(SD6) and 52.2 (IDF1+SD6) landmarks per class. Us-
ing this setting, all documents from both SD6 and
IDF1+SD6 test sets were correctly classified.
In the case of the Direct Voting Scheme classifier,
a sub-sampling was applied in order to ensure that
any selected sub-image having static contents from
a test image was included in the training set. After
an empirical initial evaluation, a fixed number of 300
reference points were selected from each training im-
age and 400 points from each test image. A PCA di-
mensionality reduction was applied to the local fea-
tures selected, resulting on 15-dimensional vectors.
Four nearest neighbours were considered in the sum
classification rule described in section 3.3. A kd-tree
data structure, provided fast approximate k-nearest
neighbor search. All documents from the combined
IDF1+SD6 test set were correctly classified using two
reference images.
4.1 Reject Option
For a given test set, the distribution of the reliabil-
ity indices of well classified documents should not
overlap with the distribution of the reliabilities of mis-
classified and non-indexed documents (unknown doc-
uments). Obviously, the more separated both distribu-
tions are, the better generalization is to be expected.
Thus, 205 randomly selected document images,
mostly forms, not belonging to any of the reference
images, was collected and used as a test set of un-
known documents. The reliablity of a class for a given
document was computed as follows:
• Cross Matching classifier (CM): The mean of the
correlation index obtained for all the landmarks of
the class.
• Direct Voting Scheme (DVS): The class posterior
probability provided by the sum rule classifier.
Table 1 shows the results obtained on the SD6 and
IDF1+SD6 databases, along with the unknown doc-
ument set. Using the reliability indices defined, the
recall at 100% precision, and the KL-divergence ob-
tained are shown, as well as the error rate (no un-
known documents considered). The KL-divergence
was computed using the abovementioned reliability
distributions. Because of the non-symetric quality of
the KL-divergence, the minimum value of the two
disssimilarity functions between both reliability dis-
tributions is shown.
On one hand, the results show that the combi-
nation of the reference point selection method used,
along with the two classifiers described, provided a
100% recognition rate on the two sets tested. On the
other hand, the recall, precision and KL-divergence
Table 1: Error rate, Recall at 100% precision, and KL-
divergence measured on the SD6 and IDF1+SD6 databases
for the best parameter sets.
Error Rate Recall 100% KL-diverg
SD6 0 0 100 99.8 40.8 36.7
Both 0 0 99.9 99.9 38.0 37.3
values obtained suggest that the reliability measure
provided by both classifiers is able to correctly rank
the known and unknown documents, and therefore,
allows the rejection of the unknown ones without sig-
nificantly affect the rejection of indexed documents.
The processing speed measured on an AMD 64-
bits 4 CPU 3 GHz machine for the DVS method was
1.6 doc/s in both data sets. In the case of CM, the
speed was 0.47 doc/s for the IDF1+SD6 database and
1.02 doc/s for the SD6 database.
Two approaches to deal with the task of classifying
documents with total flexibility of designs, layouts,
sizes, and amount of filled-in contents in an efficient
way have been tested. A common method for select-
ing the best reference points in the document images
has been used to improve the results.
Experiments on document identification were car-
ried out, and all the documents from both SD6 and
the combined database were correctly classified, and
good performances on the rejection rates of non-
indexed document images were also achieved. Train-
ing and test computation times were within the de-
mands of a real workflow in document processing.
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ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods