-
images that had higher variance and also passed certain en-
tropy difference criteria.
On the other hand, in the presented method, a local
feature is selected based on its discriminative power
between pairs of images, instead of requiring to find
it discriminitive among the rest of the classes.
Similarly to (Arlandis et al., 2009), this approach
relies on the fact that the discriminant power of a sub-
image of a fixed size I
, on the reference image of
class c with respect to the reference image of another
class c
can be expressed as:
= min
, I
x+i,y+ j
where d is a distance function used to measure dissim-
ilarity beteween two sub-images and w is the half size
of the search window, i.e, the matching area around
(x, y) needed to compensate for image distortions and
Then, r
represents the distance from I
to the
most similar sub-image found in an image from the
class c
around (x, y). Therefore, r is a good estimator
of the minimum distance that is expected to be found
when comparing I
to an image belonging to class
. That suggests that higher values of r
give rise to
a higher discriminant power of I
with respect to c
The set of final δ-landmarks (or anchor points) of
a class c, L
, can be defined as the set of the sub-
images I
that have a significant dissimilarity with
respect to each and every one of the other known
= {I
> T
}, c 6= c
where the threshold T
can be empirically set. The
cardinality of this set will depend on two factors:
A sub-image of a class may be discriminant
enough (r
> T
) with respect to more than a
class, and δ-landmarks from differents pairs of
classes can be shared.
It is possible to enforce a minimum number of δ-
landmarks for each pair of classes by appropri-
ately tuning T
To find the sub-images that discriminate between two
given classes, the candidate features of the new class
found in the δ-landmark selection phase are tested
for minimum normalized distance in a search win-
dow (relative to the coordinates of the feature) of the
other class. If the distance found is less than a pre-
determined threshold T
, that feature is annotated as
discriminating between the two classes. Afterwards,
the roles of the classes are reversed and the process
is repeated (notice that r
6= r
). Finally, the se-
lected features are consolidated by eliminating the re-
peated ones, which happens when a candidate feature
has been found to be discriminative among more than
a pair of classes.
Testing in this case is straightforward: each local fea-
ture from each training class is compared against the
test document in a search window around the feature
point coordinates to find the minimum distance. From
this, an average distance for each class can be com-
puted. Finally, the test document is assigned to the
class that gets the minimum average distance.
3.3 Approach 2: Direct Voting Scheme
The second approach tested was proposed in (Arlan-
dis et al., 2011). In this case, the identification of a
test document relies on the combination of the evi-
dence contributed by a high number of local features
In the training phase, a high number of sub-images
from each class are selected from its reference im-
ages, and a local feature vector from each sub-image
is obtained expanding the gray values of pixels in a
row vector. The sub-image selection criterion should
retain areas with potentially discriminative content, as
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
explained in section 3.1. In the test phase, a high num-
ber of sub-images are also selected from an test image
and used to classify it. In this case, a higher number of
sub-images is required since the reference images are
filled-in documents, and they have more potentially
discriminative content.
The discriminative power of the local features ex-
tracted from the selected sub-images is improved by
taking into account non-local, or global, geometric in-
formation. Thus, the coordinates of each sub-image
are added as two new components to the feature vec-
tors, and properly normalized before classification.
To tune the effect of these global features with respect
to the rest of the components, two weighting factors
, α
) empirically estimated are applied.
Each vector is classified according to the k-nearest
neighbors rule, and finally, the class with the largest
number of votes is obtained. More formally, the
classification procedure used is related to the meth-
ods often referred to as direct voting schemes (Mohr
et al., 1997). Given a prototype set representing the
reference classes, and a set of feature vectors m
, . . . , y
} extracted from a test image Y , the classi-
fier can be written as a linear combination of m
sifiers, each one from every feature vector of Y (Kit-
tler et al., 1998). The so called sum rule, often used in
practical applications, can be used to optimally clas-
sify an image Y in a class ˆw:
ˆw = argmax
1 jd
Assuming that the number of vectors of each class
in the prototype set is fixed according to the a priori
probabilities of the classes, the following classifica-
tion rule can be used:
ˆw = argmax
1 jd
i j
where k
i j
is the number of neighbors of y
to the class ω
provided by the k-nearest neighbors
rule. That is, a class ˆw with the largest number of
votes accumulated over all vectors extracted from the
test image is selected.
Note that the selection criterion, as proposed in
section 3.3, is applied within a class. Therefore, it is
not guaranteed that similar sub-images from different
classes can be found at similar locations, although it
is expected that the probability of matching an “extra-
neous” vector (casual matchings) will be distributed
among the different classes when using a large num-
ber of vectors.
Two different sources of documents have been used
to test the accuracy of the proposed methods. The
first is the SD6 NIST database (Dimmick and Garris,
1992) consisting of 5590 binary filled-in forms, 300
dpi, US Letter size, from 20 different classes. The
second one (IDF1) is a document collection obtained
from an actual office setting. It consists of 683 binary
and gray-scale documents from 47 classes including
invoices, bank documents, personal documents, and a
variety of forms of different sizes and aspect ratios,
but mostly 300 dpi DIN A4 size, portrait orientation,
and various amounts of filled-in contents.
From these databases, two data sets have been
SD6. Used as a baseline for comparison against
other approaches (see (Sarkar, 2006), (Sarkar,
2010)). Experiments with different number of ref-
erence images were carried out.
IDF1+SD6. Composed by the union of both
databases, it is used to obtain results using
the maximum number of classes available (67
classes). One reference image per class was se-
lected for the training set, while 6 to 10 images
per class were used for testing. The reference im-
ages have been checked and, if necessary, manu-
ally cleaned to remove filled-in contents.
Several preprocess techniques have been tested
with all image sets. Automatic orientation normal-
ization was applied to the documents and each image
was size normalized (to an equivalent of an A4 page at
300 dpi area) preserving its original aspect ratio. Fi-
nally, to reduce the processing time, the images were
scaled by a factor of 0.25.
The list of candidate reference points was ob-
tained and ordered as explained in section 3.1. To
select candidate sub-images, several textural features
were computed on local windows of 80 × 30 pixels.
Some tests were performed to measure the capabil-
ity of several textural features to select the most dis-
criminative sub-images, and it was found that vari-
ance, autocorrelation coeficient and entropy differ-
ence worked better than the rest. The entropy differ-
ence was finally used in the experiments.
In the particular case of the Cross Matching clas-
sifier, to account for potential translations of the test
image relative to the reference images, a search area
of 200 × 200 pixels around the landmark coordinates
was used. The threshold T
was empirically set, and
the first two landmarks of the candidate list having a
correlation index over T
were selected for each pair
of classes, which led to a total average number of 29.9
(SD6) and 52.2 (IDF1+SD6) landmarks per class. Us-
ing this setting, all documents from both SD6 and
IDF1+SD6 test sets were correctly classified.
In the case of the Direct Voting Scheme classifier,
a sub-sampling was applied in order to ensure that
any selected sub-image having static contents from
a test image was included in the training set. After
an empirical initial evaluation, a fixed number of 300
reference points were selected from each training im-
age and 400 points from each test image. A PCA di-
mensionality reduction was applied to the local fea-
tures selected, resulting on 15-dimensional vectors.
Four nearest neighbours were considered in the sum
classification rule described in section 3.3. A kd-tree
data structure, provided fast approximate k-nearest
neighbor search. All documents from the combined
IDF1+SD6 test set were correctly classified using two
reference images.
4.1 Reject Option
For a given test set, the distribution of the reliabil-
ity indices of well classified documents should not
overlap with the distribution of the reliabilities of mis-
classified and non-indexed documents (unknown doc-
uments). Obviously, the more separated both distribu-
tions are, the better generalization is to be expected.
Thus, 205 randomly selected document images,
mostly forms, not belonging to any of the reference
images, was collected and used as a test set of un-
known documents. The reliablity of a class for a given
document was computed as follows:
Cross Matching classifier (CM): The mean of the
correlation index obtained for all the landmarks of
the class.
Direct Voting Scheme (DVS): The class posterior
probability provided by the sum rule classifier.
Table 1 shows the results obtained on the SD6 and
IDF1+SD6 databases, along with the unknown doc-
ument set. Using the reliability indices defined, the
recall at 100% precision, and the KL-divergence ob-
tained are shown, as well as the error rate (no un-
known documents considered). The KL-divergence
was computed using the abovementioned reliability
distributions. Because of the non-symetric quality of
the KL-divergence, the minimum value of the two
disssimilarity functions between both reliability dis-
tributions is shown.
On one hand, the results show that the combi-
nation of the reference point selection method used,
along with the two classifiers described, provided a
100% recognition rate on the two sets tested. On the
other hand, the recall, precision and KL-divergence
Table 1: Error rate, Recall at 100% precision, and KL-
divergence measured on the SD6 and IDF1+SD6 databases
for the best parameter sets.
Error Rate Recall 100% KL-diverg
SD6 0 0 100 99.8 40.8 36.7
Both 0 0 99.9 99.9 38.0 37.3
values obtained suggest that the reliability measure
provided by both classifiers is able to correctly rank
the known and unknown documents, and therefore,
allows the rejection of the unknown ones without sig-
nificantly affect the rejection of indexed documents.
The processing speed measured on an AMD 64-
bits 4 CPU 3 GHz machine for the DVS method was
1.6 doc/s in both data sets. In the case of CM, the
speed was 0.47 doc/s for the IDF1+SD6 database and
1.02 doc/s for the SD6 database.
Two approaches to deal with the task of classifying
documents with total flexibility of designs, layouts,
sizes, and amount of filled-in contents in an efficient
way have been tested. A common method for select-
ing the best reference points in the document images
has been used to improve the results.
Experiments on document identification were car-
ried out, and all the documents from both SD6 and
the combined database were correctly classified, and
good performances on the rejection rates of non-
indexed document images were also achieved. Train-
ing and test computation times were within the de-
mands of a real workflow in document processing.
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