problem as was mentioned above. A small hospital
produces only images in size of 5 to 10 TBytes per
year. To keep this amount of data “forever” becomes
a problem with many dimensions.
3.1 Technical Questions
It is obvious that today HIS are distributed. The
problem here is that they are classical mesh systems.
They are hierarchical systems of systems. A lot of
currently available subsystems have to be integrated
in new systems. Constantly part of them has some
specifics that need special patches or convertors to
enable inclusion.
More problematic is the fact that wireless
connection from different mobile devices becomes
widely used.
We see two general thing needing theoretical and
practical solutions.
1) First is that current distributed HIS architectures
generate problems for the medical personnel if it has
to acquire data from different sources connected to
different servers or subsystems. In many cases this
needs to know the exact system structure, to have
access rights to its different elements and so.
Hospitals are geographically distributed and their
divisions have to be connected properly and to look
like single object. The addressed solution here is
similar to the “cloud”. This is the so-called virtual
mono machine. The idea is old but can be
implemented today because of technological
revolution and performance bust. On abstract level
the system is represented like a single computer
implementing all system’s functionality. This is the
way the user sees telephone network. All layering,
abstractions and networking are hidden inside. Part
of this idea is designed and implemented in
DAPSEpro system.
This approach has one important drawback. It needs
very formal approach on the boundary between the
abstract mono-machine and real distributed systems.
The advantages of this approach comparable to
“cloud” are much a) better security and b) flexibility
for future extensions.
2) The second general problem for solving is the
mentioned above mobile access to HIS and medical
services. It covers two very different objects – any
kind of people’s access device (smart phones, tablets
and so) and mobile medical equipment (wearable
sensors, equipment in ambulances, autonomous
devices with wireless connectivity). All this is part
of today’s mHealth technologies.
Here we have to meet security and safety
requirements. They are subject to be increased all
the time.
The direction of information exchange is the next
thing to be solved. Primarily the main direction was
from the sensors and apparata to the HIS. Today the
exchange is fully bi-directional. To the mobile user
area transferred data of any kind – numerical,
images and so. Moreover – there is a special kind of
education for students and for patients oriented to
modern mobile devices and networking
All of this emphasizes the understandings of new
modalities and identification of opportunities for
implementing interoperable devices and systems,
and integration available HIS.
3.2 Medical Questions
We mentioned above that IT technologies can
provide to the medical society wide stream of new
Personal health record covering all aspects of
someone’s health history is still questionable.
Problems are coming from two sources – how and
where we can keep records and who needs life long
data tracking.
One of the challenges today is remote
consultancy. It needs in many cases transfer of
imaging and numerical information, held on paper
documents and similar. It has to be presented in
every HIS.
A special point is drug tracking in the context
complex analyses of how they influence patients,
combinations, age, gender and other cross-relations.
Mentioned above problems of creation of better
body and organ 3D models for every-day diagnosis
and health tracking and personal health profile
3.3 Business Questions
A lot business questions have to be answered when
HIS is designed and implemented. They point to the
following different aspects:
The prise for data center – in exploitation time
this becomes really expensive.
Security support – depending on security level
planned to reach the price is becoming significant.
Every-day expenses for hospital activities,
patients care, medications, etc. have to be tracked.
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics